Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1575: Missing husband

"Can you go in and say?" In the face of the shock of Fukui teacher, Li Xuehao pointed to the house behind her, meaning that some things are not convenient to say here.

In the eyes of Fukui, he showed a hesitation and hesitation. He looked at Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuko around him. In the end, he might think that the three should not be malicious, so they let them in.

The three were brought to the living room by Mr. Fukui. Although the living room was small, it was neatly packed and meticulous. Obviously, Fukui, who is the master of the family, is very qualified as a housewife.

Moreover, Fukui teacher is not really unappealing. After the three people settled, she went to tea and took some cakes to entertain them.

This point is that some of Yasu Yuko and Aoyama Yuko who are afraid of her are very flattered, but it may be that the harsh image in school is too deep, and the two little girls don’t dare to swallow the delicate cakes. Easy to get it.

And Fukui did not notice this little detail. She just stared at the teenager who had just said the words that shocked her: "Who are you?"

"My name is Zhenzhong Hao Er, a student of Sakurano High School." Li Xuehao naturally knew what she said and gave her a shock, first introduced herself.

Teacher Fukui didn't care about his identity at all. She couldn't wait any longer: "How do you know my husband and he..." I wanted to continue, but stopped because of scruples.

"It’s been missing for seven or eight years." Li Xuehao took her words and said that from the face of the past, he has already seen that Fukui’s teacher is the "flying and flying" phase, usually only when the husband and wife are separated. This aspect will be revealed.

Fukui took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened his eyes again: "Can you tell me, how do you know?" The fact that her husband’s disappearance has always been a secret in her heart, she did not tell No one even has an alarm. Because she dare not say it, she only said that her husband went to China to do business.

As for the reason why I dare not say it, on the first day of the New Year every year, she will pick up a note at the door. The note is written by the observer, saying that her husband is safe, don’t worry, don’t go Alarm, otherwise her husband will suffer a lot.

This secret, one for eight years, and her pen, was bought in China when she was just married, when she was married, because she was broken, and she couldn’t help but cry.

For eight years, she didn't even know if her husband was really as safe as it was written on paper. Sometimes she couldn't help but have a terrible thought. Maybe her husband had already died, but because of her obsession, So she has been insisting and waiting, maybe one day, her husband will appear in front of her and give her a big surprise.

“Does Fukui believe in divination?” Li Xuehao thought about the wording and asked.

"Divination..." Fukui’s teacher frowned, which had nothing to do with the questions she asked.

"Actually, it is the result of my divination for Mr. Fukui who has not returned home in seven or eight years." Li Xuehao knows that it is difficult to believe a normal person, but he can't think of a better way.

Sure enough, the brow on Fukui’s face was deeply wrinkled, and even lost, even prepared to lose their temper to drive them away, if not because the other is a teenager and two girls, she probably has done so.

Although Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuko also heard a strange topic such as "divination", the two little girls didn't have any doubts about what he said. Even if Koji said that he could pick the moon, they also Believe.

"Fukui teacher, I know where your husband is." When Fukui’s face was inconspicuous, Li Xuehao said a stone-shattering story.

Fukui’s body trembled fiercely, and all the angry anger was thrown aside, looking at him with expectation and fear: “Really, really?” She couldn’t believe it, but her heart was very hopeful.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao definitely nodded.

"He, where is he?" Fukui teacher trembled with his voice. No matter what the boy said was true or false, she was willing to believe that he was telling the truth, just like a drowning man, caught a float. Wood will never loosen again.

"Not far from here, if you want to see him, I can take you there now." Li Xuehao said, in fact, look closely at the face of Fukui teacher, although it is the "flying and flying" phase, but there is a faint "鸾凤和鸣"The sign, this shows that her husband is actually not far away, may have been around her, just did not meet her."

As for the reasons for this, he is still not known for the time being, but I must be able to find out her husband, and all the truth will be revealed.

"By, please!" Hearing can go to see her husband now, Fukui’s eyes are red, and he stands up and bows to him deeply.

"Let's go." Li Xuehao also stood up and greeted two gimmicks who were still staring at the pastry on the coffee table. They also knew that the matter was important. Although they were nostalgic, they also followed.

After leaving the door, Li Xuehao led the way in front of him. After Fukui’s teacher followed him, he was so excited that he would not even walk. He almost slipped on the road several times in a row.

“It’s just ahead.” Li Xuehao led several people to a park near the home of Fukui’s teacher. The park was a little big, but it’s half old, and it may have been built for many years.

There are no people in the park, but there are a lot of stray cats and dogs. When they see people, they immediately break into the grass. Oh, I haven’t escaped, and I’m secretly observing their every move.

"Really, really Zhongjun, is it here?" Fukui teacher looked around and there was almost no place for Tibetans around, and she often came to this park, will her husband be here?

"Yeah." Li Xuehao faintly sighed, looking at a reclining chair not far away, a tramp in a ragged clothes was lying there lazily, the surface of the bare skin was covered with scars, I don’t know What caused it, it looks terrible.

But what is even more terrifying is that his face is also covered with criss-cross scars. It looks like a sly cockroach, horrible, and directly scared Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuko to go to the beginning, dare not look he.

Perhaps they also realized that their image was very scary. The tramp looked at them a few times, their eyes narrowed, turned over, and turned their backs to them.


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