The moment the unknown giant ship launched a devastating blow, all the defensive formations depicted on the Marvel immediately shone with dazzling light, instantly expanding in a circle, covering the marauder mothership on the side, narrowly avoiding the star destroyer cannon that was enough to destroy the planet.

At this time, the scientific and technological defense matrix of the two spaceships was opened.

"When we all eat plain rice? Hit me, hit hard! At

the same time that Brave launched the attack order, the Marvel's counterattack had already begun, mixed with magical missiles and lasers, bombarding the defense matrix on the surface of the giant ship, just like a stone entering the sea, almost did not cause any waves.

And the Star Destroyer cannon that attacked the Marauder mothership just now was just one of dozens of powerful weapons that this ship was equipped with.

Seeing that other weapons had also locked the Marvel and the Marauder mothership, at this moment, Cody knew that if he didn't make a move, it would be really too late.

In an instant, a huge blue water flow formation appeared between the two sides of the confrontation, and then extremely quickly enveloped the Marvel and the Marauder mothership, sending them into the mirror world.

The moment the magic array disappeared, two star destroyer cannons also roared and flew into the deep space of the universe.

At this time, the whole of the giant spaceship was completely revealed in front of Cody.

The shape of the spaceship is indeed Thanos' "Temple Two", but this spaceship is simply too magnificent compared to the movie, and Cody is almost an earth-moon away from it, but he can't even see the side of the spaceship.

"What a big guy! Phoenix, I need to borrow a little of your power, so pick a transformation you like, do you prefer to use the Bird Group or the Infinite Form? "

Hmm... It's still good for the bird group~

" "No problem."

Three red coins flew out of Cody's body, dragged the red light belt, and fell directly into the belt that had already appeared on Cody's waist, pulled out the scanning ring, and slashed through the belt.






With the completion of the transformation, a blazing flame burned around Cody, and behind Cody, the flame formed a phantom of a flying phoenix, which then wrapped Cody.

Looking at it again, the original red armor around the body, each tip is dyed with transparent orange-red, the wings of the head become more stretched, a phoenix head sculpture appears in the center of the forehead, and the eyes turn golden.

Eagle sparrow swivel discs appeared on both arms.

And when the skill is not used, there are already red wings and tail feathers that can be retracted at will, wrapped in plumes, black parts of the body, countless golden points of light hidden in it, accompanied by Cody's movements, shining with light.

During Cody's transformation, several attacks continued to bombard Cody.

Unfortunately, the other side does not seem to understand what "invincible time" is, and wastes energy.

When Cody's transformation was completed, the opposite side seemed to change its strategy again, and countless small spaceships flew out of it, and intensive attacks came towards Cody.

But Cody was slow, not dodging or dodging, the wings behind him shone brightly, and forward, a terrible torrent wrapped around the phoenix's ruling fire, like a tsunami rushing towards these cannon fodder in front.

The energy that spreads, destroys and decays, and any object that touches in the way forward is instantly wiped out.

Don't talk about them, Cody also feels a little too hot at this time. It's like accidentally falling asleep leaning on the side of the fire in winter, and then accidentally being burned by a red-hot fireplace.

That feeling is not more "cool".

But soon, Cody adapted to the temperature and gradually became warm and comfortable.

Seeing that most of the cannon fodder he sent out was destroyed by one blow. Countless more advanced mechanical beasts flew out of Temple Two, which were somewhat like the Leviathan Behemoths of the Chitaurians, and Cody also felt the breath of magic in them. It's a strange creature mixed up.

Cody fluttered his wings behind him and quickly flew towards these behemoths. The swing disk in his hand fired energy projectiles and slammed into the bodies of these giant beasts. The beasts appeared unharmed by the explosions that rang out of the encroachment.

"What's going on? Phoenix, your flame doesn't seem to work very well, is there anything in this universe that you can't burn?

"How do I know?"

The phoenix was also a little surprised, but now was not the time to think about this, those giant beasts twisted their bodies at a very fast speed, rushed towards Cody, and at the same time opened their blood basins.

Cody flew above them, his tail feathers unfolding behind his back, turning into the form of a peacock, and then each tail feather turned into an arrow, carrying flames towards the body of the behemoth.

Some were slammed into their bodies, others flew into their mouths, and a second later, each arrow burst out with terrifying energy and exploded.

The energy that entered the body of the behemoths successfully solved these behemoths and were completely destroyed from the inside out.

But those behemoths that were only hit on the surface did little.

"Sure enough, that layer of iron armor is strange. It can actually block my flames.

"Okay, Phoenix, don't be impatient, didn't you say that your flame is only your weakest ability? But I don't understand, what is he doing now? Are you giving me an exam? Increase the difficulty layer by layer.

"If you take care of him, just destroy it!"


Cody pulled his belt with one hand, pulled out the scanner with the other, and swept it over his belt,

"Scanning charge!"

Cody's figure skyrocketed, and his whole body turned into a fiery red phoenix, inciting his wings and rushing towards the giant beast, and at the same time, the true power of the phoenix was brought into play.

Everywhere they passed, those giant beasts didn't even have time to roar, and they were directly crushed into nothingness by the power of the stirred space, and endless cosmic energy spewed out from the phoenix's mouth, and they crashed unstoppably into Temple Two.

Probably the people inside finally panicked, the multi-dimensional defense matrix appeared in front of the spacecraft layer by layer, the Star Destroyer weapon aimed at Cody, the release of his life, and the jump engine was immediately turned on, ready to escape.

"Now, it's not that you can escape if you want to!"

The last blow finally crashed into Temple Two.

However, the imaginary tragic scene that could destroy the surrounding planet did not come at all.

Time and space seemed to stop running at this moment.

"What's going on?"

Cody looked down, but found that he had lifted his transformation, and around, obviously he could see everything, but there was nothing, it was like... Nothingness.

"Phoenix? Are you there? "

There wasn't any response in my head. Finally, Cody could still feel the existence of the knight space, which made him feel a little bottom in his heart.

"Your abilities are interesting."

"Who are you?"

A voice sounded in all directions of Cody, which was really startled, and then Cody heard an incredible title.

"I don't have a name, but you can call me, Eternal!"

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