Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1569: New member of Spirit Society

As the class bell rang, the club activity began.

Li Xuehao packed up the textbooks, put them in the bag, and hung the bag on the edge of the desk, and went out to the classroom with Mr. Yamamoto who was already waiting for him.

As the deputy minister of the spiritual society, he has not participated in the club activities for a long time. Today, he has to participate once in any case. This is also the account of the Suzuki Minako as the minister.

The two came to the activity room on the fifth floor. When they pushed in the door, they found that Suzuki Minako did not arrive. Only Kawasaki Kazuyoshi, Chiba Mika, and Saito MG were in it. If they counted them, they didn’t. The people who arrived also had Chiana Anna, the cat Nina, and the long-wife black voice as a consultant.

Listening to the cat Nanako is a biological student, and generally does not come to participate in community activities, unless one day she is very free or with a certain purpose.

"Saito predecessor." Yamamoto was too acquainted with Saito ash, hurriedly ran over, sitting down under his head, the two are worthy of being a good friend in the spiritual society.

Li Xuehao also sat down in his usual seat. If the pool Diana is there, it will be in his first position, but she hasn't arrived yet. The position of the first one is empty, and then it is Chiba Mijia.

"Hao Er." The petite Chiba Mijia is most fond of posing for the second-year predecessor in the face of him. It is natural to call his name.

"Mega, I haven't seen it for a long time." Li Xuehao also has a psychological advantage for her, but this is his little nephew.

"What hasn't been seen for a long time, we only met yesterday!" Chiba Mijia glanced at him with some uncomfortable feelings. "I ask you, is your sister adult at your house? I haven't seen her for several days."

"Surely she is very good." Li Xuehao turned a blind eye to her disappointment.

"When the club activities are over, I am going to see my sister." Chiba Miho glared at him, slightly nervous. "Are you welcome?"

"I am honored." Li Xuehao wanted to tease her, think about it, and she was afraid that she believed it.

"The club activity time is over, you wait for me at the door." Chiba Mika is very satisfied with his answer, proudly said.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao will not be on the mind of her "speaking". Speaking of it, she really has no comparability with her sister. First of all, she is only a little taller than a meter and five meters tall. She is more than 20 centimeters taller than the height of one kilometer of Lily of the Chiba, followed by Yin Yang. At this point, she doesn't even have half a bucket of water, at most only a quarter of a bucket of water, and Chiba Sayuri is a genuine Yin Yang master.

There is no harm without comparison. On the contrary, she is almost the same as listening to the cat Nana. The two can almost be said to be a pair of "twin". They are almost tall and like to tie a pair of ponytails. However, the body of the cat Nina is more perfect, not at all. Inferior to adult women, and Chiba Meijia is mostly a girl's body, and it has begun to take shape.

I went to the bookshelf and found the book. When Li Xuehao returned to his seat~www.ltnovel.com~, Chi Anna came, and the consultant teacher’s long wife Heyin also arrived, and as the minister’s Suzuki Minako, it was the last. One is coming, it’s late.

But she is not alone, followed by one, is her sister, Suzuki Arisa.

Both sisters are of the type of long hair and waist. The height of the sister is higher than that of the sister. This is very similar to the sisters of Chiba Sayuri.

“There is a new member joining our spiritual society today.” Suzuki Minako announced this “significant news” when she sat in the middle of the top position. There are fewer people in the spiritual society, and there are new members to join. It is indeed a big event.

Everyone focused on Suzuki Yalisha, who had a slightly stiff body. Suzuki said that there were new members to join her sister. The answer is obvious. The new member is Suzuki Arisa.

Sure enough, I only listened to Suzuki Minako and continued to wave my sister: "Alisha, you introduce yourself."

Perhaps because of being stared at by everyone, Suzuki Yalisha is somewhat uncomfortable, but she still introduces herself softly: "Hello everyone, I am Suzuki Alisha, a class of students a year, I am honored to join the spirit society... ..."

Listening to her mechanical self-introduction, as if she had done a good job in advance, Li Xuehao can imagine that this is probably the result of the "forced" of Suzuki Minako, who actually developed her sister into a member of the spiritual society. .

When Suzuki Arisa's self-introduction ended, Suzuki Minazi gestured her to sit next to the next head of someone, the last position on the left hand side. In her first position is to listen to the position of the cat Nana, but she did not come, so it was empty.

"Everyone knows that new members usually have a trial task." When everyone is seated, Suzuki Minako clears the scorpion, the neutral voice is very unique, with a special charm, also She made a foreshadowing of what she was going to say next.

Li Xuehao and others all know what she is saying. The essence of the "trial task" of the spiritual society is to let the newly joined members witness the ghosts and give birth to a sense of belonging to the spiritual society.

Therefore, the "trial task" is indispensable, and it must be the place where there really is a ghost, so that it can be achieved at one time.

"Sister, what is the trial task?" Suzuki Ariza did not know the "tradition" of the spiritual society. She is a new member after all. For the understanding of the spiritual society, I am afraid that it is a recognition of an eccentric society. Know.

"Do you know Yokohama's 'Ten Unbelievable Incidents'?" Suzuki Minazi looked at her and did not answer.

"Ten incredible events? I have heard of my sister." Suzuki Arisa has certainly heard of this. This is a very horrible story about ghosts, monsters, and strange talks.

"Very good, it's much easier, Ariza, you can pick one." Suzuki Minazi glanced at Chiba Mika on the left hand side, and the latter got hints, taking out the files that had been prepared.

"Sister, what to pick?" Suzuki Ariza did not respond.

"Ten incredible events, except that the truth has already been revealed, you can pick one out, and then there is your 'trial of trials', you have to live alone in that place for one night." Suzuki Mina said faintly.

"What, what?" Suzuki Ariza was scared. When she thought that she was alone in such a terrible place to stay for one night, she couldn't help but feel chilly.

"Relieve, you will not be in danger. I will let Koji protect you in the dark, and also monitor you. As long as you pass the 'trial task', you can truly become a member of the spiritual society." Suzuki Nazi said and said.

I heard that someone would protect themselves in the dark, and Suzuki Ariza couldn't help but look at him. It didn't seem so terrible.

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