Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1534: Suddenly fierce Shura field

"Zhenzhong Hao Er!" When Li Xuehao was hesitant, a voice suddenly came from behind him. The tone was not only cold, but also a kind of anger that was about to erupt.

It is the real name of Nishimura!

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Li Xuehao immediately knew who the coming person was, but would it be too clever? And here is the couple coffee house, why is she coming here?

A Cheng Limei let go of him because she also heard someone call his name, this is a woman's voice.

"Miss West Village." Turning her head and looking at the angry face of Nishimura, Li Xuehao did not have the awareness of being caught, because he did not think that he had any close relationship with the real name of Nishimura, and she accompanied her to dinner, although she said He gave him an opportunity to pursue her, and also provided detailed Raiders, but that is purely the wishful thinking of Nishimura's real name, he did not agree.

But in the end, in this case, she was still a little embarrassed when she met her.

Miss Nishimura? Upon hearing this title, Acheng Limei breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried that she would be someone's lover, and she would have to avoid it. But the name "Miss" is obviously only used by talents who are not very familiar.

Therefore, her heart settled down and she was angry, because she was in the kiss with someone, but was disturbed by this woman.

Nishimura’s real name is equally angry, because someone who saw her appeared was not a bit shy. Shouldn’t she feel uneasy and nervous when facing her? I also gave him a month of pursuit time, it is a bastard!

After the anger, Nishimura’s real name looked at the woman with him with anger and anger. The short hair left by the other party made her feel very ridiculous. Although she looked good, is such a woman a woman? Not gentle at all. A gentle and lovely woman, at least one long hair is essential.

In the confrontation between the two, Li Xuehao was sandwiched between them. He felt that there was a spark in the air. He was thinking about it. In this case, what should be said to resolve the hostility that the two women seem to have begun to appear. .

Just didn't wait for him to come up with a solution. He only listened to Nishimura's real name and Acheng Limei suddenly asked in unison: "Who is she?" The two pointed at each other and asked him.

"You don't have to take care of you!" Waiting for him to answer, the two said in unison, as if they had agreed in advance.

"..." Li Xuehao has no room to intervene.

"I don't care who you are, just leave here!" Nishimura stared coldly at Acheng Limei.

Acheng Limei did not show weakness, and irony went back: "The person who should leave is you, what rights do you have to order me to leave?"

"I am his lover, fiancee, marriage contractor!" West Village real name refers to someone, a face of course said.

Li Xuehao heard the mistakes. This Xicun police officer is still so self-satisfied.

A Cheng Limei was shocked, but when she saw his wrong expression, she understood it in her heart. She smiled coldly: "Is it? So why is it that I am a marriage contractor?" "She also entered the status of "fiancée."

"What do you say?" Some of the real names of Nishimura are believed to be true, and the eyes are widened in an instant.

"I am his fiancée." Acheng Limei repeated it again. There was no lie, no nature, and she was very confident.

Nishimura stared at her in a bad name. If the eyes can pierce people, it is estimated that Acheng Limei has been riddled with holes.

And this unexpected scene, the couples who watched the scene were stunned and excited. The situation of two women fighting for a man was rarely seen in the public. Especially the couples at the scene, they really wanted Know how it will develop in the future.

The waiter who stood by and said that he had to send two cakes was also a shocked, stunned expression, and he didn’t know what to say.

The short woman who came in with the real name of Nishimura was the most shocked. She couldn’t believe it. The men who usually did not swear by the men in the police station would be jealous for a man who looks very young. Is it the headmaster she knows?

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange. The real name of Nishimura suddenly did not speak, so that everyone thought that this was the end of the matter?

Of course impossible!

The real name of Nishimura, who had already endured the limit, couldn’t stand it anymore. He suddenly stepped forward and rushed to the front of Acheng Limei, waving his hand and seemed to be ready to fight.

A Cheng Limei is not so irritating. As the minister of the University Kendo Club, although the other party did not really call, she has already grabbed the past.

The real name of Nishimura looks like this woman actually dares to resist, and the fake has suddenly become a real fight.

A Cheng Li Meisi has no fear, she is the first place in the national college kendo competition last year, and the strength is naturally beyond doubt.

The real name of Nishimura is just a small class leader, but once studied under a judo master, her strength is not under Acheng Limei.

The two of them just started playing, and you came to me and fought a lot.

Under the fight, the action is inevitably getting bigger and bigger. It is normal to knock down the table or the chair. I only listen to the bang and jingle, and the tables and chairs that are touched nearby and the plates and cups on the table fall to the ground.

The waiter who was still stupid was crying, even because he couldn't avoid it, his face was still splashed with a cup of coffee. Fortunately, the temperature was not hot, otherwise it was estimated that it had long been screaming. However, it was a wretched face.

There are a lot of couples around, and the body, face, and more or less have splashed something, and they have to sneak away. You must know that Acheng Limei is a large-scale catastrophe with "passive attributes". When she and the people fight, the people around them will be unlucky. Li Xuehao once heard the same moon in the same day at Tsurumi University. The brother of the moon has said for a long time that there are a total of 36 full members in the entire Kendo club, and 34 of them have been injured by Acheng Limei’s “catastrophe attribute”.

Looking at the two women who are "fight", although they don't tear their hair like ordinary women, like a shrew, and because both of them are very skillful, they look pleasing to the eye, but Li Xuehao never thought that things would develop to them. The point of making a big hit, is this Shura field? It seems to be a bit too tragic.

"Oh..." The real name of Nishimura and Acheng Limei are still in the fight. The scope of the two players is getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding area is emptied within a few meters, and the ground is a mess.

"Enough, you two!" Seeing that they still have no intention to stop, Li Xuehao couldn't help but yelled, and the two of them still did not react. He took one hand and forced to go outside.

Before leaving, he threw a stack of paper money at the waiter, enough to pay for the two women to destroy because of jealousy.

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