Cody was "fooled" by Eternity, and in the end, he still decided, according to Eternal, to temporarily let Thanos go.

However, after returning to reality from the special realm of Eternal Creation, the unstoppable power of the phoenix still almost destroyed Temple Two, and Thanos, under Cody's deliberate release, was taken by his men to escape Temple Two.

At that time, in the special realm of eternity, in fact, the phoenix was also silently listening to the conversation between the two, it was only temporarily blocked by eternity, which was also what the gods could do as they wanted in their own domain.

For these things, some phoenixes have heard of it, and some even the phoenix does not know, she inherits the memory of the subject, and the phoenix main body learns that everything about the power of the fairy has grown up, and can even hurt the power of the phoenix's goblin.

"After all, I'm not that idle, and I observe some of the forces that haven't grown up every day."

Temporarily letting Thanos go, does not mean that those who are in cahoots with Thanos, Cody will let go.

The first target is naturally our Ayesha High Priest, Adam is already Cody's "collection", I don't know what other cards this High Priest has to stop Cody's punishment of her!

After releasing the Marauders and Marvel from the world in the mirror, Cody scavenged on Temple Two and returned with a full load.

"Zea, pack a copy of the technical information you gathered from Temple Two and send it to Tony. Tell him that the new learning task is coming, live to be old, and learn to be old.


Of course, before finally leaving, Cody did not forget to collect a wave of rescue values, although there is no Thanos in it, although it is greatly discounted, but such a space battleship carrying Thanos' sins can also gain a lot.

The explosion formed by the knight's kick through the airship filled this space with countless particles of matter, which made this place briefly have sound, so the final curtain call of Temple Two ended in a vigorous explosion.

"Cody, next, do we have to find some trouble with that woman?"

"Of course, if you dare to eat our bodies, you have to pay a price!" Quille, you say, as a high priest of honorable status who relies on prestige to govern the people, what will she fear most?

"Oh~~ I understand, look at me~"

The next day, the Sovelins woke up from their sleep, went out as usual, and suddenly found that at the door of each house, someone had pasted a piece of paper, and the content on it was so powerful that these people thought that they were looking at the sacrifices of other planets.

Soon, the news reached Ayesha's ears, and it was too late for her to find someone to collect those things.

Ayesha had been tossing and turning for a day, because no matter how she sensed and called, she could not get any news of Adam, and likewise, the fake Iago.

And when she got up today, she found the story posted on everyone's door, and she suddenly realized that she seemed to be really finished~

Although Ayesha is a high priest, there will always be a strange organization in this kind of cosmic civilization, that is, the Council of Elders composed of many "highly respected" old-timers, these people are not under Ayesha's rule.

When the guards of the Council of Elders broke into her dormitory, the elders of the representative announced in public that she was relieved of her position as high priest and chose the next high priest by divine ceremony.

Ayesha's body suddenly erupted with terrifying dark energy, which swallowed the unfortunate elder and the parliamentary guard, as well as most of the dormitory in just a few seconds.

Ayesha's whole body also turned black, soared into the sky, and fled the planet.

In the unknown black area, Ayesha collapsed on the ground, and at this moment, she had completely lost her grace and magnificence as a high priest.

"This is all you made me do, and now it has become like this, and you are responsible for it!"

Ayesha shouted into the void, but the whisper that had been ringing in her ears before was completely inaudible at this time.

When exactly did that whisper appear? It seems to have been from the time when the Igo father and son appeared.

Ayesha remembers everything clearly, from fear at the beginning, to gradual acceptance, and under the guidance of Whisper, together with the two father and son, she was promoted to the supreme position of Sawilin.

But what she thought was a happy ending came to an abrupt end when she was about to reach the top.

It turned out that he was just an outcast.

Ayesha got up from the ground, gathered her clothes, and walked step by step towards the deepest part of the black zone.

It is said that there is a black hole there, and it seems good that he died there.

"Are you going to give up? Adam is alive, and he is by the side of the man with special powers.

A whisper sounded in Ayesha's ears, but this voice was not the one she had heard before, although it was strange, but Ayesha didn't care

, "What can I do, I'm just an ordinary person!"

"There will be, there will be soon."

The voice fell, and in front of Ayesha, a space door slowly unfolded, and the inside was an endless colorful black.

Ayesha thought for a while, and finally, plucked up the courage to step into the space, and then the space disappeared.

"Master, this woman is no longer useful, why do you keep her?"

Dormammu respectfully asked Sithorne's phantom.

"There's nothing useless, it's all up to you to use it." This woman, very important to that Adam, may play some role in the critical moment, you let her stay in your dark dimension, and Mephisto, remember, first imprison her soul.

"Yes, master, I remembered!"

Mephisto bowed his head slightly and agreed.

"However, master, that Cody has not solved Thanos now, so will he do the other two things according to your instructions?"

"It's hard to say, I can't see through him, even forbidden magic can't spy on his mind. I can only continue to seduce, don't you still have the authority of hell that he did not succeed? Get more contact with him.

"Yes, master!"

In the distant deep space, after learning the news of Ayesha's abolition, Cody celebrated with the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marauders again, Cody said goodbye to a few people, he still had to return to Earth, Sithorne's business, not over, he now does not know how to tell Sithorne, the reason why he can't kill Thanos.

Could it be that Thanos, like you before, is playing with the power of the goblins, and now he can't kill it?

However, Cody is quite interested in the story, Eternal just roughly said the characters, specific, all of them were taken by him, and the timeline listening to Cody is also quite chaotic, maybe, go to Sithorne, you can listen to his version.

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