Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1564: Due diligent cousin

Perhaps it is because of the intimate intimacy between someone and his female apprentice. The moon and the knot have sat for a while and made a farewell.

When Li Xuehao sent her outside the door and was preparing to go in, the moonlight suddenly stopped him: "Hao, mother hopes you have time to come to the house."

"I will, Jiehua sister." Li Xuehao nodded, this is not perfunctory, what Mrs. Ming Yue said is also the mother's cousin, of course, this face must be given, the two are still relatives after all.

"Then I am gone." To get a positive answer, the moonlight knot shook hands very simply and turned away.

"Go all the way, Jiehua sister." Li Xuehao looked at her away, only closed the door and returned to the living room.

"Master, is the Mingyue predecessor your cousin?" Seto Yoko sat on the sofa and she seemed to really like the rice cake made by Mrs. Mingyue. After eating one piece and one piece, one snack, one rice cake. Almost half of her death was wiped out.

"Well, her mother is my mother's cousin." Li Xuehao walked over and sat down beside her, because she was sitting on the sofa of the island, so the two sat down and looked a little crowded.

Seto Yoko did not mean to be too squeezing, and he took the body into his arms, while still not forgetting to eat rice cakes.

"It seems that you really like to eat rice cakes." Li Xuehao said with her slender waist, a slight tone of laughter.

"Master..." Seto Yoko appeared a bit shy. After eating a piece, he dared not take it again. As a girl, it seems to be eating a little bit.

"Eat, eat a little more to grow meat, Yangzi, you are too thin." Li Xuehao put the plate up and sent it to her. In fact, Seto Yoko's body is very standard, although it looks slim, but because of the regular exercise, it is very healthy.

“Is it a little thin?” Seto Yoko did not endure the temptation to live a delicious rice cake. He reached out and grabbed a piece and said with a bite.

"If you can grow a little more meat, it will be more perfect." Li Xuehao said with a smile.

Seto Yoko stared at him for a while, and finally nodded seriously. As long as Master said, she would work hard to complete.

While eating the rice cake and satisfying his chest, there is nothing sweeter than this.

I don't know when the two have been accustomed to the body's cuddle and contact. Li Xuehao suddenly remembered something and asked: "Yoko, your father still forced you to transfer to Tokyo?"

"No." Seto Yoko shook his head and grabbed a piece of rice cake. Like a little hamster, his eyes were smashed.

"That's good." Li Xuehao put down the dish of soy sauce rice cake in his hand and prepared to give her another cheese mochi. A ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly rang, and Seto Yoko suddenly got a shock and stood up in a panic. , reach for the pockets of shorts.

She took out her mobile phone and when she saw the display on the screen, her face couldn’t change: "It’s bad, it’s Molina."

"It doesn't matter, just say it to me." Li Xuehao is not surprised that Xiaobin Marina will call her. It is estimated that she did not see her cousin at home after the shower, so she got anxious.

With his encouragement, Seto Yoko gradually calmed down and connected the phone: "Marina..."

"Yangzi, where are you?" Waiting for her to finish, Xiaobin Marina, who was opposite, interrupted her, and the tone sounded rather sharp. It seemed that she had guessed where she was.

"I..." Seto Yoko had calmed down and listened to her words, and was scared to say.

Li Xuehao frowned, and took Seto Yoko to sit next to him and said to the phone: "Yoko is here."

"True?" Xiaobin Molinai heard his voice, and the tone was slightly sharp. "It is very late now, and Yoko will come back to rest."

"Marina, it’s only 8 o'clock now." One side of the house, Yoko, quickly argued.

Xiaobin Marinai completely ignored her argument: "Get up early and get up early and get healthy. You will have to get up early in the morning to practice Kendo, Yoko, come back soon!" The last sentence, already with an order that cannot be rejected .

Perhaps under the "high pressure" of the cousin all the year round, Seto Yoko did not dare to resist too much, only compromised: "Well, I will wait ten minutes and then go back."

"5 minutes!" Opposite Xiaobin Marina immediately cut the time in half.

"8 minutes." Seto Yoko began bargaining.

"Only 5 minutes!" Xiaobin's tone was sharper and seemed to be angry.

"Okay, okay, just 5 minutes..." Seto Yoko did not dare to argue with her and obey again.

"Yeah." Coldly, he sighed, and Xiaobin Marinai hung up.

Looking at some of the sorrowful collection of mobile phone Seto Yoko, Li Xuehao also loves to help, Xiaobin Marina is more strict than her mother, for fear that he ate the Setou Yangzi. In fact, he can forcibly leave the Seto Yoko, but it will obviously make her embarrassed, and he can't bear it.

"Master, I still have 5 minutes." Seto Yoko is leaning on his arms, and the original delicious rice cake has become less attractive because he has to go back.

"I will come over and look for me in the future." Li Xuehao knew that she could not bear the warmth of this two people's solitude, and said to her head, "Okay, go back soon, maybe Xiaobin is waiting for you outside." "This sentence is not without aim, but he perceives that Xiaobin Marinai has already walked outside the courtyard and is hesitating whether he wants to come in. If the time is up in 5 minutes, Seto Yoko has not yet gone out, it is estimated that she will To ring the doorbell, this is really a cousin who is doing his job to protect the cousin.

"Oh." Seto Yoko listened to him and stood up.

"Bring these rice cakes too." Li Xuehao carefully packed the rice cake she had not finished, and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Master." Seto Yoko took it with a shy smile, wrapped his hands around him and put his face on his chest, as if listening to his heartbeat.

Li Xuehao also gently took her, after a while, patted her back: "I will send you out."

"Yeah." Seto Yoko released him, and he answered it with care.

Opening the door, Li Xuehao saw it for the first time. Outside the courtyard, a slim figure was standing there quietly. It was Xiaobin Molina.

She probably didn't think that the two would come out so quickly. When they wanted to escape, it was too late to be seen by the Setou Yoko.

"Marina?" Seto Yoko was a little surprised, and Molina was actually waiting for her outside.

"Yoko, I am going to go to a convenience store, you will accompany me." Xiaobin Marina's face stiffened, but it quickly returned to normal.

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