Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1574: unreasonable


With the rhythm of the school bell ringing, Li Xuehao and Yamamoto Ryota walked out of the classroom together.

The two were going to the Spiritual Society Activity Room on the fifth floor. When passing through the door of the class a year, a voice came out from inside: "The real classmate..." The voice is soft and weak, and seems a bit shy.

"Alisha?" Li Xuehao looked sideways and saw Suzuki Ariza coming out of the room with a book, bowing his head and being very shy.

"In the real, I went up first." Yamamoto Ryo, who was on the side, seemed to see something, said one, and left.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao waved his hand. With the approach of Suzuki Arisa, he found that many boys saw his eyes become unhealthy.

"I want to ask, what do you want to bring at night?" Suzuki Ariza seems to feel the surrounding eyes, and her face is redder.

“It’s best to have tents, food, water, and lights.” Li Xuehao thought about it and added, “It may be a little cold at night, remember to wear enough clothes.”

"Okay, what else?" Suzuki Yarisa carefully remembered, and her sister asked her if she had something she didn't understand. She did the same.

"Just like this, you can also think about what you want to bring." Li Xuehao thinks that the ones he brought with him are almost the same, but the girls must be troublesome, and it is best to have full preparation.

"I know." Suzuki Yarisa nodded, and the voice was almost inaudible. "Thank you, really classmate."

"Well, then I will go first." Li Xuehao did not want to be seen as a monkey for too long. He could imagine that Suzuki Yalisha was the squad leader of the first class, and was a new student at the entrance ceremony. I am afraid it has already become a The embarrassing object of the boys, seeing her intimately whispering with a boy, will naturally lead to envy.


Farewell to Suzuki Yalisha, Li Xuehao came to the Spiritual Society Activity Room on the fifth floor to participate in the club activities, but halfway through the time, he left first, because he promised Yuki Yuki, to help her.

Suzuki Minako, who is the minister, did not say anything, but he was careful when he was at night. Of course, Li Xuehao knew that she was not worried about his safety, but hinted at him, looking at Suzuki Ariza, not Let her get hurt or something unexpected.

When I came to the city of Pingchuan Middle School, I saw a girl with a mushroom head standing in the doorway of the campus and looking forward to it. I was next to another girl with a slim, long and long ponytail.

The two are not others, the girl at the mushroom head is Yuki Yuki, and the girl with the double horsetail is Aoyama Yuko. Probably she listened to Yuki Yuki and said that he came back, so he came out to wait for him.

"Hao Er brother came." Seeing someone appear, Yuki Yuki excitedly waved.

"Brother!" Qingshan Yuzi is also full of joy, if not Yuki Yuki did not move, she may have been unable to resist the first to come.

"You have been waiting for a long time." Li Xuehao went over and asked.

"No, I just waited..." Qingshan Yuzi was about to say it, but Yuki Yuki interrupted her. "It has been waiting for a long time. Hao Er brother, you actually came so late, wait for me and Yuzi. When you eat, be a gift."

This girl began to cheat and lie, and Li Xuehao glanced at her: "I only ask for jade, don't ask you."

"What!" Yuji Yuji suddenly screamed and said, "Hey, Hao Er brother is really eccentric, why do you only ask me not to ask me?"

Qingshan Yuzi smiled sweetly on the side and seemed very happy.

"Because you eat too much, you will eat me poorly." Li Xuehao teased her purely.

"Then I only eat half of it, Hao Er brother." Yuki Yuki immediately thought of the corresponding policy.

Li Xuehao expressed her omnipotence in the aspect of eating. She reached out and licked her head and made a chicken-like shape. This said, "Okay, first do business, the teacher of Fukui." ?"

"Fukui teacher took a leave today." Yuji Yuko's answer made him laugh and cry.

"Then you still..." Li Xuehao originally wanted to say that you still let me come, but I thought that Xiao Shantou also asked him to help before coming to school in the morning. It is estimated that the teacher Fukui will take time off, but the little girl knows it. Don't email him or make a phone call and let him go for nothing.

"Huo Er brother does not want to be angry, we can go to the home of Fukui teacher." Yuki Yuki sees his discomfort, and quickly said.

“Going to her house?” Li Xuehao hesitated, but he only went to Pingchuan Middle School to solve the problem, but now he has to go to the teacher’s house, which is not within his plan.

"Yes, Yuzi knows where the home of Fukui is? Right, Yuzi." Yuji Yuji looked at the green mountain jade next to him.

Qingshan Yuzi nodded again and again: "Yes, Yuzi knows where Fujing’s teacher is, brother, I can take you there."

"Well, let's go." Since he came, Li Xuehao did not want to go back like this. Moreover, he did not want to disappoint Qingshan Yuzi. Looking at her, she wanted to show something.

When the two little hoes first went back to the classroom and took the schoolbags, the three of them went together to go to Fukui’s home.

The home of Fukui’s teacher, a ten-minute journey from Hirakawa High School, is a very ordinary building.

The three entered the courtyard, and Yuki Yuki pre-empted the doorbell.

Not long after, I saw a woman in her thirties who opened the door and opened the door. When I saw the three people outside the door, I couldn’t help but scream. I might not have thought that someone who was unexpected would come to visit.

"Fukui teacher." Yuji Yuki and Aoyama Yuko all bowed to her respectfully.

"Is it you?" Fukui teacher returned to God, frowning, and his tone was a bit cold. This attitude is not like a teacher, but rather worse than a stranger.

Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuzi were somewhat scared. They stood on the side and did not dare to speak. Li Xuehao said: "Mr. Fukui, I am the brother of Yuki Yuki, and I am mainly apologizing today..."

"No, let's go." Before he finished, Fukui was interrupted coldly and completely refused to be thousands of miles away.

In the face of this unreasonable attitude, Li Xuehao took a closer look at her face: "Fukui teacher, if you have not guessed wrong, your husband has not returned home for many years."

Fukui is preparing to close the door. When he heard this, the body suddenly trembled and looked at him with shock: "How do you know?"

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