Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1536: Quiet, ghost!

That is a ghost!

Because a normal human can't be a translucent body, it scares a woman who sees it.

But as a ghost, how can ordinary humans see it? Except for its own appearance - this is obviously not the case, otherwise it will not only be the unlucky woman to see it, but everyone in the entire auditorium can see it.

Therefore, in the second case, the people who watched the movie had a terrible fear of body and mind because they saw the horror picture in the movie. At this time, it just happened to use this fear as food, which alone affected the spirit of the woman and led the woman. And it produces a "resonance" and can see its existence.

It seems to be a pleasure, and then the second hapless person appeared. When watching a horrible movie and suddenly found that there is a horrible existence around, this kind of stimulating picture, anyone will be scared often.

"Ah--" Another woman was fainted.

Li Xuehao looked at the ghost. It didn't do anything to the stunned person. He just continued to find the third hapless. It seemed to be more and more "addictive" to such games.

It doesn't have **** suffocation on it, which at least shows that it didn't kill anyone, just like to play this kind of prank.

Li Xuehao didn't know if it was in the cinema itself, or came in from outside. He just didn't feel it existed. Except that it didn't have a real heart, I'm afraid it's more because it has a little bit. Special.

"Ah--" Another screaming man fainted, this time a man, he was so timid that he was "invaded" by the ghost.

"These people are really rude!" Acheng Limei around me muttered, both disdain and some complaints, because the people who were scared to scream not only affected the viewing experience of others, but also proved the timidity of the other party. Although she has a little bit of a snack in her heart, this level of horror film, plus a man around her, is not afraid.

"Yeah." Even the real name of Nishimura frowned and agreed with her.

Li Xuehao did not speak. He was thinking about whether to temporarily open the eyes of the two men and let them also experience the reality of terror, but in the end they still did not do so. If you do that, the prank is not the ghost, but him.

The film continued to show, but the screams came one after another, more and more people were scared, and finally caused the riots in the auditorium.

Someone hurriedly left the companion who was scared to leave, and also exclaimed the name of his companion in the seat, and even though the person who saw the ghost but did not faint the past screamed, the theater staff could no longer maintain Bystander attitude, they have joined the ranks of "settlement", and there are also people who help to scare the dizzy to leave the auditorium.

In the auditorium, although there was no light, but with the light of the screen, the three people in the last row of Li Xuehao could clearly see that some of the guests who had watched the movie hurriedly left, and even some people screamed "ghost" in their mouths. What.

However, the people in their last row may be bold, not even surprised by the movie, but by the prank ghost.

However, the movements that occurred below clearly shocked those quietly watching movies and were curious.

"What happened?" Acheng Limei couldn't help but wonder.

As a police officer, Nishimura has an unusual sense of smelling the case. She suspects that something unexpected may have happened.

"You wait for me." After saying this, she got up and went down.

Li Xuehao saw that she had stopped a theater staff member. After showing her identity, the other party answered a few words and she came back from below.

"Some people say that they have seen the ghost." The expression of the real name of Nishimura is very serious. It is probably ridiculous for ordinary people to hear such things, because there is a possibility of ghosts in this world. It is only something that is only found in movies. What's more, now is watching this "ghost" movie, the timid people are shocked and hallucinated, or simply nonsense?

Acheng Limei’s first unbelief, referring to the huge screen, said: “Now it’s a horror film. Isn’t it normal to see the ghost?”

"It's really a ghost, not in the movie, just in this auditorium." Nishimura looked at her coldly and looked at her differently. Unlike Acheng Limei, she believed in the existence of ghosts. She had seen vampires with her own eyes. After she was rescued from the fire in the villa in the mountain villa that night, the housekeeper of the long-term wife’s house once revealed the fangs and blood-red eyes and long nails that were not human, and, in the “vampire In the building, when she was surrounded by a dozen gangsters, the legendary "head phantom" in the building saved her and her brother.

"How can there be a ghost in this world?" Acheng Limei scoffed at her.

Nishimura’s real name is too lazy to take care of her. He said to someone who is still sitting in the seat: “Hao, we may have to leave.” Whether or not there is a ghost, she must guarantee his safety, the scene is too chaotic, the person leaving more and more.

Listening to her actually wanting someone to leave, Acheng Limei was dissatisfied and stared at her: "Hey, as a policeman, you actually believe in something that can't exist. Can a police officer like you really feel reassured?" ?"

"I don't have time to explain to you a little girl who hasn't even graduated from college." The real name of Nishimura has also been angry.

"I am a little girl?" Acheng Limei was angry and was about to go back ironically. Li Xuehao spoke in a timely manner. "You two don't have to argue for this kind of problem. If you want to know if there is a ghost, you can see it with your own eyes. Ok?"

“Hey? Um?” The real name of Nishimura and Acheng Limei are a glimpse. See the ghosts with your own eyes?

"Yeah, ghost, I haven't seen it yet. Since the West Village police officer is so afraid of ghosts, you should leave first." Acheng Limei seized the opportunity and decided to kick the policewoman out so that she could Someone is dating alone.

Nishimura’s real name is cold and cold smile: “I hope you don’t regret it!” After saying this, she sat back in her seat and planned it. If there is a ghost here, she will save someone for the first time. This woman, just see how she is scared.

Li Xuehao turned a blind eye to the quarrel between the two because he saw that the prank ghost was slowly drifting from the front row, perhaps because the people in the back seat were too quiet, and they were not scared, which probably caused It's interest.

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