Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1545: Two people with a previous record

"Then I opened it." With the doubts in his heart, Hosoya Chiaki disassembled the tightly packed carton. For a moment, a strange smell emerged from the carton, and then filled the entire living room.

Next to her, Li Chuer and Wan Cai, who were looking at her gift box, looked at her. The two men were shocked to look at the things in the box. I saw a few lines of brown. Small cookies.

“Is it a chocolate chip cookie?” Hosokawa Chisato was also shocked because she had never heard of such a rich chocolate chip cookie.

Hosokawa is also incredible. Is this the snack that Zheng Zhongjun gave her? This scent is so fragrant that it is hard to believe, just chocolate biscuits.

Hosokawa Chino couldn't stand the temptation of the fragrance. She couldn't wait to grab a biscuit. When she ate it, she was instantly conquered by the indescribable taste.

Li Yaoer and Wan Cai are not customers, with a pilgrimage mentality, each reaching into the box and grabbing a biscuit. When eating into the mouth, I realized that only those who practiced can feel it. The warmth flowed down the limbs and finally returned to the Dantian position. The two were surprised and happy. Yes, as they felt, the chocolate biscuits contained aura and could still be absorbed.

Even so extravagant and so profligate, the two have found more adjectives, to contain the material of the chocolate biscuits with the aura of heaven and earth, this extravagant to even the act of violent things has completely shocked them.

As a hostess in the family, Hiroshi Miki is also the oldest person on the scene. She wants to be somewhat reserved, but after eating a biscuit, she regrets not grabbing it but let her daughter **** it. Now It is impossible to get it back.

A daughter, two guests, she is embarrassed to start, only to share this wonderful taste with them.

"Rainbow, have you ever seen such a luxury?" Li Yaoer yelled at the same time and asked the same rainbow that could not stop.

"Everyone else wants such a luxury, there is no luxury condition." Wan Caibai gave her a look.

That's right, even if someone wants to be so extravagant, there isn't enough luxury, it's not extravagant to be extravagant.

"The consumption of heaven and earth treasures, I am afraid it is an astronomical number." Li Yaoer nodded, his eyes full of distress, if you give these heavenly treasures to them alchemy, then the income is definitely better than making chocolate biscuits It is.

"And this is just a mouthful." Wan Cai swallowed a piece of biscuit and went to grab another piece.

"What are you talking about?" The fine valley of the summer is not able to understand what the two are saying because they are talking in Chinese.

Li Yaoer smiled and explained: "We are saying that this must have been made with super-advanced materials."

“Yeah.” Hosoya Chisato also had to admit that if you didn’t use ultra-high-grade materials, you couldn’t make this kind of delicious.

Four people eat a box of chocolate biscuits, even if there are dozens of pieces, they will soon see the bottom.

When I habitually reached for it, I found that the box was empty, and everyone’s face seemed to be very unsatisfactory.

"Mom, let's call the guy a little more next time." Hosokawa has been addicted to it, completely forgetting what it is now, and the tone of speech is very casual.

Miyuki Painter couldn't help but glance at her: "Well, I am going to take a shower." Worried that Miss Medicine and Miss Rainbow saw what she was doing, she hurried upstairs, and her mind was thinking about what her daughter said. It seems like you can do that.

Li Yaoer and Wan Cai did not stay in the living room. They just ate so many things with aura. Now they have to "digest". It is best to completely use those auras for their own purposes and enhance themselves.


Li Xuehao returned home, and the long-haired wife Heyin had not returned yet. She still stayed, guessing that this is the role of Shuiqiao Ryoko.

In the living room, Shuizhi Xiangzhizi is sitting in the arms of his long wife and black voice. She obviously likes the black-sounding aunt. She leans in her arms and looks at the cartoons on the TV while she looks up and talks to her.

Chiba Sayuri and others are also there, and the sofa is full of people.

At 4:30 and 6:30, the two little guys were very lazy, especially at half past six.

The three-tailed fox yawned at half past four. When he saw someone coming back, he hurriedly ran over and worked diligently at his feet.

Li Xuehao picked it up, and the four-and-a-half-point ball was really cute. It was full of furry and comfortable to touch. The red fur was matched with a yellow tail. The red and yellow colors complement each other.

"Purple sauce, it seems that the date is very successful." Gua Mai is always the first person in the family who is afraid of the world, and most like to find trouble.

"Miss sister, you should lose weight." Li Xuehao rolled his eyes, he would not be guilty of one or two runs, it would only be more realistic, so the only way is to shift the topic. And there is a hit.

"Slimming? I don't need that kind of thing." Guasheng Mai said with some indignation, although the tone was very positive, but after looking at his waist, there was more bitterness in his eyes.

Li Xuehao knew that she didn't care about her mouth, but she was very concerned. When she first moved, she was much slimmer than she is now. Although she is not fat now, she has a sense of flesh in her waist. This is her most troublesome thing.

"Right, Hao Erjun, there is a phone call for you in the afternoon." Chiba Sayuri, sitting on the middle of the sofa, suddenly said.

"Find me? Who is it?" Li Xuehao asked curiously.

"He claims to be Yamamoto Ryo," said Chiba Sayuri.

"Good?" I know." Li Xuehao nodded and said goodbye, leaving the living room, ready to call Yamamoto to see what he was looking for.

But the strange thing is, why is he not going to hit the host at home instead of calling him a mobile number or emailing him, isn't that more convenient?

Back in the bedroom, Li Xuehao used the mobile phone to dial the phone of Yamamoto Ryota.

"In the true, have you got home?" Yamamoto's voice is very loud, and he seems to be afraid that he can't hear it. At the same time, there are huge noises, music and vocals, and he doesn't know where he is. Where.

"Where are you?" Li Xuehao frowned.

"Hey, I was originally prepared to play with you, and I was not at home, so we came to play by ourselves." Yamamoto's tone is with some wretched taste, and it doesn't sound like a serious place. The two of them should not go to the place where they should not go. After all, they have a criminal record.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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