Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1533: Try couple

"Hoo, what do you think?" After reading a wonderful couple kiss live version, Acheng Limei looked back and stared at him shiningly, as if he could show a sense of water in his eyes.

Li Xuehao can understand her meaning, but dating is one thing, and kiss is another matter. For a free cake, kiss is really unnecessary. He would rather spend money to buy: "Acheng before... ..."

"Call my name." Without waiting for him to finish, Acheng Limei directly interrupted.

"Well, Limei's predecessors, you know us..." Li Xuehao was trying to say that the two were just trying to date, but they hadn't reached the level of true contact, but he hadn't finished it yet, and Acheng Limei interrupted. "You don't Would you like it? You can get a piece of cake for free."

The waiter standing next to him was a little surprised and felt that the couple seemed shy, so he decided to help.

"Guest, in fact, couple kiss is very normal. You see a lot of foreigners. They have already treated kiss as a kind of etiquette. I don't think you need to be so shy. If you kiss, I can give you a piece of cake." With a word, he blinked and his voice was low, and he seemed afraid to be heard by the guests next to him.

A Cheng Limei is a little excited, probably because of the reward of two cakes?

Li Xuehao can't smile. The waiter doesn't know that the relationship between the two is just a "test couple", so this is simply a "God assist."

Acheng Limei is still watching him. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of expectations, and probably he saw that he had no reaction, and he was expecting to gradually become a little pleading.

Li Xuehao couldn't help but sigh. The change of Acheng Limei is in his eyes. He also knows why, as a girl, there are outsiders present. She probably doesn't want to lose face. Lovers don't kiss themselves. Is this still a couple?

"Limei predecessors, then I am coming." He stood up, since Acheng Limei, who is a woman, doesn't mind kiss, then he has something to fear.

A Cheng Limei also stood up in surprise and closed her eyes. The two leaned forward and slowly approached.


Couples outside the coffee house, one high and one short two people are coming over, the tall is a woman, the age of twenty-three, four tall, tall, one meter seven or more, facial features, long hair shawl, with a touch of makeup, body more There is a heroic temperament.

The short one is a man, maybe one meter six six, three, short hair, hot days, even wearing a long trench coat, but also wearing a pair of sunglasses, it looks like a weird feel.

"Director, I think we are not so good, in case we are recognized..." The short man twisted his body uncomfortably, and the opening was actually a girl's unique delicate and crisp voice, which was dressed as a woman.

"Stupid, pretend that it won't die." The tall woman was afraid of her stuffing and snorted low.

"But if you are recognized..." The short woman is still a little worried.

"Relieve, let me give you makeup, as long as you don't talk, no one can see it." The tall woman patted her shoulder, apparently she was confident in her makeup.

“Really?” The short woman’s voice was pressed lower and seemed to be afraid of being heard by others.

"Of course it is true!" The tall woman gave her a look. "Even if you are recognized, there will be no loss. At most, we admit that it is a couple of same-sex couples."

"Ah?" The short woman was a little dumbfounded, which obviously exceeded her cognition.

"I heard that as long as the couple kiss will send a delicious cake, but it is not sold out, only the gift can be eaten." When the tall woman said the cake, her eyes were clearly bright.

The short woman was also squirmed with locusts, showing a look of hope: "It sounds delicious."

"Although it is delicious, but beautiful, I will not give you food." The tall woman said with a serious face.

"Wow, the class leader is so embarrassed, I want to eat alone." The short woman suddenly complained.

"Stupid, you whisper a little, when did I say that I want to eat alone, I am ready to give away." The tall woman gave her a look.

"Send, send people?" A short woman, a little reaction.

"Yeah." The tall woman nodded.

The short woman looked at her and suddenly asked: "Director, are you giving a man?"

The tall woman was stagnation, but still admitted: "Well..."

"Wow, did you have a relationship with the class leader? Why didn't you bring him, but also I pretended to be a couple?" The short woman looked shocked, just her guess, I didn't expect it to be true.

"You don't need to know this kind of thing." The tall woman gave her a look and her voice was a little bit annoyed.

The short woman suddenly dared not answer, because usually as long as the class leader is upset, it means that her mood is very uncomfortable, so it is best not to anger her, but I still feel strange in my heart, since there is a lover, why should she pretend to be a lover? What?

"Hey, the director, you see, there are a lot of couples who are kissing." In order to avoid angering the class leader, the short woman quickly transferred the topic.

The tall woman is also looking inside through the glass wall of the couple's coffee house. There are a lot of couples in the kiss, and they seem to be working hard for the free cake.

Just looking at it, her eyes suddenly condensed, because it happened to see a young couple in kiss, the younger man recognized her at a glance, it was she who was going to get the cake this time. The object, but this **** is already dating other women, and is still kissing...

This can never be forgiven!

The tall woman only felt that the anger in her heart was soaring, the higher the height, the more she frowned. She couldn't take care of the short woman around her, pushed the door of the coffee house directly and walked in quickly.

"Director, class leader..." The short woman behind her was shocked and hurriedly chased up. She still didn't understand what happened. Why did the headmaster suddenly change like a person.


In the coffee house, Li Xuehao and Acheng Limei are already kissing. Acheng Limei is obviously the first time. Her movements are very unfamiliar. Li Xuehao originally planned to touch the lips of the two people, but Acheng Limei seems to expect. By the time he would do this, he hugged him directly, almost in the most powerful way, tightly "biting" his lips.


Li Xuehao wants to push her away, but the movement is so obvious that it will be seen by the people on the side.

And the couple on the side of the table are also squatting and cheering. Everyone thinks that they are a couple. At this time, if he does not act like a couple, it will definitely make Acheng Limei ugly.

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