"Oh? Oh! You...... Is there something wrong with looking for me? I'm still busy here, you see, are you looking for me again when I solve the problem?

After thinking about it, Cody still used "you", after all, he is a top boss, even in the eyes of others, he is probably a bigger ant.

"Hehe~ No, when you solve the problem, everything will be late."

The surrounding voices gradually converged a little, and in front of Cody, Eternity turned into an ordinary earthling, the one that was immediately submerged in the crowd.


Cody doesn't quite understand the meaning of eternity.

"You can't kill Thanos! At least not yet~"

Eternal said, raised his hand and wiped it in the air, a picture appeared in front of Cody's eyes, and what was restored here was Thanos who was about to disappear under the impact of the Phoenix destruction just now.

But what surprised Cody was that Thanos on the screen did not have the majesty of a powerful villain at this time, and the purple potato essence with a body like a mountain and strong muscles in his memory, the whole person actually became like a withered man, leaning on his back, and became a thin old man.

If you don't understand, you ask,

"What is he?"

Eternal looked at Cody,

"You've heard... Leprechaun power? Of

course I heard it, Phoenix also mentioned it, and suddenly Cody reacted,

"Huh? You mean, Thanos he..."

Eternal nodded.

Cody was suddenly struck by the news.

Looking back at the picture

, "Attached by the power of the goblin, you can actually become this ghost?" Wait, no, since he is attached to the power of the goblin, he shouldn't be afraid of the power of the phoenix, right?

Eternal explained

, "The power of the goblins, somewhat special, it is pure abstraction and devouring power, so, to be precise, the reason why Thanos became like this is because he became the cage of this goblin power, if Thanos is destroyed by your body, then he may exert his original power." Thanos imprisoned him, and it also imprisoned Thanos' soul. So you can't kill Thanos.

"That... It really can't, but now that he's been tortured like this by the power of the goblins, sooner or later he won't..."

"So we're looking for a new cage, and until then, just make sure that Thanos' body can't be destroyed."

The corners of Cody's mouth twitched

, "Then he is doing such a fool now, you just let him?"

Eternal shrugged

, "We can't help this~" Cody rolled his eyes in his heart

, "You guys are the so-called creation gods, even if you can't solve it alone, five of them combined can't help

the power of the goblins?"

"It's not impossible, just destroy a universe. Your universe~"

Eternal glanced at Cody, and Cody immediately understood the meaning, these creation gods can definitely do such a thing.

"Oh... Then forget it. However, may I ask, how did Thanos get the power of the goblins?

"You're also interested in goblin powers?" Your strength is already tanned enough, be careful not to chew more

~""No, no, it's just ordinary interest, Eternal boss, tell me about it~" "Okay~Speaking of it, it's still about you~"


expression is a little playful.

"Shut me P... What's the matter~"

"You pocketed almost all the Infinity Stones, making Thanos farther and farther away from his goal, and the time when he swore to death, sacrificed half of the universe's life, and used it to woo death is getting closer and closer." You think about what he would do with his character?

"Looking for a stronger force?"

"That's right, the Infinity Stones, the power of the phoenix, the power of chaos, are all here with you, what is left of him?"


"Thanos, he is one of the base points of this universe, his existence can promote the continued existence of this universe, and your appearance, like a black hole, took all this away from him, of course, I am not blaming you, after all, this is a natural creation, even OAA is sometimes powerless to stop it, but your arrival does bring more opportunities and challenges to this universe, success, the universe survives, failure, the big deal is destruction."

Eternity turned a big bend and finally turned to the power of the goblin.

"Originally, the power of the goblins in this universe was extremely lacking, only a few traces, fragile, and any cosmic-level force could destroy him.

But at this time, a person appeared in the universe, which became the nourishment of the initial growth of the goblin power, and we don't know how the goblin power entangled him, because the goblin power at that time was too weak, and we didn't feel its existence in this universe at all.

It is attached to this man, who is armed with a black sword, and this person has a ... "great" goal, which is to slaughter all the gods of this universe.

It's a pity that his ability is really limited, I don't know if it's bad luck, or what, he shouldn't have messed with the cosmic zerg when he hadn't grown up, so this trace of goblin power found its first true owner, the cosmic zerg.

The Zerg race of the universe is invincible, and when it is the most powerful, even the gods avoid him, but this powerful race still lacks a trace of luck.

After their mother worm died, no new mother worm was born for thousands of years, so the race gradually died, degraded, and lost its great power.

However, even after a thousand years, the power of this goblin power is still too weak, and the energy it gets is completely insufficient to make it grow into the so-called most terrifying force.

At this time, the power of the goblin met someone again, a person who made him really become a hazard, his name, you know, even, he has been in contact with you.



"No, Sithon, don't you already have the power of chaos?"

Eternal shook his head

, "To correct your concept, no one has really owned or created the power of chaos, the power of phoenix, and the power of goblins.

The phoenix is just an external image created by this force itself, and if it originally made itself into a dragon, then it can now also be called the power of the divine dragon.

The same goes for the forces of Chaos, which Sithorne simply mastered and based on this combined with his dark magic to create Chaos magic, which is not purely the power of Chaos.

This is also the limitation of Sithorne, who is not willing to be just an ordinary ancient god, he wants to be an eternal god like us, with the power of creation abstract god.

Later, you should also know about his affairs, his behavior was too crazy, and he was sealed by those ancient gods of light.

"No wonder, no wonder he wanted me to kill Thanos... This dog thing! "

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