Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1530: Unexpected good news

"Enough, Ariza, you should go to sleep." When Suzuki Arisa was preparing to eat the fifth chocolate chip cookie, Suzuki Minako finally couldn't bear it. She straightened the plate and let Suzuki Ariza as her sister. Not enough at all.

"Sister..." Suzuki Ariza appeared very aggrieved. She only ate a few pieces. There are still many on the plate. Why don't she give it to her?

"This is what Hao Er gave to me, it is mine, understand? You can also associate a lover, and then let him give it to you." Suzuki Minako's reason is bright, because even if it is a sister, this kind of thing is not Have to discuss.

Suzuki Yalisha looked at her with a stunned look. She seemed to know this sister today, and then looked at someone next to her. The expression was more pitiful, like an abandoned puppy.

Li Xuehao said that he couldn't bear it. He said to Suzuki Minako: "Mina, let Alisha eat more. I will do more in the future."

"This kind of biscuit... can you do it often?" Suzuki Minako said, in her opinion, this kind of biscuit with "magic power" should not be so easy to make, but listening to his tone seems to be very It's easy to make it.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and confirmed.

Suzuki Mina's face is a joy, since it can be eaten often, then some sisters are also the sisters who love her: "Alisha, then you can eat a little more." Then she put the plate again Go back to the coffee table.

Suzuki Alisha was happy when she was happy, like a kid who got a snack, and grabbed a quick biscuit with joy, but when she was ready to eat, she remembered something and said to someone beside him: "Thank you."

"Hey." Li Xuehao smiled at her.

Suzuki Minazi, while eating biscuits, asked casually: "Hao, just sent me alone? And my sister?"

"Fiana's share, I have already stayed." Li Xuehao said, there is no accident that Suzuki Mina will care about Suzuki Fiona's share, as a sister cares about her sister is also appropriate.

Upon hearing this sentence, Suzuki Arisa’s eyes were slightly bright, and Suzuki Minako continued to ask quietly: “Is there more than I gave it to me?”

"Of course not, you are the same." Li Xuehao somewhat understands the purpose of Suzuki Minako’s question. Is she worried that she will give more to Suzuki Fiona?

After getting his answer, Suzuki Minazi was satisfied. While eating biscuits, she stared at the sister who had eaten several pieces in succession. She was thinking about it. Should she put the chocolate biscuits away?


"Mina, time is not early, I should also leave." Li Xuehao sat for a while, got up and ready to leave.

"Alisha, you send Hao Er out." Suzuki Mina took a shot of her sister's hand on the plate and pushed her up from the sofa.

Suzuki Arisa took a painful hand and looked very aggrieved, but her sister’s order, she could only do it: "Really classmates..."

"No, I can go out by myself." Li Xuehao quickly refused.

Suzuki Minako is indisputable: "Hao, let Arisa send you downstairs, the security guard downstairs is not a very good talker, I have peace of mind when I have sent you to Alisha." Bring the plate into his bedroom.

Suzuki Alisha looked lost, she still wants to eat again, but her sister has already taken it.

Li Xuehao was crying and laughing. Suzuki Mina was simply looking for an excuse to think of a person who swallowed chocolate biscuits. He had nothing to say about it. After all, it was originally given to her.

"Really classmates, I will send you out." After Suzuki Yalisha lost, she did not forget her sister's account.

"Okay." Li Xuehao followed her out, sat in the elevator, and went downstairs. Suzuki Ariza did not leave, but sent him out of the apartment.

"Alisha, you can go back." Already sent far enough, Li Xuehao told her not to send.

Suzuki Ariza saw him in the same place for a few seconds, and suddenly snorted: "Really, classmates, thank you for your hospitality."

Hospitality? Li Xuehao is undecided, Suzuki Ariza is really polite, he can not have "hospitality" over her, at most, just to help say a fair word.

"That..." After Suzuki, Suzuki Ariza looked at him with hesitation.

"What's the matter?" Li Xuehao asked.

"... Next time, can you give me a little?" Hesitated, Suzuki Ariza said in a low voice, and his face was red and bleeding, his hands almost twisted together, and he was nervous.

Although she did not say what to send her, Li Xuehao knew that she was talking about chocolate biscuits, and nodded with a smile: "Well." After all, it was a small scorpion, and this small request can still be promised.

"More, thank you!" Suzuki Ariza may not have thought that he would promise so happy, and realized his request, ran flustered.

Li Xuehao watched her go into the elevator and turned away.

When I got home, it was already a little over 8 o'clock.

The living room is still very lively, the six big and a few people are actually playing the game of Monopoly, and the youngest Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi is the most powerful one, Chiba Sayuri five plus the long wife of the guest Haven't played her.

"bell bell..."

Li Xuehao is getting ready to go and see what happened. The phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"Purple sauce, go to pick up the phone." Guasheng Mai is estimated to think that losing to a kindergarten child is very shameful, want to open him.

Li Xuehao turned to pick up the phone. Some unexpected and reasonable. The caller was a long-distance American, saying that he had not called back for a long time.

"Hey, Hao Er, do you think about me and your mother?" The old man's tone was very relaxed, and he seemed to have another cheerful tone, not knowing what happened.

"Is it very busy recently? I rarely call back." Li Xuehao is so big, of course, he will not say something numb, and shift the subject.

"It's not very busy, yes, there is something important to tell you..." When it comes to this, he seems to be interested in appetizing, and he doesn't say it in one breath.

"What is it?" Li Xuehao guessed, probably what the old man would say next, is probably the reason why his tone is relaxed and cheerful.

Sure enough, the opposite old man laughed and said: "Hao, you will soon have a sister or a younger brother."

Li Xuehao couldn't help but say: "You mean, mom, she..."

"Yes, she is pregnant, hahaha..." The old man looked very angry, probably happy to let the people of the whole world know this good news.

Li Xuehao's heart is a little weird, but there is another kind of joy. He has always been an only child. If there is a sister or a younger brother, it should be a very good thing.

"I know that you have to go to Korea during the summer vacation. If you don't go to Korea before coming to the United States, your mother wants to see you. Since she has been pregnant, her temper has become a bit weird and violent, so be prepared. I will help you with the visa."

The phone hangs here, and Li Xuehao looks at the phone in his hand. Before going to Korea, go to the United States first. He is not prepared for this.

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