Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1573: Miserable idiot

Returning home from Baijing Apartment, it was just the time for dinner.

Li Xuehao was caught in a series of "interrogations" by Gua Mai, and he was finally smothered by him. After dinner, he went upstairs early.

This evening, he still went to Mrs. Hosoya. Unfortunately, from today, Mrs. Hosoya can't accompany him in the next few days. She came to the physiological period.

Li Xuehao did not go to her simply because she was greedy for the joy of fish and water. Her body was owed, so she could accompany her quietly.


Early the next morning, I refreshed my bed, had breakfast, and went out with my bag.

"Hao Er brother!" When I approached Mr. Sakai's convenience store, I met the oncoming Yuki Yuki. The little girl carried a schoolbag and was obviously ready to go to school and ran over.

"Youzi, have you had breakfast?" Li Xuehao asked casually. When he met in Japan, he rarely asked if he had eaten, but for him, he would say what he thought.

"Not yet, my brother asked me to eat?" The little girl actually hit the snake with the stick and looked at him with anticipation.

"The weather is really good today." Li Xuehao did not hear her directly, knowing that she must have already eaten. This girl is only eating out of property, and wants to satisfy her appetite once again.

"Hey!" Sakai Yuko was a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly his eyes turned and turned. "Can I go to my home in the evening?"

"If I refuse, you will not come?" Li Xuehao asked.

Yuji Yuzawa seriously considered it and finally shook his head.

"Come on." Li Xuehao rolled his eyes.

"Hao Er brother is the best for Yuko." Yuji Yuji took his arm and smiled sweetly. The dimples on both sides of the baby's fat cheeks were unusually obvious, and they were sweet and fat.

"Let's say, there is something I want to trouble me." Li Xuehao saw her such a small expression, and she knew that she had nothing to offer and was not traitorous. Although she went to school and he was on the opposite road, it was normal to meet on the head, but generally she didn't like to wait in the convenience store. This time, she took the initiative to "attack" and thought it was not that simple with her toes.

"His brother is really smart." Yuki Yuki is a big flatterer, but patted and slaps, her voice is low. "My brother, if I did something bad, would you forgive me?"

"Well?" Li Xuehao frowned, and could hear it from the tone of the girl. She seemed to have done a very bad thing.

Yuji Yuji was very upset by him. When he finally closed his eyes, he said it directly: "In fact, there is nothing. I just... accidentally broke Fukui’s pen."

"Is the pen broken?" Li Xuehao stunned. It didn't sound like a serious thing, but the little girl was so uneasy, obviously things should not be so simple.

Since it has already been said, Yuji Yuki has completely broken the cans and broke: "Fukui teacher is very annoying, always asking us to do this, can not do it, when I was in class yesterday, I also stunned me. So, when I was angry, I dropped her pen around me on the floor."

"This is what you said is 'careless'?" Li Xuehao looked at her strangely, obviously deliberate.

"Don't care about these details." Sakai Yuko said, suddenly it became pitiful. "Hao brother, can you help me?"

"How to help? You should not buy a pen to pay for this Fukui teacher?" Li Xuehao looked at her and proposed a solution.

"I don't have money." The little girl shook her hands very easily.

Li Xuehao probably understands what she meant: "So you want me to pay for a pen to help you to Fukui teacher?"

"It seems like this." Yuji Yuji nodded shyly and looked very embarrassed.

"Sell it." Li Xuehao gave her a sigh of relief.

"What?" Yuji Yuji did not understand what he meant.

"It means to sell yourself." Li Xuehao explained it casually.

Yuki Yuki suddenly looked at him with a big eye. He couldn’t believe that he would make such a suggestion: "But no one buys a cockroach, Hao Er brother, can you reluctantly? Is it better for me to sell myself to you?" "It may be that I feel that my last proposal is a godsend. She pinches her fist and cheers herself up. "Yes, that's it!"

"I can't afford it when I buy it." Li Xuehao licked her mushroom head and said in her squeaky voice, "Well, just like this, I will buy a pen for you to pay for this Fukui teacher. But what do you want to tell me? What brand?"

"Oh..." Sakai Yuko showed his thoughts, but soon his face fell down. "I forgot what it was like."

"What do you say?" Li Xuehao is also speechless. This girl is really not reliable. Let him help. Doesn't she figure out everything beforehand?

"I have to go to the teacher Fukui to ask before I know, but..." I didn't know what to think, and Yuki Yuki hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Li Xuehao frowned, feeling that this girl still seemed to hide some of his things.

"Fukui teacher seems to like her pen very much. I saw her crying when she picked up the pen on the ground, and she didn't even yell at me and left." Yuji Yuki carefully recalled, crying and sulking. "I don't dare to go to her..."

"You are a fool, always in trouble." After listening to her description, Li Xuehao couldn't help but glance at her. He could almost imagine that the pen should be very unusual for the teacher, Professor Fukui, because if only In general, even if it is very precious, it will not cry when it breaks. Therefore, it should be a very commemorative pen, but in this case, even if you buy a piece of the same loss to others, I am afraid it will not help.

"Hao brother, you must help me." Yuji Yuji probably realized that things were not so easy to solve, and looked at him pitifully.

Li Xuehao thought about it and uncomfortably took a look at her mushroom head: "I will help you with this matter, but now I am going to class. I will go to class after class in the afternoon. Don't run around, just in the school. The door is waiting for me." Since buying an identical pen is useless, it seems that I can only go to see the teacher of Fukui to make a decision.

"Thank you Hao Er brother, I will definitely wait for you." Seeing him promised, Yuki Yuki was happy. If it wasn't because the body couldn't reach it, he would jump and kiss him.

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