Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1537: Final goal

The people in the auditorium have already gone a third, and the people in the back row can see at a glance, and they can see a large position in front.

The ghost has already floated to the last row. It is looking at the people in the back row one by one, perhaps picking which one to start with.

Li Xuehao pretended not to see it, but the other party's appearance has been clearly seen by him. This is a middle-aged man with a common appearance and a tall figure. It is estimated to be one meter nine, but very thin and tall. Root bamboo raft.

Wearing a cheap suit, and from the style of the suit, it is already very rustic, it is estimated to be a popular product ten or twenty years ago.

This person should have been dead for a long time, at least as long as his clothes history.

Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei couldn’t see it. It floated from the left side of the last row of the crossing to the right aisle and finally selected the target.

The target person is a fat man. A person will almost be full of loose seats for ordinary people. The upper body of the fat body is too big, and it can be as big as three or four of ordinary people. Sitting there is like a坨肉山.

Perhaps because of fat, it was chosen as the first target by the ghost of thin bamboo.

The fat man is watching the movie, very focused, it seems that everything around him has no effect on him, he is only immersed in his own world.

In the face of horror movies, there is no nervousness and fear in his face. It seems that the horrible atmosphere in the movie is not so obvious to him. Perhaps his heart is so big.

But looking at it, he suddenly found something wrong, and the corner of his eye seemed to see a person standing next to him. Standing quietly, I didn’t move.

He didn't care at first, but after a while, the figure still stood there, as if he had rooted under his feet.

The fat man was finally attracted to the attention, looking slightly at the side, I saw a tall figure standing there and motionless, with the light on the screen, he roughly saw the other side's look.

This is a middle-aged uncle who is a respectable person compared to him in his twenties.

"You..." The fat man was greeting politely, but suddenly his expression was stiff because he found that the figure was translucent, just like a virtual image.

However, is there a virtual image here? He widened his eyes and found that the middle-aged uncle, who was translucent in his body, smiled at him.

"Ah--" The fat man screamed like a pig, then his eyes turned up and he fainted.

"Bei Cun, what's wrong with you? Beicun!" Next to his friend, he called his name and shook his body. But for him who completely lost consciousness, he could not hear the outside voice.

This sudden scene finally made the last row of people uneasy.

"It seems to be suddenly cold." Someone said.

"Let's go."

“I always feel that there seems to be something more here.”

"Go away."

The last row of people went on, and the fat man named Beicun left the auditorium with the help of two friends and a theater staff.

In the end, only the Li Xuehao, Nishimura, and Acheng Limei were left in this row, and the seats around them were all empty.

At this time, even if I did not believe in the evil, Acheng Limei, there was a little bit of hair in my heart, because the people who left the words said that she heard it, and did not say that she still didn’t know. When she said it, she felt that it was true, and the surrounding temperature seemed to be true. The decline, because she was wearing a dress, bare arms, feeling the pores on her arms were erected, she involuntarily rubbed her hand.

Nishimura’s real name has been paying attention to her actions. When she saw this, she felt that she felt a sense of uneasiness around her, but she did not forget what she had said before. Now is the time to fight back: “College students, is it cold? Do you want me to wear a piece of clothing for you?"

Wearing a stylish dress, she really has to be "warm" than Acheng Limei who only wears a dress.

"No need!" A Cheng Limei looked at her coldly.

"I still haven't left yet? Maybe it will be colder when I wait." The real name of Nishimura sees that she is holding on to the chill, and her heart is more proud.

"If you are cold, Hoji will hold me." Acheng Limei was not willing to show weakness, talking, holding someone's arm in the middle, and pasting the body.

Nishimura’s real name suddenly became furious, this woman, this woman, she wants to die?

Li Xuehao saw her stand up and seemed to be ready to open Acheng Limei. He glanced at it because the last row had no one else. It was obvious that the prank ghosts who had targeted them were drifting over here, promptly blocking the real name of Nishimura. Move: "Xicun police officer, now is not a noisy time."

Listening to him and returning to the stranger name before, Nishimura real name also realized his impulse and sat down again.

"Hey!" Acheng Limei snorted to vent her victory over someone.

Nishimura’s real name endured anger, but he did not want this woman to monopolize someone alone, so she also held his other arm.

A Cheng Limei frowned, but she also knew that the light was useless and only endured.

The two women’s jealousy, Li Xuehao has not really been on the mind, anyway, he has made up his mind, like this opportunity, will not have another time.

"There is something, I hope that you should not be too surprised or afraid." The ghost of the mischief is getting closer and closer, and Li Xuehao feels that he should first "paddle" them, so as not to be suddenly scared and faint like the unlucky ones before.

"What?" Nishimura's real name and Acheng Limei are a glimpse. I don't understand why he suddenly said this.

"There is a ghost, and it is drifting over us." Li Xuehao said calmly.

"..." The real name of Nishimura and Acheng Limei suddenly became tight. The former is because of the belief that the ghost exists, so the heart is more fear and vigilance, while the latter is the uneasiness in doubt.

"Hao, are you kidding?" Acheng Limei took his hand tightly, but looking at his serious expression was not like a fake.

Li Xuehao shook his head: "In fact, the West Village police officer did not make a mistake. There is indeed a ghost here. But you can rest assured that it should not be too malicious, just prank on people and let them fear it."

"Really, really?" The two did not know if they were asking if he really had a ghost, or was he confirming that the ghost was really not very malicious?

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded, and the ghost of the mischief had already floated in front of him, looking at the three of them curiously.

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