Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1546: Early riser

Hanging up the phone of Yamamoto Ryo, Li Xuehao still doesn't know where he and Fu Yuangui went, and the little **** is not mysterious, but it is not a good place anyway.

I thought evilly in my heart, would you like to call Fuyuan Zhimei and Yamamoto to make a phone call, let them ask for it personally, but if you think about it, it’s rare for two guys to play hard, let them have a good time. Let's go.


The next day, the genius just lit up a little, Li Xuehao woke up, his biological clock has always been accurate. Around her is Mrs. Hosoya who puts most of her body on him. She slept soundly, and she breathed slightly like a blue.

Anyway, there is still time, Li Xuehao is not eager to go back, and then sleep with Mrs. Jingu for a while.

I don't know if his subtle movements awakened Mrs. Hoso, or her own biological clock urged her to wake up at this time. Li Xuehao soon felt that a slender and soft hand walked up the top of his chest.

"Drawing the son, are you awake?" Li Xuehao looked down and saw that Mrs. Jingu was staring at him with a shy look. "Is it true that Zhongjun is leaving?"

"No, it's still early, don't go back so quickly." Li Xuehao tightened her a little, and Mrs. Hoso's body was soft like cotton, and the skin was as smooth as silk.

"I can't bear to let Zhongjun go back so early." Hosoya Riko also put his body close to him, as if he couldn't wait for the two to be together.

And maybe because she took the most taboo step, her movements were bolder, and he was not evenly attached to him. One hand walked up the top of his chest.

"Paint Rico, you can't help it anymore." Li Xuehao grabbed her moving hand and faintly "warned".

Seems to know that he can't help anything, Himeji Hiroshi whispered a bit, it seems that some were really scared, and his face was already red.

"Zhen Zhongjun, if you want, I, I... I can." Stuttering and saying this, shyly the whole head was almost buried in his arms.

"There is not much time..." Li Xuehao looked out of the window and said helplessly. As the sky became brighter and brighter, the time he left was not much, and it was not enough time.

"I don't have the ability to satisfy the true Zhongjun." For this, Miyuki Paint is also very self-blaming. Every time she wants to satisfy him as much as she can, but not once, she can't help it until the end. beg for mercy.

"It's not your fault." Li Xuehao softly comforted that his constitution is different from ordinary people. Of course, ordinary women can't satisfy him. If he didn't control it deliberately, Mrs. Yougu couldn't bear his conquest.

"Zhen Zhongjun, in fact..." may be too shameful to start, and Hosoya Riko can’t say it.

"What?" Li Xuehao did not know what she wanted to say.

Hosoya Hiroshi resisted his shame and suddenly whispered a word in his ear. Then, like a frightened rabbit, he immediately shrank back.

Li Xuehao suddenly widened his eyes, and the shock in his heart overflowed with words: "Painting, how can you..."

"I learned in the book..." The sound of the child of the ruthenium is so low that he can't hear it.

Li Xuehao already doesn't know what to say. Mr. Jingu is so shy. In order to satisfy him, he has learned such skills. This is undoubtedly a huge one for her even normal posture. breakthrough. Also, what book does she read, and actually teach people the kind of skills?

Depressing the shock and screaming in my heart, the sky outside is getting brighter and brighter, but Li Xuehao must leave.


Go back to your bedroom and change your clothes and go downstairs.

Chiba Sayuri has already started to make breakfast. Together with the early rise of the water bridge Ryoko and Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi and the long wife black tone, the melon and the Maiji and the island are still not up, and the mermaid Miyan Ningning goes to sleep.

"Oh, really, good morning." The long-haired wife, Heyin, stayed at home for two days, and was very familiar with everyone. She greeted her like she was the hostess here, and she did not have the humility of a half-point guest.

"Good morning, long wife teacher." Li Xuehao first greeted her. After all, it was a guest. He also greeted Chiba Sayuri and Shuiyue Ryoko. Finally, it was probably because of the water bridge that was too early to sleep. Xiang Zhizi, "Little Princess, is it so early today?"

"Big brother, it is a black-sounding aunt who wakes up people." Little girl obviously with some resentment, she usually likes her bed, but I have not tried it so early, usually Chiba Sayuri has made breakfast well. Then she got up.

"Little princess, what did you say last night? Say you like black aunts, get up with me, do you forget so soon?" The long wife black voice squatted down, gently on her little face Pinch it.

Upon her reminder, Shuizhi Xiangzhizi was blushing, probably thinking of what he said.

"Haha, the little princess is still shy." The long-haired wife, black-sounded, laughed and kissed her little pink face.

Shuizhi Xiangzhizi giggled and kept holding her.

Li Xuehao looked at the scene warmly and shook his head and left the living room.

Out of the house, outside the courtyard, I can already hear the voice of Seto Yoko in the next courtyard. She is practicing the kendo hard.

"Master!" When he saw him, Seto Yoko stopped his sword and ran to the wall with joy.

"Yangzi." Li Xuehao saw her sweat, and she wet the hair of the horns. She obviously practiced for a short period of time. "Don't be too hard, and occasionally let yourself take a break."

"Yes, Master!" Seto Yoko listened to his words. What did he say, she should.

Crossing her, Li Xuehao saw Xiaobin Marina, who was not far behind her. She was sitting on a chair with an English book in her hand, seemingly memorizing the words inside. Very focused, I didn't look at it at all.

For her rare appearance in the courtyard this morning, Li Xuehao was curious, but did not ask, but Setou Yoko made an explanation: "Marina said to accompany me to practice the sword."

"This kind of person will not be too boring." Li Xuehao nodded. Xiaobin Marina was in the courtyard because she simply went to the house to practice the sword, or wanted to monitor him nearby. He didn't care at all. .

"Master, wait a minute, we can't go to the school together." Speaking of this, Seto Yoko is full of apologies, she whispered, "Marina called me to accompany her."

"It doesn't matter." Li Xuehao shook his head and gently rubbed her head on her head, clearly seeing it, pretending to look at the book's Xiaobin Malinai's brow.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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