Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1528: Sister who is a maid’s sister

On the day of the bandit day, everyone was very satisfied. The dinner was also the kitchen of Li Xuehao personally. Whether it was a few people from Chiba Sayuri or a visitor to the door, everyone was extremely excited.

After dinner, the guests who came to visit the door were left to leave, but the black wife of the long wife was left behind. The main reason was that Suzui Shuiqiao said that she had not slept with her for a long time and deliberately left her.

Although Li Xuehao felt that "sleeping together" was a bit weird, but he did not have any opinions when he left the black wife, but he had to send several other guests to go home.

The first is Yuji Yuki, her simplest, just send it to a convenience store.

Followed by the bright moon knot, she is a little farther away, but speaking of it, the direction of her family is the same as that of the Erten Orphanage. After she was sent to her, she can just send Ertoyuan I and Itoji, only But I have to go further and more remotely.

From the orphanage, Li Xuehao did not go home directly, but went to the luxury apartment where Suzuki sister lived.

There is a security door under the apartment building, which is difficult for outsiders to enter, but for him, this is just a small display.

He did not call to inform Suzuki Mina that he was going to visit him, and wanted to give her a surprise.

Although I have been here before, I have not entered the Suzuki sister's apartment, so I don't know if they live on a few floors, but under the cover of God, the Suzuki sister's breath is quickly locked.

They are on the 21st floor.

Arriving on the 21st floor by elevator, Li Xuehao came to the Suzuki sister's apartment outside, and there was a nameplate with the words "Suzuki" on the door.

He pressed the doorbell at the door, and soon, a rush of footsteps came.

The door was opened, and a head was revealed from the inside. The cautious and lovely face was curious, and it was Suzuki Arisa. When I saw the people outside the door, the face that was highly similar to Suzuki Minako and Suzuki Fiyana was first stunned, then red, and some looked at him with some help: "Really, true classmates?"

"It's me, Arisa." Li Xuehao shouted her name. As the sister of Suzuki Fiana and Suzuki Minako, she was also his nephew, calling her name to express her closeness.

Suzuki Yalisha, who is only one meter tall, is a short body compared to her two sisters, but the ratio is very good. She wears a cute pink home pajamas with a cartoon style and short pants. With smooth arms and thighs.

"I..." He listened to him very closely, and Suzuki Ariza did not know how to face him. He looked at him for a long while and suddenly screamed. "Ah--" The whole man hurriedly ran inside.

Li Xuehao laughs and laughs. Does he look so terrible? I was so scared that I ran away without even closing the door.

"Alisha, do you want to die? Who is it?" The voice of Suzuki Minako came from the house. Li Xuehao shook his head and pushed the door open.

Take off your shoes at the porch and walk along the voice of Suzuki Mina.

After the stage, the front is a huge living room.

The living room is decorated in a luxurious style, but at the same time it has a cute style that is unique to the girl. The light is bright and white. On the sofa, Suzuki Minako, who was wearing a white nightdress, was lying there and didn't look over because she had a mask on her face and two cut cucumbers in her eyes, which blocked her sight. .

The silky thin nightdress showed her sleek appearance. Although she was not as exaggerated as her sister Suzuki Fiyana, as a female high school student, her figure has developed very perfectly, no more than Adult women are poor.

Seeing her lazy look, Li Xuehao finally knew why she was not going to open the door, and she was doing maintenance here. It’s too early to be a teenager, just like a 30- to 40-year-old.

However, he can understand that girls always love beauty, and always hope that they will stop at the age of eighteen forever.

He didn't say anything, but he didn't deliberately lower his footsteps, so he walked over.

"Alisha, is it wrong to ring the doorbell?" Hearing the footsteps, Suzuki Minako thought it was her sister. She waved in the direction of the footsteps. "Come, help me massage."

Li Xuehao walked quietly. Since she misunderstood, he didn't mind pretending to Suzuki Ariza to tease her. If he found out that he was, he must be more "surprise".

With her hands on her shoulders, Li Xuehao pressed gently.

Suzuki Minako did not feel the size of her hand. This is because Li Xuehao deliberately touched only a few fingertips, so she didn't feel it.

"...the next point, the left one, Arisa, your strength is too light, heavier... Dumb, do you want to kill me?" Suzuki Minazi pointed to the "sister" to give herself a specific place for massage and strength. Light and heavy, while still not forgetting to teach her, "Fiyana sister will not come back this week, Arisa, if there is anything next time, don't bother Fiona sister, you can tell me directly."

Li Xuehao didn't know what she said about the troubles of Suzuki Fiona, but he didn't dare to speak, because as long as he opened his mouth, it would be exposed.

Suzuki Minako seems to have no intention of waiting for the "sister" answer, and continues: "Alisha, my lovely sister, tell my sister, do you have someone you like in the school?"

Li Xuehao’s eyes are eccentric, so it’s too straightforward to ask his sister. With the shyness of Suzuki Arisa, she would not or could not answer.

"Don't want to say it? I know that this kind of thing is really shy to you, don't want to say it." Suzuki Minazi said to herself, and did not force the "sister" to say it.

"Okay, go and help me make a cup of black tea now." Waiting for him to press for a while, Suzuki Mina suddenly said.

Li Xuehao is a little sympathetic to Suzuki Arisa. Suzuki Minako’s attitude towards her is almost the same as that of the maid. However, since she is her own sister, it should be no problem to be called as a sister. This is probably Suzuki Mina. The thoughts in the heart of the child.

He didn't know where the black tea was. At this time, there is no need to put it on. Anyway, there is no black tea. Suzuki Mina will definitely remove the cucumber from the eyes and see what happened.

He turned to the front of Suzuki Mina, and directly removed the cucumber slices that were blocking her eyes.

Suzuki Mina, who was shocked by the sudden action, was about to get angry. When she saw someone in front of her eyes, when she reached the mouth, she swallowed back, and her face was incredible and shocked: "Hao Er?"

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