"Why, Kyung Ichiro? No matter what you look like, I won't care, as long as you are by my side..." Fukui was very excited, thinking that her husband was worried that he would dislike him now and excitedly hugged him. .

"Delivery..." Fukui Keiichiro seems to have something to say, but he did not wait for him to say it. Li Xuehao on the side has already said, "Mr. Kyi Ichiro, Fukui has been waiting for you for many years, and you have the heart to let her continue. ?"

Saji Yuko, who is holding his arm, also helped: "Yeah, yes, Fukui teacher is very pitiful. Last time I saw her crying."

Perhaps the persuasion of the two had an effect, and Fukui’s eyes flashed a bit of pain and nodded slowly.

Feeling the softening of her husband's attitude, Fukui teacher is no longer so excited, but still clinging to her husband's arm, for fear that he suddenly fled, and did not forget to thank her who brought her husband: "Thank you. , Zhen Zhongjun, thank you!"

"You're welcome." Li Xuehao said modestly, Fukui's hesitation and pain did not escape his eyes. He realized that it was speculated that Fukui Keiichiro did not dare to recognize Fukui because he is now ugly. Not all the reasons, maybe he has other unspeakable secrets, and the greater possibility may be related to the origin of the scars on his body.

Since I have done a good person, I am simply doing good things. Li Xuehao is ready to completely solve the troubles of Fukui Keiichiro. It is clear that Fukui’s attitude towards the little stray cat is a kind person, at least kind. People should not suffer.


After returning to Fukui’s home, after the initial excitement and surprise, Fukui’s teacher calmed down and arranged her husband and three guests in the living room.

Because the tea that had been soaked on the coffee table was already cold, she changed a few cups of hot tea, and she was more caring for her husband.

In fact, at this time, Li Xuehao and Yuji Yuko and Aoyama Yuzi should have to say goodbye. After all, it may be the private time of the husband and wife.

But they are cheeky and left, and the teacher of Fukui with gratitude will never drive them away, and even entertain more enthusiastic.

Perhaps this kind of enthusiasm, so that Yukio Sakai did not have the previous restraint, has dared to reach out to take the snacks on the plate, and Qingshan Yuzi also has the same kind of learning. The two little hoes have finally eaten just swallowing. pastry.

"Cough." Li Xuehao pretended not to see the act of losing face to the snacks. He looked at Fukui Keiichiro, who looked even more awkward in the light of the light. "Mr. Fukui, you can say, how did you cause it... Son?" When he spoke, he pointed to the other person's body and face.

Such abrupt and rude words gave Fukui Kyoriro a glimpse of his eyes, then shook his head: "All have passed..." The voice is still hoarse, and he seems to want to mention more of the painful experience.

Although Fukui teacher also wants to know the reason, her husband is not willing to say more, she is not good to chase after asking.

Li Xuehao knows that there is no terrible experience. Fukui Keiichiro will not say it easily, even if he is in front of his wife, he said faintly: "Actually, there are scars on your face, I have a way to help you eliminate it. ""

"What?" Fukui Keiichiro is a glimpse, and seems to wonder if he has misunderstood something.

Fukui teacher was excited: "Really? Zhen Zhongjun? Is this true?" After seeing his previous "Divination", she did find her husband. She is now very confident in what he said.

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded, but then turned around. "However, you must first know how Mr. Fukui was injured."

Fukui Fukui seems to have no interest in eliminating the scar on his body, or he does not believe that someone can do this. He is silent and does not speak.

Fukui teacher was anxious. She really wanted her husband to recover as usual: "King Ichiro, I also want to know what you have experienced, can you tell me?" She launched a tender attack.

"..." Fukui Keiichiro twitched his face. In the face of his wife's tenderness, his gaze finally loosened. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"And your voice..." The hoarse voice made Fukui’s eyes look red, and the voice was completely different from the previous husband.

Fukui Keiichiro said in a low voice: "I am used to it. When a person screams that their throats are broken, the sound will be the same as me."

Li Xuehao's gaze is slightly congested. Indeed, it is the ultimate, which will hurt the throat, but it is definitely not so easy to achieve. Therefore, what kind of pain he experienced, will have the extent that his throat is broken.

Fukui’s eyes were even redder. She also thought of the experience of letting her husband break his throat. How terrible and painful it is.

"I have been burned because of this injury." Fukui Keiichiro pointed to the bare skin, and there was a fear of lingering in his eyes. "Maybe there are traces of whipping..."

"King Ichiro..." Fukui teacher licked his mouth and his eyes were full of tears.

Katsui Fukui shook his head and motioned that she didn't have to be too sad: "I went home from work that day, and I was stunned from the back. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the operating table."

"They all wear masks, men and women, and let me leave as long as I work with them to complete the surgery."

"They painted a lot on me, I feel very painful, just like being burned..."

"I screamed desperately, asking them to let me go, but they didn't do that... then I passed out."

"When I woke up again, I was still on the operating table. Although I didn't die, it was almost dead..."

"Then one day, maybe a few months later, when my injuries were already good, they let me out..."

"I became like this now, I dare not go to you because I am afraid, they are still monitoring me, it will hurt you, the food is beautiful..."

Fukui’s teacher had already been in tears. Although she knew that her husband had experienced a very painful thing, when she heard it, she felt that her heart had been cut open.

"Who are they, do you know?" Li Xuehao asked on the side, but he also knew that he would not get any useful answers. The other party could put him out. It must be certain that he could not know who they were and could not find it. To them, otherwise killing people is the only means that will not expose themselves.

However, Fukui’s answer was beyond his expectation: “I know, I know who one of them is!” Although the voice is hoarse and ugly, it carries an unforgettable hatred.

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