Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1551: Unseen person

"In the truth, do we leave now?" After greeting each other, Ke Yifan has been too eager to wait. He is anxious to know who the person who secretly scares him is, why he wants to do that boring thing, if he does not know A magical Japanese teenager, I am afraid I will always live in fear.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao certainly wants to solve this problem as soon as possible. If there is still more time, he is going to go to the Heyi high to fulfill the duties of the women's football coach. Fortunately, next week, Shimao Mi will return, so he only needs Stick to this week and you will do it.

The three started to set off. In order to facilitate the observation, Li Xuehao walked behind. Ke Yifan and Imai were in front of the two. They held their arms together and looked like paint and glue.

However, Li Xuehao soon found the problem. The two walked and twisted, very weird, and sometimes even took a nap. If it wasn’t for Ke Yifan’s tall and powerful strength, with his support, Imai avoided the fall. The danger of being embarrassed several times.

Seeing this, Li Xuehao will understand that the reason why Imai is tightly holding Ke Yifan is not because the two are not willing to be separated in love, but because she is in bad luck, so she must have someone to Rely on it, or if you are not careful, she may step on something or hit something and fall.

Although she may not know why it is so bad, she has figured out a good way.

Li Xuehao noticed from the back that she had slipped no less than six or seven times since she left school. Even one time she was too serious and even Ke Yifan was brought down.

Such a bad luck is not something she has, but is caused by man. Like Ke Yifan, Imai has a gloom in the body, which is also the chief culprit for her bad luck.

Apparently, she and Ke Yifan were both "cursed", and according to the same "gloomy gas", it was from the same person.

In order to avoid the two people's roads are not stable, Li Xuehao shot a faint aura from his fingertips, and first solved the gloomy gas of Imai.

As the gloomy gas was removed, the current well was steadily walked by the lining, and Ke Yifan was also relaxed. The speed of the two was significantly faster.

The student student apartment building is not far from Sakurano High School. After about ten minutes, I can already see the beautiful apartment building.

"True." Ke Yifan turned back. He just wanted to ask how the person who counted him had not appeared yet, and he was about to enter the apartment.

"Hey!" Li Xuehao made a banned gesture far away, because he had already noticed that somewhere nearby, the sullen master who stayed on Ke Yifan appeared.

Ke Yifan saw him banned, knowing what he found, and immediately turned back, pretending to be talking to Imai by Lizi.

Li Xuehao arranged a stealth array for himself and quietly approached the target.

The target person was hiding in a park next to the student apartment building. It was about three hundred meters away. When Li Xuehao approached, she found that she was hiding in a dense tree and was observing the Ke Yi at the entrance of the apartment building with a telescope. Fan and Imai’s every move.

While watching, while cursing in the mouth, hatefully whispered.

After observing for a while, she jumped out of the tree, her petite body, she had the flexibility of a civet cat. Near the height of three meters, she jumped down with almost no sound, and it was very relaxed.

Li Xuehao has some accidents. This is obviously a trainer. Because ordinary Yin and Yang teachers can't do this, obviously she is still "Muwu double repair."

After the tree was down, she went straight to the direction of Ke Yifan and Imai Yuriko, but in order to avoid being discovered, she was very careful every time she walked, and sometimes she would find obstacles to avoid.

This kind of easy-going behavior proves that she is not the first to follow others, very handy.

Li Xuehao followed her behind her, paying attention to her every move. This is a little girl who is only 13 or four years old. She is petite and she doesn’t even have a meter or five. It’s not so cute, but at least it looks like It feels very comfortable.

Wearing a school uniform, unlike ordinary school uniforms, her school uniform is very special, with both fashion and noble qualities. Usually only the uniforms of aristocratic schools are designed in such a way that they are different from ordinary schools at a glance.

Li Xuehao knows her uniform and has a school logo on her chest. Alston, Auston High School, is another aristocratic school in Yokohama, and is the same as St. Mary's Light and Middle School, but unlike St. Mary, this is a room. Aristocratic girls’ school, only girls, but also must be the daughter of a famous family.

The second sister of Ertosi, Guankou is the student of Auston High School. Since the little girl in front of her is studying at Auston High School, she obviously has an extraordinary family.

Li Xuehao guessed that she was probably the one who was handed over to him after being knocked down by Ke Yifan. She was only ruthlessly trampled on her gentle heart by Ke Yifan, so she had a revenge.

Seeing that the little girl was getting closer and closer to Ke Yifan, she finally stopped at a distance of about 30 meters, just at the corner of a junction.

She sneaked a probe and glanced at the direction of Ke Yifan. She saw that the man was still talking intimately with her lover. She screamed in anger and retracted her head. She had a word in her mouth. Li Xuehao knew she started to practice. It is.

Sure enough, as her spells rang, the distant Ke Yifan suddenly made a scream, followed by the cry for help: "True, really, I saw, saw, come and save me -" he estimated to see again Go to the "red woman ghost".

Li Xuehao shook his head secretly, his finger popping a reiki directly to Ke Yifan in the distance, and soon his screams stopped.

The little girl is hiding from the smug, who knows that the other person screamed and stopped. This made her somewhat confused. Did the guy faint?

She looked up and looked at it, only to find that the man was not scared, and was still looking around, seemingly looking for someone.

Why is this happening?

She clearly has read the spell, the guy has just screamed, indicating that he did have his own "craft", but...

Suddenly, I suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder, and suddenly she was so stiff that she turned her head quickly.

However, there was no one behind her, she did not see anything.

"Who! Who!" The little girl's eyes widened and looked around with vigilance. Just the feeling, not wrong, must be someone taking her shoulder, but why can't I see someone?

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