Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1571: Prepare to change roles

As the club’s activities ended, the people of the Spiritual Society came out from the activity room. Suzuki Minazi took Suzuki Arisa to leave first. In the middle was Chiana Anna and consultant teacher Changhe Heyin and others. Li Xuehao and Yamamoto were too late.

"In the real world, don't you really go with us? There are Yusui predecessors, Hengsi predecessors and me, plus you, we are four people, if you go together, it will be very lively..." Yamamoto is too wrapped around and said, obviously Still not willing to be invited to the invitation on the rooftop at noon.

"Next time, I have a very important thing today." Li Xuehao casually perfunctory.

Seeing that he really didn't go, Yamamoto Ryo was lost, but he quickly cheered up: "That's it, I can't refuse it anymore, really."


Seeing that Yamamoto was too eager to run, Li Xuehao returned to the classroom, took his schoolbag, and came out of the teaching building.

"Zhen Zhonghao two." Suddenly a quiet and crisp voice came from behind, and footsteps followed.

Li Xuehao knew who it was from the voice. He turned and looked at the petite girl with the double pony tail. He walked over at a certain rhythm. She was not Chiba Mijia, but the probationer would listen to the cat Nana.

Appearance looks like a junior high school student, but it is the top layer of the food chain in Sakurano High School. The facial features are exquisite, the skin is fair, especially a pair of big eyes, sharp and god-like, condescending. When you look at people, you just want to give people The whole body was seen through.

"Listen to the cat's predecessors." Li Xuehao waited for her to approach.

"Do you want to go back? Just me, too." Listening to the cat Nanako came over and patted his shoulder, both in a look and tone.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao did not feel any discomfort with her familiarity. After a series of things, the two could at least be friends, and because of her help, Li Yaoer and Wan Rainbow entered the cherry field high school as a teacher, this is owed to her human feelings.

The two walked side by side, listening to the cat Nanazi somewhat surprisingly said: "I rarely meet you when you are alone, Fu Yuan, voice and Suzuki, do they not go home with you?"

"They have their own business." Li Xuehao coughed a bit, Fu Yuanzhimei and Seto Yoko were still learning skills in Kendo, so he sent an email to let him go first, and Suzuki Minako and sister Suzuki Arisa seems to be going to the mall to buy something, and he is not allowed to accompany him.

"I heard that the guy in Nakamura has been pestering you today?" The topic of listening to the cat Nanako spanned a lot. The former moment was still saying that Fu Yuanzhimei was a few people, and the next moment became the history of Nakamura.

"He wants me to meet someone, I didn't agree." Li Xuehao is not surprised that she can know the size of such a sesame. As a biological student, as long as she wants to know at school, she should not be able to Concealed her.

"The guy is always self-righteous, don't care, next time he will trouble you, you can tell me." Listening to the cat Ninazi is a "warm-hearted" look, but she can say so, obviously there is a set against the Nakamura Takashi Method.

The two walked and said that along the way, students who saw the cat Nina had bowed to her, and even Li Xuehao also took up a lot of cheap, because many students regarded him as a third-grade predecessor. After all, this can A person who walks with the grown-up.

"The last time I asked your question, you seem to have not answered me yet." Going out of the school gate, listening to the cat Nana suddenly turned around.

"What?" Li Xuehao didn't know what question she was referring to.

"Have you forgotten? I said, would you like to try to get in touch?" Listening to the cat Nana is a relaxed tone, as if to say something that is normal.

"Oh..." She reminded me that Li Xuehao finally remembered that she did say this to him. That day he went to the Dragon King Hall to ask her to consult Li Yaoer and Wan Caijin to become a teacher in the school. It happened to meet the bright moon knot. She was still angry and went to the moon, and then said the sentence.

"Why, you don't want to?" Hearing the cat Nana, he hesitated, and he was close to the foot. The two had been walking side by side, and the body directly attached to the body.

Li Xuehao opened a little side and said: "Listen to the cat predecessors, I already have a lot of lovers..."

"If I don't mind?" Waiting for him to finish, listening to the cat Nanako immediately interrupted, "So what is your answer?"

Seeing her pressing step by step, Li Xuehao knows that obviously can't make an excuse to leave like the last time, at least to face this problem, the tone is as euphemistic as possible: "Listen to the cat predecessors, our relationship has not yet reached that kind The degree is now only a little better than a friend..."

"Over AUO, is the lover not satisfied?" Listening to the cat Nanako summed up the contents of his words.

"It's almost like this..." Li Xuehao was undecided.

"This kind of thing is very simple." Listening to the child Nanako smiled easily. "As long as we often meet, often date, will the lovers be full? And, this means that you are at least a serious guy." Not those who are ecstatic when they see a woman's confession, so you have a better impression in my eyes."

Li Xuehao can't smile, can this be done?

"So, you agreed, right?" Hearing the cat Nanako continued, almost waiting for him to react, she had already waved, "So I will go first, starting tomorrow, ready to change roles, bye! "Being brisk pace, go further and further.

Li Xuehao watched her leave, originally wanted to stop her, think about it or dismissed, shook his head and went to the other side, he is going to see the house now.


It takes 20 minutes to walk from Sakuno High School, which is calculated by the footsteps of ordinary people.

The security work at the entrance is very strict. A password is required for entry and exit. After Li Xuehao took out the key and indicated that his identity was the resident here, the security guard was released.

Take the elevator to the 21st floor. According to the information on the property rights registration, Li Xuehao found the house that Sakurai couple gave him.

The house number is 21b. Coincidentally, the Suzuki sister's apartment is 21a, just one on the left and one on the right, separated by a long corridor. This is because the houses on both sides are relatively large, so it seems to be a little apart. Far, but it is only a distance of more than ten meters, but it is still a neighbor.

This is really clever enough! Who could have imagined that Sakurai couples had just sent a house, which was actually next door to Suzuki’s sister.

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