Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1535: Horrible movie experience

Li Xuehao grabbed the hands of Nishimura and Acheng Limei, and came out of the couple's coffee house, pulling to a corner, just to avoid the eyes of the people in the coffee house through the glass wall.

However, followed by the short woman who disguised as a man, guessing that she might be with the real name of Nishimura, Li Xuehao did not care.

"Xicun police officer, and Acheng predecessor, do you want to tear down the coffee shop of others?" Li Xuehao looked at the two women who were uneasy because he was pulled out, not really angry, more It’s weird. The picture of Shura’s field is the first time he’s experienced. Even before Fu Yuanzhi and Yamamoto’s voice, he knew that his relationship with Suzuki Minako did not appear so hot.

"Ho, I am sorry, I am too impulsive." Seeing his gaze is not good, even the title has become unfamiliar, Acheng Limei apologizes first, she does not want her image to deteriorate in his heart.

"I am also wrong..." Nishimura’s real name also whispered, and it shocked the short woman who came behind him. She knew the strong character of the headmaster, and it was impossible for her to appear on her. The scene that has taken place has already subverted her previous understanding of the headmaster.

The two men admit their mistakes so easily that Li Xuehao’s words can’t be said. In the end, he can only say one thing: “I hope that this will not happen again in the future.”

"Please rest assured, it will not be." Acheng Limei and Nishimura have made a guarantee, but when they talk, they look at each other. As for their true thoughts, they only know it.

"Well, there is nothing, you will go back." When such a thing happened, Li Xuehao just took the opportunity to cancel this "date" and believed that Acheng Limei would not oppose it.

However, his words just finished, Nishimura real name and Acheng Limei shook their heads at the same time: "No!"

"Well?" Li Xuehao frowned at the two people, and thought of something moth?

Even if he was so watched, Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei did not retreat. They had just apologized, so they are not as upset as before. Acheng Limei argued with reason: “You promised to date me. Now, the date has just begun and it is not over yet."

Li Xuehao wanted to use the excuse that "this kind of thing happened to end, of course." However, it seems that there is a suspicious suspicion. He thought that Acheng Limei would agree.

The real name of Nishimura on the side also said: "I just don't have duty on duty today. If I am dating, I can count it as one."

Acheng Limei suddenly glared at her. This woman wanted to destroy her date, but she had just had a "hands-on" scene. She was afraid that she would be hated by someone, so she said generously: "Yes, then we three Individuals date together."

"In fact, you should not object, is it?" Although Nishimura’s real name does not like the feeling of three-person dating, she must be present, at least not to allow this woman and someone to date alone.

"If you don't mind, I certainly have no problem." Li Xuehao doesn't mind this. The number of people who have a date is one or the other is not much different. Anyway, neither of them is his real girlfriend.

"That's so decided!" Nishimura's real name is a hammer.

The short woman on the side looked at the scene in front of her eyes. She might have something to say: "The class leader..."

Waiting for her to continue, Nishimura’s real name was interrupted: “Mingmei, go back first.”

The short woman stunned and then reacted: "Oh, okay, the class leader, then I will go first." After that, she bowed and ran.

The real name of Nishimura sent her away. When she turned around, she asked, "Well, where are we going to date now?"

"Hoo, where do you want to go?" Acheng Limei took the initiative to ask someone, listening to her tone, apparently preparing to head with him, this is also a kind of skill to please men.

Although the real name of Nishimura disdains her behavior, she secretly regrets why she did not think of this.

Li Xuehao didn't know the secret thoughts of the two women. He didn't care where he went. He thought more, and when he coped with them, he went home immediately.

"You decide, you can go anywhere."

Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei did not think that he would say this. After the two of them, Acheng Limei suddenly said first: “Hao, how about going to the movies?”

"Yes, watching movies." The real name of Nishimura also echoed the road, and the two women actually reached a consensus.

"Then go to the movies." Li Xuehao is undecided. He estimated that it is almost time to eat dinner after watching the movie. At that time, I must definitely eat with them. So, at least, I don’t have to accompany them everywhere in the afternoon. After watching the movie, go to dinner, then go home and solve it once.

The three decided to go to the movies, and the next step was to choose which movie to watch.

A Cheng Limei, who first proposed to watch a movie, took the road. The three people came to the front of a movie theater. Rosecinema is the name of this movie theater. I just don't know whether it will be translated into Rose Theater or Rose Theater.

The theater looks very ordinary, very inconspicuous. If it weren't for the huge posters of the publicity movies at the door, I am afraid no one knows that this is a movie theater.

On the huge poster erected at the door is a young girl in a white dress standing in an empty room. The room is very dark. It seems to be a classroom. The desks are well organized, but the picture tends to be gloomy and white. The girl in the skirt has red blood in her eyes and red blood in her mouth, as if she had just sucked blood.

"This is the horror film starring Xinyi, "May Women's College May," Do you want to see Haoji?" Acheng Limei asked at the huge poster.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. After all, he was an acquaintance starring. He didn't mind supporting it.

"Let's go buy tickets first." Acheng Limei directly ignored the advice of the real name next to Nishimura, and rushed into the ticketing hall, but soon she lost, because the screen of the ticket hall actually showed, Today, the movie tickets for "Women's College Students' May Monsters" are all sold out.

It seems that Xinyi is really popular. Although it is a medium-sized cinema, it can sell all the movie tickets. It shows that she still has a box office appeal.

"Hao 2, the ticket has been sold, we have to watch other movies?" A Cheng Limei did not expect things to be so disappointing, asking someone's opinion.

"No, you can go to another movie theater. I am very familiar with this area. I know where there are movie tickets to sell." Nishimura is a real police officer. Of course, she is familiar with this band. Otherwise, it is not. May become a policeman.

"That's really trouble you, Nishimura police officer!" Acheng Limei was very upset about this, and even let this temporarily inserted woman come in handy, but she can remember someone who just called the real name of Nishimura, this It is also amazing.

Li Xuehao had no opinion on this. Under the leadership of the real name of Nishimura, the three people came to another movie theater. The magic is that this movie theater is not far from the rosecinema, and may not be one kilometer.

Moreover, there is really a ticket in this movie theater. At least the "May Women's College May" is not sold out. This is very amazing. How does Nishimura's real name know that the ticket for this movie theater has not been sold out?

Li Xuehao guessed that it might be related to the information she had just sent on her mobile phone.

In this way, Acheng Limei, who is obviously in a downturn, is very uncomfortable. The language is ridiculous: "Xicun police officer, it seems that you really worked hard. Did you just send a message to the person in charge of the cinema? Did you get an unexpected ticket for your police officer status?"

This kind of words, almost directly refers to her fake public.

The real name of Nishimura was originally that she was not pleasing to the eye, because someone was around, so she endured it again and again, but when she listened to her saying this, she couldn’t stand it: "Someone didn’t buy a ticket, so I can Who bought the ticket?"

"Hey, don't think that you are a policeman." Acheng Limei snorted.

Nishimura’s real name contends and says: “I haven’t said great, then what about you? It’s just a girl’s life to look at you.” The tone is also very disdainful.

A Cheng Limei has a little bit of anger: "Do you look down on the female student? It seems that it is my fault that I have not hurt you."

Nishimura’s real name is cold and cold: “You can try it again, and I will never be merciful.”

"come on……"

Seeing that they are going to enter the "battle" mode, Li Xuehao said in a timely manner: "First declare that I don't like women who are too violent."

In a word, the two men suddenly shook.

A Cheng Limei immediately changed his mouth: "In fact, we don't want to fight, just want to... I want to try it, yes, it is a test, to test each other's strength."

"Yes, what do you call Acheng, have you practiced judo?" The real name of Nishimura was changed. She also remembered the name of Acheng Limei.

"I am Acheng Limei!" Acheng Limei's face tried to put on a smile, but in fact the muscles in the corner of the eye have been beating. "And, I am practicing kendo, not judo!"

"It's no wonder that you just used your arm as a sword. Was it because of the relationship of Kendo?" The real name of Nishimura suddenly came to light.

"Are you a judo skill?"

"Yes, I am..."

The two people actually talked more and more, and they seemed to have the meaning of seeing each other late, but Li Xuehao was not shocked at all, because he could hear it, they were only so ostensibly on the surface, if he was not here, I am afraid they were early. It’s a big fight.

It can be seen that the two people are irreconcilable because of their temper.

Tickets were bought in this new cinema, and the three entered the auditorium under the guidance of the staff.

Their seats are the last row, together with the position, Li Xuehao sits in the middle, Nishimura real name and Acheng Limei one left and right, sandwich him.

Li Xuehao pretended not to know the two men’s struggles and looked at the environment of the auditorium. This is a smaller auditorium with a total of 13 rows of 15 seats. The gradient between each row of seats is not very large. It is a short person, I am afraid it will be blocked by the front row of high people.

However, there was a very human service in the cinema. The staff quickly walked over after a few people sat down, holding a sponge mat and asking them if they needed to raise their seats.

The real names of Acheng Limei and Nishimura are not short among girls. Although Acheng Limei does not have the real name of Xicun, it also has a look of nearly one meter seven. The real name of Xicun is more than one meter seven.

I didn't need a mat, but the two glanced at someone in the middle, probably comparing the height, and finally each person had a mat.

Li Xuehao didn't want it, he didn't need that kind of thing at all.

Because the movie hasn't started yet, the people watching the movie have not arrived, and about a quarter of the positions are empty.

Especially in the last row of empty positions, Li Xuehao found that the seats next to Nishimura and Acheng Limei and the seats attached were empty.

But as the filming time approached, the people who watched the movie finally arrived, and soon they almost sat full.

Because it is a horror film, there are no children in the screening hall. Li Xuehao looked at it, more young people, and most of them are young men. They are estimated to be directed at the beautiful girl idol, Xinyi.

When the movie officially opened, the lights in the auditorium went out, the front big screen lit up, the first few minutes were intros, and there were Japanese and English tips. The guests watching the movie should pay attention to turn off the mobile phone, and it is forbidden to sneak and keep quiet. .

Li Xuehao can clearly see that Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei are quiet, and they obviously care about this order.

As the film unfolds, the atmosphere of terror comes along.

From time to time, there were one or two short screams coming out of the crowd, but in order not to affect other guests, they held their mouths tightly.

Many people were scared by the horror ghosts in the movie. Some of them were timid and even blindfolded, but they couldn’t help but secretly look at them.

Nishimura’s real name and Acheng Limei seem to have been infected by the movie’s horror atmosphere. The two men are holding each other’s arms and their fingers are very tight, just like yelling at him.

"Ah--" slammed, a huge scream rang, this time it was not the sound in the movie, but the voice of a guest in the screening room, listening to the voice, still a woman, it is estimated that Really scared by the film, and led to a state of gaffe.

However, the screams only broke for two or three seconds. It seems that the other party is aware that such behavior is very strong and keeps his mouth in time.

Nishimura's real name and Acheng Limei didn't care, but Li Xuehao frowned, because he knew that the screaming woman didn't hold her mouth, but she was already fainted, so the scream suddenly broke. It is. But she was not scared by the horror scene in the movie, but because she saw a more horrible scene, on the aisle on the left side of the auditorium, a long and thin black shadow stood quietly there, along with the big screen. The brightness is dark and clear, and the translucent body flickers.


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