Xiaobin Marina’s “quickness”, and only the simple Seto Yoko believes that she is really ready to go to the convenience store and just walked outside the courtyard, and happened to meet them from the house.

Of course, Li Xuehao will not debunk, and watched the two sisters go to the convenience store in the direction of the convenience store.

Going back to the living room and continuing to watch TV, when Chiba Sayuri returned, the group was already more than 10 o'clock, and brought back an unexpected and reasonable guest, Erto.

Last time she stayed here for one night, it is estimated that she was invited by Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi tonight. Two little girls were accompanied at night, and Li Xuehao was happy to see this scene.


Early the next morning, he had breakfast and took the bag out of the door.

Yesterday, Li Yaoer and Wan Caihong blocked him outside. Today, there is no more. About two people are also embarrassed to trouble him every day. Yesterday, they were the first day of work. They need him to be the "indigenous" of Sakurano High School. Can be original.

A person walked to the door of the school, and in a slanting thorn, a tall figure suddenly burst out, as if he was waiting for him: "True!"

"It’s the predecessor of Nakamura." Looking at the tall, handsome and handsome Nakamura Takashi, Li Xuehao took a step back later, but he was not afraid, but he didn’t want to be misunderstood and what he had.

The last time it was because of this guy’s sudden squatting, it happened to be photographed. It was misunderstood that Nakamura’s long history wanted to “marry a marriage” with him. The scene was still fresh.

"You don't seem to want to see me like it?" Nakamura's history is very sensitive. He was splashed with cold water when he was so excited.

"If there is nothing, I want to go to the classroom." Li Xuehao said with a blank expression, from the fact that Nakamura Takashi specially waited for him to see that this guy must have something to look for him, so-called nothing to be diligent, non-rape .

"Wait a minute, really, I have something to tell you." Nakamura’s history wants to pull him forward, but he is quietly avoiding him.

"Let's talk, I am listening." Li Xuehao said as he walked.

"Sister has already returned from Tokyo." Nakamura Takashi organized a language.

“Hmmm?” Li Xuehao looked at him, Nakamura’s sister Nakamura, who certainly remembers that it was a pretty woman who didn’t pay attention to appearance. Although she looked “awkward”, she was very good, but last time. When he was discussing with him, he was "ko". The last time I met Nakamura’s history, he said that she went back to Tokyo. Now she tells me what she meant when she came back. Do you want to find him again?

"There are also Masters of Zhizhi, who also went to Yokohama and lived in my house." Speaking of this, Nakamura’s history is very exciting, and his eyes are full of worship and light. "The master of Zhizhi is even more beautiful than that seen on TV." Oh, my god, it’s a super beauty, but unfortunately my strength is too weak to match her, otherwise I will pursue her!"

"And then, what do you want to say?" Li Xuehao waited for him to continue, Zhizhi Yingmeili - no, it should be that Zhizhi Baonai will come to Yokohama. He already knew it. When he was in Kyoto last time, Zhi Zhi Bao Naimei told him After that, I will come to Yokohama’s Zhizhi Refining Heart and Dojo to revitalize the popularity.

"The master of Zhizhi knows that I am in the same high school as you, and she wants to invite you to see me at home." Nakamura Takashi looked at him with anticipation.

"I refuse." Li Xuehao showed his attitude very directly.

"Why? This is the invitation of Master Zhizhi. Do you know how many people want this opportunity?" Nakamura Takashi has an incredible expression.

"How many people want me to not know, but I definitely don't want it." Li Xuehao has slightly accelerated his pace, which is a rare and precious opportunity for others. For him, nothing is wrong.

Nakamura Takashi was not too light in his words, but he was relieved to think that this guy had defeated the master of Zhizhi, which was admitted by Master Zhizhi. However, he came with a task, so it must be completed.

"In fact, as a third-year-old predecessor, you have to give me a little more face." Perhaps it is known that there is not such a big attraction in the name of Master Zhizhi, and he has changed another way of persuasion.

"I don't have time, so I can only apologize." Li Xuehao still refused, but his statement was also given to face, at least not straight ahead.

"...well, Master Zhi Zhi said that if you don't have time, she can come and visit in person." Nakamura's history seems to be helpless. In his opinion, this is the second plan of Master Zhizhi, but obviously there is no A set of programs is more respectable for someone to visit her personally.

"Well?" Li Xuehao frowned, and Zhizhi Bao Naimei even calculated his reaction?

"In fact, I think it is better for you to visit the master of Zhizhi. Although you have indeed defeated her, but Master Zhizhi is a celebrity and a senior, we need to maintain the etiquette as a younger generation..." Nakamura’s history is obviously coming up. Let's have a lot of it.

Li Xuehao did not speak, directly when he said nonsense, and his heart was speculating, why did Zhizhi Baonaimei see him? If you just want to see one side, there is no need to "work the people".

"Do you know? Really, there is a sister..." Nakamura said that he did not speak and suddenly shifted the subject.

"What?" Li Xuehao, how did she mention her sister?

"Sister was defeated by you, and I always wanted to challenge you again, but defeated you." Nakamura’s look was solemn, but he immediately smiled. "But even the master of Zhizhi has been defeated by you, and it is obviously impossible for my sister to defeat you. ”

"So?" Li Xuehao frowned at him, always thinking that he would not talk about this topic for no reason.

"So I think... I will soon call you a 'righteous brother'." The tone of Nakamura’s history suddenly revealed some meaning.

"Well?" Li Xuehao's eyes were condensed, and "Yi brother" was not randomly screaming.

Just listen to Nakamura Takashi and continue to say: "The master of Zhizhi said that the female disciple of Zhizhi refining the heart is defeated by a man. If he cannot defeat the other party in the next three years, he will marry him unconditionally."

It turned out that this is what he meant by "righteous brother". Li Xuehao said calmly: "It is a pity that I already have a lover."

"I know, but Master Zhi Zhi said that even if you are an acolyte and a lover, you must do it. My sister can't beat you in three years, so, really, I am going to change my mouth now?"


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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