Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1549: Real illusion

"In the truth, you help me calculate, how can I avoid the female ghost?" Ke Yifan did not know what he was because of "ghost", he pinned all hope on someone's body. I have been able to count his things or things around him twice, and this time I should be able to help.

Li Xuehao knew that he was scared, and that he could understand that he had not collapsed because he was decadent and scum. He was already nervous, so he still had to release the fear in his heart: "Actually, I have just looked at it. It’s your face.”

"How do you say?" Ke Yifan asked some questions.

"You don't have a ghost at all." Li Xuehao said directly.

Ke Yifan glimpsed, but then he asked: "But the woman I saw... How do women in red dress explain? It is impossible to have someone dressed up like that to scare me, I thought about it that way. But what I see is that she has no shadow, and the body is still translucent. It is definitely not done by makeup, and it is not filming." At the end, he seemed a little excited.

"I know that you did see those pictures, but what I want to say is that everything you see is an illusion." Li Xuehao explained.

"Ideology?" Ke Yifan certainly can't believe this explanation. "Is every illusion the same? And I heard her talking to me, the feeling... very real, not caused by illusion."

"You listen to me." Li Xuehao knew that he was under great pressure now and said patiently, "Because you see not the general hallucinations, but the specific hallucinations, you feel very real because you are being moved. The relationship between hands and feet."

"What moved hands and feet?" Ke Yifan could not understand his words for a while.

Li Xuehao explained: "It is someone who wants you to see those horrible pictures, so you will see it."

"You are telling a story?" Ke Yifan is even more afraid to believe that there is such a terrible person in this world? What screen do you want to see when someone sees what? Superman can't do this kind of thing.

However, seeing his face with a serious expression, Ke Yifan suddenly suddenly burst into a sudden, someone is a very accurate major teacher, in this kind of thing should not be joking with him: "Is there really kind of person? "Although I still don't believe in it, I have already begun to doubt.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

"That is, someone used a method that I didn't know, which made me hallucinate?" Ke Yifan gradually came up with a clue, if there is such a person in the world.

"You can understand this." Li Xuehao knew that he was still skeptical, and he thought, "Do you want to try it?"

"What?" Ke Yifan, what do you try?

"This kind of means that can create hallucinations, in fact, I will also." Li Xuehao said with no humility, with a hint of banter in his eyes, "Would you like to try?"

"No, don't!" Ke Yifan originally had the idea of ​​confirming it, but when she thought of the picture of the red female ghost, she suddenly shook her head.

Li Xuehao knows what he is worried about and said: "Do not worry, except that you can let others see the illusion of horror, you can also see some beautiful illusions, I will not scare you." Speaking, not waiting for his consent, Li Xuehao It has already started.

Ke Yifan was trying to talk, suddenly felt the light in front of him, and the scene around him suddenly changed.

The two originally stood in the corner of the corridor, suddenly on the edge of a beach, surrounded by people everywhere, coming and going, very lively. In the near sea, in addition to swimming people, there are many people surfing, people are full of laughter, laughter and laughter.

"This..." Ke Yifan was completely shocked. He knew in his heart that this was the beautiful illusion that someone said, but the surrounding one was too real. Really, he felt the sea breeze with sea water, and he I used to go to the beach to play exactly the same.

Is this really an illusion? He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and wanted to try someone who could catch the passing.

Li Xuehao saw this play and smiled. He saw a beautiful woman wearing a bikini walking toward Ke Yifan. The hand he just stretched out was grabbed against the chest of others. He suddenly got his hand back, and it was beautiful. Qiao Xiao gave him a big wink.

Ke Yifan was attracted almost immediately. He completely forgot that this was in the hallucination. He raised his hand and said hello to the other party. However, the next moment, I saw the bikini beauty that was originally a smile, suddenly became a majestic The lion, with a big mouth and a big mouth, rushed over to him.

"Ah--" Ke Yifan screamed and shook. However, the scene suddenly disappeared at this time, and the scene was restored to the corner scene of the previous corridor.

Looking around before and after, some passing students even looked at them with eccentricities. After all, he just yelled, but attracted a lot of people.

Ke Yifan turned around and complained to someone: "In the real world, you still said that it only made me look at the beautiful picture, and almost didn't scare me."

"Just a little joke, now you believe that you are seeing the illusion?" Li Xuehao laughed.

"Believe, believe." The facts are in front of you, and you can’t believe it, and after knowing that it is an illusion, the fear of the “red woman ghost” was swept away, even though it’s still scum. But at least not as decadent as before.

"Is there any way to shield the illusion of horror?" Although it is already known as an illusion, but the horrible picture, Ke Yifan does not want to see it again, the real picture of this fear will still fear.

"The illusion can't be shielded in advance. In fact, you have to see the horrible picture. The person who has done your hands and feet must be present, so every time you see the 'red woman ghost', it means that person It’s not far from you.” Li Xuehao analyzed it carefully. In fact, he had a way to shield him from the horror and the picture. As long as he cleared the gloom of his body, the other party could not impose on him. Any technique.

However, he did not intend to do so, because it would be a stunned snake, so that the Yin and Yang division was alert.

"Anyone, do you want to know who is counting you?" Li Xuehao asked.

"You can know who is scaring me?" Ke Yifan screamed and then gnashed his teeth, apparently resentful to the person who scared him.

"Yes." Li Xuehao said with certainty, "Well, I will go back with you in the afternoon. You still haven't seen the ghosts today. Then, when you are out of school, the other party is likely to let you see you once."

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