Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1529: Lose weight and sister

"Oh, good evening, Minako." Looking at Suzuki Minako, who was "stunned", Li Xuehao deliberately greeted in a teasing tone.

After the shock, Suzuki Mina has returned, even if it is covered with a mask, I can see the face with a blush: "Just... is that you?" She asked, just gave her a massage. Is man not him? In fact, she didn't need to ask at all. She already had the answer. When the doorbell rang, it was obvious that someone had already come. I thought that the things that I "ordered" my sister had been heard by him, and she was somewhat self-confident.

"It's me." Li Xuehao smiled and could roughly guess why she was blushing.

"So Arisa just screamed because I saw you? You didn't do anything to Arisa?" Suzuki Minako calmly shifted the topic.

"How is it possible, of course, I will not do anything to her. In fact, she screamed and ran as soon as she saw me. I was also wondering why." Li Xuehao said that these were a bit guilty because he thought I once said to Suzuki Ariza, "If I say that I like you too?" It is because of this sentence that Suzuki Arisa now often avoids him, occasionally encountered in school, and is like a frightened rabbit. Run away.

"Well, I will ask her about this." Suzuki Mina puts her hand on her face, because she still has a mask on her face, and she still stays on the sofa.

"Have you ever had dinner?" Li Xuehao looked at the environment in the living room and accidentally picked up a cup of noodle that had been eaten on the coffee table. There were some soup bottoms, and there was a slight heat, obviously not long after eating. .

"I have already eaten, cough, is the seafood noodles cooked by Arisa." Suzuki Minako's tone is somewhat unnatural, but she did not know that someone has discovered it.

Li Xuehao looked at the packaging outside the cup noodles and printed a variety of seafood patterns. This is seafood ramen? Obviously, I insist on giving him a lunch every day, but I am eating these unnutrient things at home. It is no wonder that I should use a mask to cover my face. If I don’t do this, I am afraid it will be easy to grow a little acne. It is not good at school. .

"Mina, don't you tell me, is the so-called seafood ramen?" Li Xuehao decided to tear it down. Anyway, they were two of them. He took the cup noodles in his hand and shook it gently.

"Ah--" Suzuki Mina was suddenly shocked. Even when she was applying mask, she forgot it. She wanted to get up and grabbed the cup noodles, but soon realized that even if she got back, it was already late, and she was too upset. He said awkwardly, "Because I and Arisa are losing weight, we didn't make dinner. You can eat this..."

"Mina, your body is very good, if you reduce it, then it is not good to watch, and this is not nutritious." Li Xuehao pointed to the cup of the face, before she became angry, the front Turning, "I just brought some very nutritious food, even if I eat more, I don't have to worry about getting fat, but also beauty." He used chocolate biscuits made from white mushrooms to contain The aura can indeed play what he said, and it is more effective for the half-barrel water Yin Yang division like Suzuki Mina.

"What is it?" Suzuki Minako said that he had said that he had forgotten to find him, and some could not wait.

"You haven't eaten anything." Li Xuehao said a little mysteriously.

Suzuki Minazi looked at him suspiciously. Someone was empty, and his pocket was not like something, but she saw the magical ability of someone to change something by hand. Not surprised, but more expecting.

Li Xuehao took a plate from the coffee table that might have been filled with cakes and cakes, and gently smeared it on the plate. The old pieces were full of brown biscuits.

The rich smell of the fragrance filled the entire hall for a moment, even through the door, drifting toward the room.

"This is..." Suzuki Mina's face changed, this rich fragrance she had smelled, and there is also the "magic power" contained in it, which made her aware of it for a moment.

"Well, I promised to make chocolate biscuits for you." Li Xuehao said with a smile, put the plate back on the coffee table, Suzuki Mina has not eaten the chocolate biscuits he made before, and even that time in the eight scenes On the island, he took out the white mushroom directly. When the food was rejected by her, it was that she did not know that he would come up with the food containing “magic power”, and at that time the two had not yet determined the relationship, so he Did not force her.

"Is it all for me?" Suzuki Minazi asked in a pleasant surprise, and rushed to the coffee table, and even the mask fell off and did not clean up.

"It's for you, but shouldn't you go to wash your face first?" Li Xuehao pointed to her somewhat greasy face.

"Ah!" Suzuki Mina exclaimed, only to remember her current indecent, and quickly said, "I go to wash my face, remember, don't steal."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao looked at him secretly and watched her rush into the bathroom.

When Suzuki Minako came out, the clean and refreshing face may be more delicate and glamorous than usual because of the mask that has just been applied.

"You can eat now." She grabbed a biscuit from the plate and took only one bite, and was captured by the indescribably wonderful taste, with an intoxicating expression.

Li Xuehao was watching. He liked to see people eating what he did. There was a sense of satisfaction.

"Sister?" Suzuki Arisa did not know when she came out of the room. She estimated that she smelled the fragrance, so she came out to see what it was so sweet.

"It's already late, Ariza, go to sleep." Suzuki Minako waved at her. In fact, it was not too late to have dinner time, but her intention to monopolize the biscuits was obvious.

Suzuki Ariza did not leave, even approached a little, sniffing the smell of the air, and then staring at the plate in the hands of her sister, the rich fragrance seems to be emitted from the cookies on the plate.

Seeing her staring at her own plate, Suzuki Minako is not good at eating her own food. After all, she is her sister. She has waved at her: "Come here."

Suzuki Alisha ran over in surprise, and she was right next to someone who just scared her to run away.

"This is what Hao Er gave to me. You can also eat a little... um, just a little." Suzuki Minako handed the plate to her, of course, seriously stressed that she can only eat a little.

Suzuki Arisa had heard that someone had sent it, but she was a little embarrassed, but couldn’t stand the temptation of the scent, or grabbed a biscuit and took a bite. Soon, the eyes smashed up, a pair The captured expression.

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