Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1576: Shinichiro Fukui

"Zhen Zhongjun, Qing Yilang... Is it really here?" Fukui teacher has seen it around several times, but still did not find her husband's figure, even people only see one, that is, the tramp who is sleeping late.

Li Xuehao has been paying attention to the move of the tramp. When Fukui’s teacher said the name “King Ichiro”, his body trembled again, but he soon returned to calm.

Whether it is from his reaction or his own speculation based on Fukui’s face, the identity of this tramp has already come to the fore.

Li Xuehao walked over and stopped behind the tramp. He was not sure what happened to the other person, but he wanted to do so. He must have his reasons.

"Hello," he said behind him.

A little further away, Fukui teacher and Yuji Yuko and Aoyama Yuzi did not know why he greeted a tramp. Although Fukui’s heart was anxious, he finally restrained the impulse and faintly regretted that he actually listened to a strange boy. I believe he can take her to find her husband.

As for the hobo, the tramp did not respond at first, but after a while, it may be that the person behind him did not leave, and he finally turned around.

Sit up from the bench and bow your head: "Hello." The voice was hoarse and ugly, as if there was a pile of broken glass **** in the throat, which made people feel a scalp tingling.

"Have you been here?" Li Xuehao continued to ask, he was close at hand, but he did not smell any stink on the tramp. He obviously cares about the cleanliness of his body, just because he wears worn clothes, plus That scar of horror, so ordinary people certainly can not approach him.

"Yes..." The tramp kept his head down, seemingly a few people who were afraid of being present.

Fukui teacher is getting more and more impatient. She knows this tramp and has seen him many times... No, it is very, very many times. It seems that there are several years, and I don’t know when it started, he will appear. Then, "settling down" in the park, the people nearby saw him poor, and occasionally he would help him, she also did this.

It was just a terrible scar on the other side, which made her dare not approach easily. She usually put things to help him at the gate of the park and then left in a hurry.

She is impatient, this teenager said that she can bring her to find her husband, but now she is talking to this tramp, can this tramp help?

“喵~~” A small stray cat ran from a distance and attracted the attention of Fukui’s teacher. It may be less than two months old, but it is very small, but it is very healthy. At the foot of the tramp, it kept calling.

The tramp gently hugged it up and looked very careful. He took out some biscuits from the box he had just taken as a pillow. He didn’t know who helped him and he couldn’t bear to eat it. He left it to this one. Small stray cats eat.

The small stray cat shrank on his lap and ate it with gusto.

The tramp has been stroking it with his hands, very careful and gentle.

This scene, let Fukui teacher see a glimpse, she remembered a figure, he was also so fond of small animals...

Yuji Yuko and Aoyama Yuzi saw this scene of harmonious harmony between the cats. It seems that they are not so afraid of the tramp. The two little girls are a little closer, but they still dare not get too close.

"Can you tell me your name?" Li Xuehao asked the tramp who gently touched the stray cat.

The tramp hesitated, hoarsely said: "straight people..."

Li Xuehao smiled faintly. The name "straight person" is too ordinary. You can find more than a dozen in the vicinity.

"Isn't Kyungichiro?" He suddenly turned his head.

The tramp body trembled, and Fukui’s teacher trembled and looked at him with his mouth open.

"What do you say?" After the tremor, the tramp quickly calmed down, pretending not to understand, but in fact the hand of the pet stray cat was betrayed him in a slight trembling.

"Fukui Keiichiro, that's right." Li Xuehao continued to say.

The tramp body shook even more. The stray cat on his leg seemed to notice his abnormality. He looked up and called out: "Hey~~"

"King Ichiro, is that you?" Fukui teacher trembled and slowly approached, his eyes were already red, and the picture that had just been remembered overlapped with the tramp in front of her eyes. Her heart was sad and excited.

The tramp was shocked and suddenly put down the stray cat and ran away.

Just did not run two steps, Li Xuehao has already preempted him on his shoulders. He suddenly can't move: "Mr. Qing Yilang, escaping is not the solution to the problem. Fukui has been waiting for you for many years."

"I..." The tramp wants to say something, but the teacher Fukui has rushed up and ignored him, hugged him and hugged him tightly. At this moment, the scary scar on his body could not stop her heart from breaking out. Feelings.

"Vegetable beauty..." The tramp couldn't move, and the voice hoarsely called the wife's name.

"King Ichiro..." Fukui teacher choked and burst into tears, like a child who was bullied.

Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuko, who stood on the side, have already widened their eyes. This kind of picture is like watching a TV series. Two little girls are deeply shocked.

"Hao Er brother, is that the husband of Fukui teacher?" Yuji Yuji stepped forward and hugged someone's arm.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. When he saw Fukui's first look, he probably understood why the other party didn't go home in seven or eight years. That scary scar, I am afraid he didn't want his wife to see such ugly. He, so he created an illusion that he was kidnapped by someone.

"Why is he..." Yuji Yuji has some incomprehensible practices like Fukui Keiichiro. It is obvious that he is not far from home, why not go home?

"Probably experienced some bad things." Li Xuehao speculated that from Fukui's body, he sensed a sigh of anger, but it was not his, I am afraid that someone who left such a scary scar on him In the end, who is so worried, actually tortured a good person like this, but did not kill him.

"King Ichiro, let's go home..." On the bench, Fukui released her husband and stroked the scary scar on his face, but there was no fear. She just wanted to take him home.

Fukui Keiichiro hesitated. He looked at his wife slyly and finally shook his head.

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