With Cody turning a blind eye, one person and one cloak "busy" for hours, finally cleaning up the interior of the sanctuary.

After a simple examination, Cody found that as Mordo said, Strange's foundation is already very solid, and it can even be said that it can be integrated into a few simple magics superimposed on this operation, which can be easily done. Strange is also bad, and he doesn't need to open the spatial passage by hand.

After laying these foundations, the next thing to learn is to master more magic moves, and Cody has nothing to teach.

Summoning the Book of Vishan Emperor into Strange's hands and letting him watch the practice himself, Cody corrected his gestures and spell pronunciation from time to time.

The rest of the time, Cody's consciousness sank into the knightly space, taking stock of his gains.

In this crisis, his final harvest is very impressive, not to mention the countless energy feedback, the rescue value even after deducting the cost of using the ability, it still exceeded 1 million at one time, an unprecedented rich reward.

And the sum of the rescue values, a little closer, can reach 1.5 million, and now Cody really wants to take out Milo and pinch it to death, and directly make it up.

It wasn't until after dinner that Cody left the New York Sanctuary, and just before Cody left, a skull caught Cody's attention.

It was a standard goat skull carved with intricate occult symbols.

Compare the records in the Book of the Dark God, the goat's head, the symbol of the devil, and the symbols on these skulls, each of which is a complete evil curse, and those who touch the goat's head will suffer bad luck.

The goat's head is enclosed in a transparent window, and the objects hanging around it are "auspicious" things to balance its evil.

Cody didn't have any interest in it, the Dark God Book could create an evil thing that surpassed it every minute, but it reminded Cody of one thing.

It was earlier that the Egyptian god Ra mentioned about Cody's lack of authority over hell.

After Cody gradually mastered enough power, Cody's mentality also changed somewhat.

In the past, Cody was very twisted in this regard, the most obvious is to join the Avengers, involving Hydra and fear of trouble, which is true.

But in the heart, in fact, there is another point that Cody has never said, that is, Cody feels that he is too weak, will only drag the hind legs of the team, the reason is that there is still no crossing before, the ordinary life of more than ten years, plus after crossing, in the memory of this body, in addition to a little, he was well protected by his adoptive parents and Alfred enough, and he did not experience anything.

Let him be like the protagonists of some novels, an originally ordinary person, who has a smooth life and has not suffered any ups and downs at all. But once he crossed it, he stirred up the wind and rain, and Cody thought that he didn't have the ability, or even the idea, and even if he had an idea, he didn't know how to do it.

And now it's different, although Cody has never said that he officially joined the Avengers, but almost all of the Avengers' actions, Cody has participated.

And Hydra, Cody will not be afraid, even if that Hydra ancestor returns to Earth now, Cody has a hunch, but it is just a matter of earning a few hundred saving values, and he can't even change a Kamen Rider prop.

Speaking of which, Cody actually noticed the special person in Coulson's team, Agent Grant Ward, the undercover hydra undercover agent, and the boarder of the hive.

Now his relationship with Skye, discerning people can see it, there is a layer of window paper, and if you follow the timeline, this time period, this Agent Ward should have defected a long time ago and came out of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now, he is still honestly staying here, and his relationship with Skye is warming up, probably the plot of being butterflies again.

But as long as he is honest, Cody will not touch him.

To get back to the point, the current Cody is still very moved by the matter of taking back the authority of hell.

It has come to this point, this god of the earth, he is determined, and the authority to collect hell is naturally very important.

Out of the Gates of Space to the desert of Egypt, he placed the two stone statues of Ra in front of him and called its name.

Opening his eyes again, Cody had arrived in a golden temple.

On the steps, Raduan sits on the throne of God.

"Didn't you use my power?"

Ra asked with some regret, then got up from the throne, walked down the steps, came to Cody, and picked up the two statues on the ground.

"But it's okay, what's the matter with me?"

"You said that I lack the authority of the underworld, so how can I take it back?"

"This, I can't answer you, didn't I say that? We will not interfere with you, let alone help you, you need to rely on your own strength.

"That... Can't you take me to the underworld?

"If you go from me, then the place you arrive at will be the area ruled by Osiris, and if you are lucky enough, of course, you can reclaim the underworld of Egypt, but... Have you ever wondered where the souls of ordinary people should go when the underworld of Egypt disappears? Has your own underworld been created?

"Create? No...... Take over? "


Ra was amused by Cody's somewhat innocent tone.

"The source of power there is the Egyptian gods, and when our theocracy leaves here, the power will naturally disappear. And you, without the power of the Egyptian gods, certainly cannot be used. "

It's that he is naïve, think about it, every myth has its own unique system, how can it be used casually."

Suddenly, Cody thought of something, does he have a ready-made underworld here, isn't the Heim underworld?

With the development of modern society, the beliefs of the Norse people have also changed, and for them, Norse mythology has long become an old story rather than a faith.

As the Warner Protoss lost its source of faith and changed from gods to ordinary cosmic races, the Heim Underworld had long since lost its role as the Underworld.

Even though Thor has descended to Earth several times, his true identity is not known to most people, and it is impossible to talk about the restoration of faith.

The fruits of the Underworld that can be turned into locked seeds are actually transformed by the excess power of the Underworld.

Saying goodbye to Ra God, Cody left the fantasy realm, nothing has happened recently, Cody thought, whether to go to Asgard, since there is a ready-made underworld, there is no need to use it in vain, go and see how to change it.

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