Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1550: Unsuitable thing

Today is the first day of the new week on Monday, Monday (Monday). Last week, because the spirit society lost two karaoke contests, it was incorporated into the Kendo club for a week, and this week finally resumed "independence."

After class in the afternoon, Li Xuehao had a meeting with Ke Yifan at the school gate, but before going to meet with him, he had to go to a spiritual society.

Today, after all, it is the day when the spiritual society "re-visits the day". As a member of the spiritual society, he must at least reveal the following. If he had nothing to do with Suzuki Minako before, he might not go, and let Yamamoto Liang Tai helped him with a vacation, but now he can't.

And Yamamoto Ryota came to the Spirit Society, and the people in the activity room were almost all there, perhaps because today is a day worth celebrating.

Suzuki Minako took the first place, Kawasaki Chiwa, Chiba Miho, Saito Fuji, Chi Mina, and a long wife black voice... In addition to listening to the cat Nanako, the other members arrived.

Yamamoto is too early to take a seat and sit with Saito Gray.

Li Xuehao was not seated because he was about to leave soon.

When Suzuki Mina, the first one, saw him like this, he realized what it was: "Hao, do you have something to leave?"

"Yes, Minister Suzuki." Because there were others present, Li Xuehao was embarrassed to call her name.

"Well, then let's go first." Suzuki Mina nodded and didn't ask him anything.

This is a kind of tacit understanding between the two, Li Xuehao turned and prepared to leave, Suzuki Mina suddenly called him: "Right, wait for me outside."

"Okay." Li Xuehao guessed that she might have something to say to herself, and promised to go out of the activity room.

After waiting for almost five minutes, Suzuki Minako came out.

One meter seventy-five tall and tall, long legs, black long hair like a waterfall, supple down to the waist, delicate and glamorous facial features, perfect without a trace of embarrassment.

It may be because the girl has already completed the transformation of the woman, so in addition to the youthful vitality of the girl, she has more feminine charm.

"Let's go over there." Perhaps it was afraid of being heard by people in the activity room. Suzuki Mina pointed to the corner of the corridor not far away.

Li Xuehao nodded and followed her, and guessed what happened to Suzuki Minako.

"Cough." Suzuki Minako coughed first, probably she was embarrassed to say something about her, but she said that she had raised two blushes on her face and hesitated to finally say it. I, I may be pregnant..."

"What!" Li Xuehao was shocked. He grabbed her wrist and took a moment to feel it. He quickly breathed a sigh of relief. "Mina, you are not pregnant." Just a false alarm, Suzuki Mina is not pregnant. Signs.

"But...the physiological period seems to have not arrived in a month." Hearing that he was so sure, Suzuki Minazi also relieved a little, but asked in confusion.

Li Xuehao looked at her face again and everything looked normal: "Your body is very healthy, maybe it is... late." He speculated that after all, it is neither a pregnant body nor a problem, but can only think of this. The reason is.

“Is this really true?” Suzuki Minako is actually more inclined to believe this, just because she has not encountered such problems before, and she has already had such a close relationship with someone, so she is worried that she is Not pregnant.

"Well, I am very convinced that you are not pregnant!" Li Xuehao said in order to reassure her, he said very positively.

Suzuki Minako was indeed infected by his tone, completely let go of his heart, just to see him so relaxed, and some dissatisfaction in his heart: "I know that I am not pregnant, you seem to be relieved." His eyes were slightly sharp.

Li Xuehao smiled bitterly: "Mina, you are still a high school student, that kind of thing is not suitable for you now."

"Hey." Suzuki Minako snorted twice and was not completely satisfied with his explanation. The eyeball turned and suddenly said, "If it is the right time, I will be pregnant before my sister."

Li Xuehao can't smile: "Mina, this kind of thing..."

"You don't want to?" Suzuki Minako interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Well, I can promise you." Li Xuehao did not know why she had such an idea, but it did not matter if she promised that it was not an eccentric behavior. At best, she was the first step.


Separated from Suzuki Mina, Li Xuehao came to the school gate, and Ke Yifan was already waiting for him.

It was different from the time I saw it in the morning. At this time, he resumed the state of flying when he first saw him. The scum on his face had been shaved, and he carefully arranged it. The whole person looked full of spirit.

But he was not alone at the school gate, there was a girl next to him, holding his arm and looking very close.

The girl had a sesame-sized pimple on her left face, a long-haired shawl, and she was very cute. Although her face was flawed, she was still a beautiful girl full of youthful vitality.

Li Xuehao has seen each other, she is Ke Yifan's girlfriend, by Lizi.

"True." Seeing him coming out from inside, Ke Yifan quickly greeted him, because there was his girlfriend next to him, so he used Japanese to say hello.

"Sorry, I am late." Li Xuehao apologized. Looking at Ke Yifan's appearance, it should have been waiting for some time.

"It doesn't matter, we just arrived." Ke Yifan didn't care if he was late. He was a little embarrassed. "It's said that he wants to come along with him, so..." He probably because there is more than one person around him, so he is Ask for his opinion, can you go with it.

"That's going together." Li Xuehao said without saying that one more person and one less person would not make things bias.

"You are the magical first grader that Ke Jun said?" It was because Nizi was very interested in him and looked at him curiously. "Hello, I am a 3 year b class Imai Yuri, we have seen before. ""

"Yes, Imai predecessor, I am Zhenzhonghaoji, hello." Li Xuehao also politely greeted, just looking at her slightly excited expression, her heart was a bit strange, although she did not look deep into her face, but the light is She appeared on the surface, and she knew that she had been in bad luck in recent days.

Of course, there are many kinds of bad luck, there are life-threatening molds, and there may be only a small mold that suffers from some flesh and blood. The current well is from the lining, that is, the kind of mold is not but the mold is constant, she can still laugh. Come out.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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