Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1548: Rejecting the gentle heart of a girl is condemned

"True, this time you really want to save me." Ke Yifan, who looked like a sly, did not look like a big handsome guy before. If he was still wearing a school uniform at Sakuno High School, it would be easy to be seen as a lost person. Young office worker working.

"Good, you are advanced." Li Xuehao gave a look to Yamamoto.

"Yeah." Yamamoto said that he nodded and walked into the classroom first.

"Let's say, what did you encounter?" Li Xuehao took Ke Yifan to the corner of the corridor. There are fewer people here and it is suitable for speaking.

"I am a ghost!" Ke Yifan's opening was a stone-shattered, and with the look of frightening face, it was just like real.

"Hell?" Li Xuehao looked at him. He didn't have a bit of arrogance on his body. This is not a sign of a ghost, but there is some gloom, so if you are a ghost, you should be related to these gloomy conditions.

"Yes, really, I am a ghost." Ke Yifan was afraid that he would not believe it. After all, if he was a ghost, he would doubt if he was a normal person. He said with a sigh of relief. "Good horror, good horror, really terrible, As soon as I close my eyes, I can see the **** and gloomy picture..."

Ke Yifan specifically described the scene he had encountered. It was three nights ago. On the way back to the student apartment, he saw a woman in red dress. The woman looked very good from the back, so he I looked at my eyes.

It was these two eyes that looked bad, because the woman seemed to know that someone was watching her and violently turned around. Ke Yifan almost fainted at the time, because the woman in red was very horrible, with a rotten face and hollow eyes. , there are constantly blood drops...

Ke Yifan shouted and turned and fled.

When he returned to the apartment, he thought it was just a momentary illusion, but the next day, he saw the red-faced woman in the face, and it was exactly the same in the morning.

After encountering it twice, he could not convince himself that there was an illusion, and even more terrifying is that the third day was yesterday, he met again, this time at noon, he even heard the red The woman said to him: "Do you miss me?" The words that are so gloomy have always echoed in his ears.

"Hey ~ ~" while telling, Ke Yifan trembled, apparently recalled the horrible picture.

"Can you say, what did you do three days ago?" After listening to his description, Li Xuehao had an answer in his heart. It was only from what place Ke Yifan was provoked, so ask.

"Three days ago..." Ke Yifan was really reluctant to recall the horrible picture, but his only hope now is that this highly qualified Japanese high school student, "Last time you did not warn me, don't approach those rounds. Shaped things? So, in the recent period, I only saw that the round objects were far away, but I was invited to play table tennis by Lizi..."

"Yi Lizi?" Li Xuehao heard a strange name.

"You have seen it, there is a small cockroach on his face..." Ke Yifan scored his left face.

After he reminded him, Li Xuehao naturally thought about it. The girl with a flaw on his face had seen him. During the school festival, Ke Yifan opened a ramen shop at that time. The girl with a flaw on her face was talking to him. Later, the two of them successfully dated. Speaking of it, the two can make a date, or he is a small one in the middle.

"Go on." Li Xuehao signaled him to continue.

"I was invited to play table tennis by Lizi. I didn't associate table tennis with the round thing at first. When I got there, I found this. I wanted to leave, but I thought it was already here, and it was from the inside. It’s around me, I don’t mind if I want to play it a little, then... I’ve encountered that kind of horrible thing on my way home.” Ke Yifan said with a lingering heart, added another sentence, “You’re really accurate, yes I didn't listen to you, I should stay away from round objects."

Said so much, Li Xuehao still did not hear, how he specifically got into trouble.

"Is there anything else besides playing table tennis that day?" Li Xuehao asked.

"In addition to table tennis, I didn't get close to other round things." Ke Yifan shook his head, which he strictly followed.

"So what happened during the table tennis game?" Li Xuehao asked.

Ke Yifan thought about it carefully: "Is it wrong if I knocked down a person?"

"You knocked people down?" Li Xuehao frowned, and the instinct may be related to Ke Yifan's "ghost".

Ke Yifan nodded, with a deep remorse: "Yes, I should listen to you, should not be close to the round thing. Playing table tennis that day is particularly unsatisfactory, you can also open a ball The nosebleeds came out, and then I flew the ball frequently. When I caught the ball, I accidentally bumped into a little girl passing by. The little girl was knocked down on the ground by me, but I immediately apologized and pulled her. She also forgave me."

"Just like this?" Li Xuehao intuitively may not be as simple as he said.

"Cough..." Ke Yifan coughed and seemed to be embarrassed.

"You still conceal what you want, knowing that what you are hiding is likely to be the key." Li Xuehao couldn't help but want to turn his eyes, and this time there is nothing to hide.

"The little girl, when I left, she gave me a note..." Ke Yifan finally said it, but his face was very red, I don't know if it was embarrassing or shy.

"and then?"

"The result was seen by Lizi, so in a hurry, I threw the note into the trash can on the side of the road. The little girl saw it and ran away sadly." Ke Yifan was awkward about this, probably he was I don't want to do that, but in front of his girlfriend, he has to do that.

After listening to his description, Li Xuehao has roughly clues. This may be a revenge for a little girl who has been hurt. I have seen the face of Ke Yifan before, and he is provoked by the peach blossom, which must be related to women. The contents of the note that the little girl gave him were self-evident, and they saw their tender inner heart being trampled, so under resentment, revenge is inevitable.

Can only blame Ke Yifan for his unlucky, the little girl may be a Yin Yang master, or a friend is a Yin Yang master, so he moved his hands and feet, let him "happiness".

Fortunately, the other party only made him illusion, not a serious means of revenge, but even so, it is enough for Ke Yifan to drink a pot.

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