Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 586: Happy... troubled? Compensation thing!

Hosoya Hiroshi hurried back home, with a blush and a wolverine. Fortunately, my face was covered with cream, and I couldn’t see any expression on my face.

"Mom?" Hosokawa Chisato is playing the game of "Divination" with Li Yaoer. When she sees the mother who is full of mess, she can't react.

"I will go to the bath first..." When the daughter and the outsiders saw what they were like at the moment, Hikoya was more embarrassed and rushed into the bathroom.

The door was closed tightly, but my heart was still slamming, especially thinking that I had just been stunned by the real Zhongjun... licking the hot cheeks, Hiroshi Rieko couldn’t imagine how to face him in the future.

Also, why did Zhen Zhongjun do this, is it deliberate or... Zhen Zhongjun is still a child after all, so it must not be intentional. He may also want to make fun of himself, but he accidentally made a mistake.


On the other hand, Li Xuehao pushed open the bathroom door and walked in, then his eyes widened in a flash.

Unlike his imaginary bathroom, there is a girl standing in the moment, because I heard the movement of the door, just turned around.

It was a girl who was naked.

The tall figure, the crystal clear skin, the drops of water on it, the full curve of the chest, completely exposed to the air, the girl's firm and mature women's full, slender legs, slender waist, and squat The department forms a perfectly exaggerated wavy line.

The skin is white and crystal, even without a trace of variegated...

"Ah--" The moon's knot flower finally woke up and screamed with high screams.

Li Xuehao turned around and ran out of the bathroom, then closed the door tightly.

At the entrance of the living room, Gua Ma Mai was eating and laughing and looked over. Obviously this is her conspiracy. I just said that I should not be too grateful to her. I was here waiting for him!

"Ma Jie sister -" Li Xuehao took her eyes and jokes, this joke is too big.

It doesn't matter if the melons are in the face of the linen, even with a thick color: "Have you seen it?"

"No!" Li Xuehao was too angry, but couldn't really take her. He said a word, and quickly ran upstairs.

"Haha..." came a happy laughter from melons.

When Li Xuehao was angry, he also jumped in his heart and saw the body of a girl with his own eyes. He was the first time. Although the appearance of the bright moon knot is not as refined as that of Chiba Sayuri, but the figure is very perfect and full, it has just been confirmed by the eyes.

Just looking at her body, it is not as natural as what Gua Ma said. I don't know how the moon will come out and wait for him to come out. Although he is also a "victim", this kind of thing is a girl's loss, and he is a little embarrassed.

I could have been hiding in my room, but now my bedroom has become a room for the moon, and it is equal to "the sheep into the tiger's mouth."

Walking back and forth in the hallway, but did not prevent a rush of footsteps coming from downstairs, someone came up.

Li Xuehao looked at the past with a hard scalp. Sure enough, without any luck, the person who came up was the moonlight.

Not a naked moon in the bathroom, she has already dressed, it is estimated that the melon is brought to her.

The body was very cool, black shorts, white tight t-shirt, and her slim and plump figure was perfectly outlined.

Long hair is still wet, from the front to the back, and then hung on the ear, so that the face that does not look so exquisite with a strange attraction, people can not help but want to see more .

Perhaps because of the relationship between bathing, there is more than a special scent like flowers and flowers that don't seem like flowers, and the scent of shower gel. The two scent are mixed together and the scent is enhanced several times, even if it is not close. Li Xuehao also clearly smelled the fragrance of her body.

"Hao Er!" When he saw him, he stood in the hallway, and the moon was cold and cold and looked at him. His face was shy and with a hint of anger that could not be concealed.

"Jiehua sister..." Li Xuehao screamed lowly, and he was ready to meet the storm.

"Follow me!" seems to be scrupulous to come to the corridor at any time, the moon and the knot bite the teeth, first entered the room.

Li Xuehao followed.

The moon was tied to the bed and looked at him like a prisoner: "I know, is it right for you to enter the bathroom?" Apparently, she has just learned the reason below.

"Yes, Jiehua sister." Li Xuehao sighed with relief. Since the moon has already been known, he can also save the trouble of explanation. As a result, his "crime" is much smaller. .

"You seem to be a lot easier?" Mingyue knotted flower noticed his expression changes, sneer, "If this is the case, you have already seen my body... body!" Unnaturally, the expression on the face is very complicated, and there is a trace of anger in the blush.

"Jiehua sister, you know that I didn't mean it..." Li Xuehao wanted to explain, but was immediately interrupted by the moonlight. "But I saw it, right?"

Li Xuehao was speechless, because he did see it, and even the most private places could be seen clearly. This is not a refusal.

"How are you going to compensate me?" Seeing that he was silent and not answering, the moon was cold and cold.

"Compensation?" Li Xuehao heard a glimpse, and this thing has "compensation"?

"I want to learn Chinese magic!" The moonlight blossoms opened her condition, which is what she has always wanted to learn.

Li Xuehao frowned slightly and shook his head. "Jiehua sister, don't forget that we have made an agreement between us. Even if I am willing to teach you now, if you are not proficient in Chinese, you will not learn."

"That's okay." Hearing this, the moonlight seems to have given up this compensation method and said, "If that's the case, then you have to promise me one thing!"

"You said, Jiehua sister."

"The last time I told you, my mother wants us to get engaged first..." When it came to this, the moon knotted the flower and waited for his reaction.

Li Xuehao frowned and looked at the moonlight, guessing whether she hinted that she had cooperated with the "plan" she had originally proposed. The two first engaged, and when she went to college, she would find a reason to break up.

"You don't have to look at me like that. Auntie Hana also agrees. We can pretend to be engaged..." It may be what I thought of, and the moonlight flower suddenly became tweaked. I didn't dare to look at him at the beginning. "If you promised I will only be with me alone in the future. I will not have happened in the bathroom. Even if you want to see it, I will show it to you every day..."

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