Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1567: Stupid story

"Nakamura Takashi, you won't back?" Faced with the history of Nakamura standing like a wood, Gu Chuan teacher did not care about it, asked directly.

Even if the skin is not very thin, Nakamura’s history is full of sorrow, but he has to shake his head because he really does not carry it.

"Let's sit down." Gu Chuan teacher waved his hand, there was no contempt in the words, but it was even more embarrassing than contempt. He ordered the second person's name. "Truth, you can answer this question."

Hearing himself, Li Xuehao was a glimpse. He didn't expect to be "snacked and fished", but he reacted very quickly. He stood up and carried out "Chunxiao". This is the poem of Tang Dynasty's great poet Meng Haoran. In China, three years old. Children of all ages are able to recite them proficiently, but in Japan, they are courses for high school students.

"Very good, then do you know what it means?" Gu Chuan's serious old-fashioned face even showed a smile, which is the most satisfying one of the students he taught, and the treatment is of course different.

"The poet is talking about the sleepy day in the spring. I have been ignorant. It is the roaring bird song that disturbs my sleep. The sound of the wind has not stopped since last night. The flowers in front of the courtyard do not know how much it was blown off. "The ancient Chinese translation is also very easy for Li Xuehao, but he must also answer the explanations in the Japanese text.

"Very good, really in the middle of the world, please sit down." Gu Chuan teacher nodded with satisfaction, no more satisfied with this answer, he looked at the students underneath, "Do you understand?"


“Yeah.” Furukawa’s teacher resurfaced. He opened the text. “Let’s review the story of the 'Fifty Hundreds and a Thousands’, Nakamura’s history.”

"Yes." Nakamura’s history was once again named, and he had to stand up. He was already secretly regretting it. He should not come here as a "new student."

"Please explain the meaning of 'fifty hundred baht'." Gu Chuan teacher looked at him with a blank expression.

Nakamura’s history is once again dumbfounded. He has not even heard this uncommon story. How to explain it? I can only act as a wood in a daze.

In the classroom, there are even low laughs from other students.

Gu Chuan, who had a very strict chance of class, did not hear it. He looked at Nakamura Takashi: "You won't?"

Nakamura’s face was flushed, and if he could, he even wanted to go out of the classroom now.

"真中浩二." Gu Chuan teacher did not ask him to sit down this time, once again ordered someone's name.

"Yes." Li Xuehao stood up. Before that, he had already had a hunch. He was probably the "prop" that Gu Chuan teacher used to fight the history of Nakamura, so it was not surprising that he was named.

"You explain the modern semantics of ‘fifty 歩 歩.'” Gu Chuan teacher is very confident in him, otherwise he will not call him.

Fifty miles and hundreds of miles are actually fifty steps of laughing, but in the Japanese text, the laughter is erased.

For Li Xuehao, of course, it is also the kind of primary school students: "When the Warring States Period, Mencius gave an example to Liang Huiwang. Two soldiers were defeated on the front line. One of them escaped 50 steps and one escaped 100 steps. The soldier who escaped fifty steps laughed and ran a hundred-step soldier and said that he was timid and afraid of death. In fact, both of them were running away, but the distance between escape was different..."

Once again, I was satisfied with the nod. Mr. Furukawa gestured to him to sit down and look at Nakamura Takashi, who is still standing like a fool: "Nakamura, have you understood?"

"Understood." Of course, Nakamura’s history did not dare to say no.

"So you know who Meng Hao is?" asked Gu Chuan.

“Hey?” A trip to Nakamura’s history, God knows who this guy is.

"What about Mencius?"

Nakamura’s history shook his head again, and his heart was almost broken. How to hear it was a strange name.

“Meng and Mencius are one person or two people?” Gu Chuan asked another question.

This time, Nakamura’s history has finally had a problem that can be understood. The different names are of course two people, so he replied without hesitation: “Two people.”

Teacher Gu Chuan was expressionless and looked at him for a few seconds. This said: "Good, sit down."

Nakamura’s history is like a big man, and he feels that he has answered a question correctly, otherwise Gu Chuan teacher will not praise him as “very good”.

Li Xuehao in the front row is full of sympathy. The guy with simple mind and limbs is almost broken by Gu Chuan teacher. How many personal Japanese texts by Meng Hao and Mencius have been commented, because Meng Yu usually comes with Mencius. Interpretation, indicating that it is the same person.

Perhaps it is because there is really no sense of accomplishment in playing a stupid person, or it may be that he has given him enough "lessons", so then Gu Chuan teacher did not ask Nakamura Takashi to answer the question and proceed to normal classes.

After the end of a class, Nakamura’s history ran away and ran without reluctance. Where is the resoluteness of “long-term combat”? Even the desk didn't have time to return to the little ponytail girl, and my heart secretly vowed not to come again in the same year as the level of hell.

"In the truth, you are so powerful!" The history of Nakamura, who fled and fled, disappeared outside the door. Yamamoto was too admired to come over and his tone was extremely exaggerated.

"That is only the most basic cognition, good, don't tell me, you don't know the same as the middle-aged villagers." Li Xuehao looked at him meaningfully.

Yamamoto was too cold to see, and suddenly turned and left: "I remembered going to the toilet and lost."

"Predecessors, you are so powerful, what you said, I only know a little bit." Sakurai Miko came with a look of admiration, with a look of excitement and honor, "I will also take care of my seniors in the future. I also want to be as powerful as my predecessors."

"As long as I study hard, I can do this." To Sakurai Miko, of course, is another attitude, at least the cute girl who came out of the anime is very pleasing to the eye.

"Mom and Dad want to send a gift to their predecessors. I don't know what the seniors like?" Sakurai Sakuko suddenly approached a little and asked in a low voice.

"Thank you for your parents, I have received the best gift." Li Xuehao refused euphemistically. As for the best gift, it refers to the high-end residential apartment that Sakurai couple sent him before, that is Suzuki sister. The white well apartment where you are located is still on the same floor. You should also find a time to look at it. It should surprise the Suzuki sisters.

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