Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1544: Suspicious gift

After eating a harmonious dinner with Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei, Li Xuehao was separated from them, and there was no reason for them to entangle him.

When a person came to Mrs. Sakai’s convenience store, the sky was just dark, and he was ready to pick up Mrs.

At this time, Mrs. Hosoya has already got off work, but today Mrs. Sakai has something to do, so let her temporarily take charge of the cashier. When Li Xuehao came, Mrs. Sai happened to pick up her class, so Mrs. Home.

He did not enter the convenience store, but was waiting for her outside.

"Zhen Zhongjun." Going out of the store, Hosoya Riko saw a teenager not far from the front. The two had already passed the phone, so he knew he would pick her up.

"Pay the son, let's go home together." Li Xuehao smiled and waved at her, there was no one around, and it didn't matter if he called the name.

"Yeah." Hosoya Hiroshi shy and sweetly responded, feeling like a lover who came home from school.

But on the way back, I still meet people occasionally, so the two just walked side by side, and there were not many intimate moves.

"Is Zhong Zhongjun going to date again today?" Because the relationship has long been familiar and can't be cooked anymore, Hosoya Riko can also make a proper joke. After all, today someone dresses more formal and mature, and looks like a date. That kind of.

"Cough." Li Xuehao was a little embarrassed, because it was only a joke of Mrs. Hoso, but she really told her.

"Really, I’m going to date." Jingu painted the son suddenly understood that he was being said by himself. There was something else in curiosity. "Who is it, do I know?"

"In fact, it is not a date, but a fulfillment of a promise." Li Xuehao explained.

"It turned out to be the case." Jingu painted Lizi did not really break the casserole to ask the end, she looked at the teenager around, sweetly said with a slight emotion, "Zhen Zhongjun, it is good to have you around!"

"Me too." Li Xuehao responded.

Unfortunately, it is on the road now, it is not convenient to do some intimate behavior, the two can only press the emotions in the bottom of my heart.

"Zhen Zhongjun, I am waiting for you at night..." As soon as he arrived at the door, Miki Hiroshi said in a low voice.

"I can't ask for mercy again this evening." Li Xuehao also said in a half-joking tone, more of a kind of awkward atmosphere that only two people understand.

Hosokawa painted a red face and shyly argued: "I, I didn't..."

"Haha." Li Xuehao smiled. "Oh, yes, this is for you." When I was ready to leave, I suddenly remembered something, took a small gift bag from behind and handed it to her.

The gift bag is about the size of a magazine. Hosokawa has not seen how he got it, thinking that he was already in his hand.

"What is inside?" She was very curious, is this a gift for her?

"Just some snacks." Li Xuehao said in an understatement.

“Snacks?” A peony of the ruthenium, followed by some laughter and laughter. She is not a primary school student or a middle school student. She is not as fond of snacks as the little daughter named Yuko’s wife.

"Remember a person secretly hiding and eating." Li Xuehao said half-heartedly.

Hosoya Hiko is even more sorrowful and uncomfortable. It feels like a little girl who is treated softly, but her heart is very sweet.

"So, I am leaving." Li Xuehao pointed to his doorstep.

"Okay." Hosokawa painted a nod and looked at him into the room before she opened the door and walked in.

My daughter, Hosokawa Chiha, and two of the guests, Miss Li Yaoer and Miss Wan Cai, are in the living room. The three are watching TV, and the coffee table has some pizzas that have not been eaten.

"I am back." Hiroshi Miyuki walked into the living room and carried the bag of snacks.

"Mom, we are already full, these are reserved for you." Hosoya Katsuya refers to the coffee table, because the mother came back to work late, the three of them will not cook, so they can only be called takeaway, of course Also left a little for my mother.

"Sorry, Miss Medicine, Miss Rainbow, let you eat this kind of thing." Hosoya Riko said apologetically to Li Yaoer and Wan Cai, as a guest at home, let them eat these takeaways, it is A very rude thing.

"It doesn't matter, madam, in fact, the feeling of eating pizza occasionally is also very good." Li Yaoer said with a smile, she said the truth, for the life here, she has almost completely integrated. In particular, their work is about to begin officially.

"Miss girl, last time you said that the work has been found, where is it going to work?" Hiroshi Megumi accidentally thought of this matter and asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot to say this good news. After a period of training, I and Rainbow have successfully passed the assessment. Starting tomorrow, I can officially go to Sakurino High School as a teacher." Li Yaoer said with some excitement, long It’s so big, it’s the first time to be a teacher. Thanks to someone’s introduction, they can join Sakurano High School.

"Sakurano High School? Is that the school of Zhenzhongjun?" Hosoya Riko was slightly surprised, but she had never heard of it before.

"Yes, thanks to the help of the real, we can become a teacher in Sakurano High School." Li Yaoer said with a smile, and the rainbow on the side smiled and nodded.

Although there are some mistakes in the ruthlessness of the ruthenium, he quickly said seriously: "Zhen Zhongjun is really a good person."

"We also recognize this point." Li Yaoer and Wan Cai looked at each other and saw a deep smile from each other's eyes.

"Mom, what is this?" Perhaps a few people spoke of someone, making the side of the valley a little boring, she was trying to shift the topic, so I saw the bag that my mother was carrying, looking at the packaging, it seemed to be a gift. bag.

"It’s true Zhongjun gave it to me..." In front of a few people, Hosoya Hiko was embarrassed to say that she was only given to her, so it was given to everyone.

"Is that guy sent?" Hosokawa has frowned slightly and took the initiative to take the bag from her mother.

"Don't use such a rude name." Hosoya Riko replied slightly, in fact, she is not very willing to give her daughter, but there are guests present, she is also embarrassed to hold on.

"What's inside, mother, have you seen it?" Hosokawa opened the bag in a thousand summers, and there was another carton packed in a square shape.

"Not yet, Zhenzhongjun said that it is a snack." Hiroshi Megumi looked at her daughter's "roughly" out of the bag and took out the gift box. She wanted to take it, and because of her scruples, she could only watch it.

“Snacks?” Hosokawa’s heart is even more weird. Does that guy suddenly give them snacks?


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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