Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1570: Bloodthirsty seated boy

From the information of the "Ten Unbelievable Events" from Chiba Mika, Suzuki Arisa will choose a spiritual event as her trial site.

However, three different events have been solved before, namely "terrorist college whispers", "Flying Edge Magic House" and "Vampire Building", so she can only choose from the remaining seven spiritual events.

"Alisha, you can think about it and make a decision. The trial mission starts tomorrow night." Suzuki Minako probably wanted to give her sister a buffer time, so she was not in a hurry to let her go to trial tonight.

"I know, my sister." Suzuki Alisha, who was gradually getting settled down, was not as nervous as she just started coming in. She was about to start looking at the information in her hand.

Suzuki Minako frowned at her address: "Call me a minister here!"

"Yes, sister... Minister." Suzuki Yarisa quickly changed her mouth. Her seat was arranged at the head of Li Xuehao's head. The middle position was to listen to the cat Nana. Although the person did not come, the position could not be chaotic.

"Well, everyone is free to move." Arranged the sister's matter, Suzuki Minazi said to someone, "Hao Er, what does Alisha do not understand, I will trouble you to explain it."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. After all, Suzuki Alisha had a "small nephew" status. Of course, he would not deny it, and he is also the person closest to her, and is also convenient to help.

Suzuki Arisa has turned over the information and looked at it. Although she has a lot of peace of mind because of someone’s secret protection, she has to choose a place that is at least not so terrible.

For the ghost, she actually knows that she exists in this world. After all, the two sisters are both Yin and Yang, but she has not seen it with her own eyes.

But knowing to know, fear or fear, especially the spooky events in the information, are described as terrible, and every spiritual story is dead.

She endured the horror and looked at it. She closed her eyes and thought about it. She finally determined one of the strange events, at least not so horrible compared to the others.

"Really... classmates." After confirming, Suzuki Ariza has some unnaturally called someone closest to her. Since accepting that he is the common lover of two sisters, there is always a strange feeling when facing him. And even some are afraid to talk to him.

"Alisha, is there anything?" Li Xuehao put down the book and guessed why she called him.

"Do you know how to put a boy?" Suzuki Ariza asked in a low voice.

"Seat a boy?" Listening to her asking about this, Li Xuehao roughly guessed why she asked this question.

Among the top ten incredible events, one is about "sitting a boy." The seat boy is a monster and a ghost because it is the result of the death of a child.

However, it is not a evil spirit, but a ghost that can bring good luck and happiness to people.

It is said that it was a child of a poor family before his death. The wish before his death was that he did not want someone to be so unfortunate, so he often liked to go to the homes of some poor people to bring good luck and prosperity to the family. Therefore, it can be said to be a patron saint or a **** of blessing.

But these are just legends. It is a bit horrible about the Yokohama City's "Seat Boy" incident, because the records show that it is bloodthirsty and killing people, especially for children aged 3-5.

“Children’s Kindergarten” is the beginning of a spiritual event. It is a kindergarten in Yokohama City. One day five years ago, there was a shocking incident in the kindergarten. Seven children were found dead in the classroom and died. It was terrible, and all of them were cut off by a knife.

At that time, in the classroom, only the children who were classmates were there, and no one was on the scene, but such a clean and murderous method was obviously impossible for the average child of 3-5 years old.

Afterwards, after asking the children who were almost scared and stupid, they got a plausible answer from their mouths. When they were playing games, it seemed that they suddenly had a companion, that is, the extra companion, killing. The seven children were dead.

But neither the police nor the reporters found the child who was born in the mouth of the children.

The murderer was not found, and even the presence of the murderer could not be determined, but the seven children were indeed killed. At that time, the teachers and directors of the kindergarten were outside the classroom and heard the crying and running together. Into the classroom, so they have perfect proof of absence.

The murderer’s suspicion became a fascination. It was learned from the children of the kindergarten that they were as big as their companions, and they could not find the horrible “companion” afterwards, which forced people to associate with the spirit.

It’s just that there is a monster that fits this very well. The seated boy likes to join the kids when they play. For example, many children play together, obviously seeing familiar faces, but always feel better than at the beginning. More than one person, this is mostly a ghost of a boy.

The kindergarten that had this murder was passed down as a "children kindergarten" and was of course closed afterwards.

But two years later, three years ago, the kindergarten was reopened. Then, during the lunch break of one day, the children were sleeping, and three more children were cut off in their sleep... This made people think of it. The similar case that occurred two years ago was only this time when no children saw that there was one more companion.

The murderer is still fascinated, because the adults in the kindergarten also have proof of absence.

There have been two consecutive murders against children, and it is of course impossible for kindergartens to continue. It has been ruined to this day. Like the "Vampire Building" and "Terrorist College", it became a restricted area. Occasionally there were daring people who wanted to solve the mystery adventure, but they did not find an answer. The only thing that is fortunate is that it has never happened in the past three years. What murder incident.

"So you choose 'Seat Children's Kindergarten'? Is it Alisha?" Li Xuehao had already read the complete "Ten Unbelievable Events" before, and knew the ten strange stories inside. Suzuki Ariza asked this, he I guess, she chose "Kids Kindergarten" as her trial site.

"Yes, really classmates." Suzuki Alisha whispered, some did not dare to look at him.

"That's going to talk to your sister. I will accompany you to this place tomorrow night." Li Xuehao nodded and killed the child. It seemed to him that he might be a murderer, but it has been three years, even There was no evil spirit at that time, and it was not necessarily there. After three years, the terrible kindergarten had never heard any deaths, even those who had ventured into it safely.

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