Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1566: Please answer, Nakamura Takashi!

"Nakamura predecessors, I don't like to make such jokes." Faced with the "joke" of Nakamura's history, Li Xuehao frowned. "I am going to class soon. Don't you go back to your school building?"

"In fact, you haven't answered me yet. Is it going to visit my master of Zhizhi in my home, or is the master of Zhizhi going to your house? If I don't get the answer, I won't leave!" Nakamura said with a strong face, he and his sister before coming. There is also a master of Zhizhi who has made a guarantee that he will complete the task. If he does not do it now, how can he leave?

"Then you will go with me to the first-grade schoolhouse." Li Xuehao is undecided, of course, will not be threatened by him, love will follow.

After changing the indoor shoes, Li Xuehao went upstairs, and Nakamura’s long history actually followed, and did not mean to leave.

In the classroom of the first class c class, the arrival of Nakamura’s history suddenly caused a small sensation. As the minister of the judo society, he grew tall and handsome, and has always been the object of many small girls in the school. However, Nakamura Takashi is a third-year-old predecessor. He is still a man on the campus, so even if he is a little girl, he usually has few opportunities to contact. Occasionally, sending a loveletter needs help from others.

Now it is so close to the middle-aged villagers that the young girls in the class are not calm.

"Nakamura predecessor."

"It’s the Nakamura predecessor."

"Yeah, Nakamura predecessor -"

The screams came one after another, and the daring girls gradually surrounded them, staring at Nakamura’s history, and their eyes began to shine.

Li Xuehao quietly returned to his seat and handed over the history of Nakamura to a group of young girls. In fact, Nakamura Takashi was not the first time to come to class C. He had been invited to join the judo club. Li Xuehao I remember to help a lot of girls to pass the loveletter to him.

"Hello." In the face of a group of "girls", the history of Nakamura seems calm, showing a sunny smile, seems to have been used to this scene, with a sophisticated approach.

"Hello, Nakamura predecessors!" The girls were even more excited. His kindness also made some shy girls around. In a blink of an eye, Nakamura Takashi was surrounded by dozens of girls.

This scene shows that the boys around are envious, but they can only be embarrassed in their hearts. After all, it is the third-year grandmaster and the minister of Judo.

"Can I ask you to help me? Do you have extra desks to lend me to use?" Nakamura Takashi, who smiles in the sun, reveals two rows of white teeth, and some girls who are emotionally excited are almost fainting. .




Almost all the girls raised their hands, even if they didn't have a place to sit, they had to give up their seats.

So many people raised their hands at the same time, Nakamura Takashi hesitated a little, and finally chose a girl with a small ponytail.

"Yeah--" The two ponytail girls screamed excitedly, flattered, flushed. I don't know where the courage comes, suddenly I rushed to Nakamura Takashi, and hugged his waist around his hands and hugged him tightly.

This sudden move, seeing the girls around, glaring, stunned, almost violently pulled apart the two ponytail girls.

However, Nakamura’s history was in the scene, and the girls didn’t want to be too rude to make him hate, so they resisted the heart.

Nakamura Takashi was "sneak attack" under the body is also a stiff, but immediately calm down, reached out and gently patted the back of the two ponytail girls to show generous.

The other girls are a bit embarrassed.

Li Xuehao sat in his seat and occasionally glanced at him. He saw the look of a pair of ponytail girls. His body was petite and his hair style was so unique. He was very similar to the cat and Nina. This is probably the choice of Nakamura Takashi. The reason is that after all, Nakamura’s favorite history is to listen to the cat Nana, but the confession has been rejected.

After the "interaction" with the girls ended, Nakamura Takashi moved the desk of the double ponytail girl and placed it behind someone. He sat down and seemed to be really ready for "long-term combat."

Li Xuehao did not pay attention to him. When he was in class, Gu Chuan teacher would let him know that it is not so easy to be a student of class C for one year.

It didn't take long for the class bell to ring.

The teacher of the class, Furukawa, walked in. The decadent image of glasses that were about 50 years old and wearing a pair of lenses and the same thickness as the bottom of the bottle was very unique. Although the middle of the head was bald, the surrounding hair was neatly combed and meticulous.

Wearing gray long-sleeved shirts and dark trousers, like those who passed through the 1950s and 1960s (the 1970s and 1980s), they are old-fashioned and serious.

Standing on the podium, the gaze was swept away, and soon the abnormalities in the classroom were discovered. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose and looked at the last row of Nakamura Takashi: "It seems that there is a new classmate today. is it?"

The students underneath did not dare to talk indiscriminately, and the girls were not worried about the history of Nakamura.

Nakamura Takashi did not have any uneasiness. He stood up and bowed: "Hello, Teacher Gu Chuan, I am a history of Nakamura."

"It’s a classmate in Nakamura.” Mr. Furukawa pushed the glasses on his nose and looked at him carefully. Then he waved his hand and said, "Sit down."

"Yes!" Nakamura Takashi sat down, but he apparently did not realize what would happen next.

Li Xuehao, who is sitting in front of him, has some sympathy for him. Don't look at the old-fashioned and seriousness of Gu Chuan's teacher. In fact, the bones are not as meticulous as the appearance, and some are ways to "handle" those students who like to break the classroom of others like Nakamura Takashi.

"Then we continue the ancient poems that we didn't finish yesterday, "Chunxiao", Zhongcun classmates, let's take a look back." Gu Chuan teacher opened the textbook, almost no hesitation, and directly named Nakamura Takashi.

"Ah?" Nakamura’s history is dumbfounded, let him recite ancient poetry?

“Zhongcun classmates?” Gu Chuan teacher on the podium looked at him, and other students in the class also watched. Many of the boys were gloating.

Nakamura Takashi had to stand up and be as stupid as the root wood. Generally speaking, people with strong sports will have a poor cultural class. Nakamura’s history is no exception. He is a master of judo and a celebrity of Sakurano High School. But when it comes to cultural classes, don’t look at the third-year seniors. Even if it is better than some freshmen in the first grade, it is not much higher.

Let him recite ancient poems, how can he come back? He is not even sure if he has learned the ancient poems of this spring.

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