Cody stepped through the space door, returned to the bedroom, changed his clothes stained with wind and sand, took out his bag, and loaded a few changes of underwear, although Asgard's clothes are gorgeous, but the problem is that the Viking tradition is not to wear underwear, and Cody really has no habit of hanging up the gap.

After explaining to Alfred where he went, Cody came to the courtyard, looked up, and was about to call out Heimdall's name, but just after issuing an "H", a rainbow light pillar suddenly fell in the sky, frightening Cody to quickly hide to the side.

The light faded, and two people walked out of it.

"What a coincidence! I just packed my things and was just planning to go to Asgard, why are you here? In

front of him was Hela, who had not been seen for a long time, and Sol, who had only seen him not long ago, and the two were dressed as normal earthlings.

"Hi Cody, long time no see."

After hugging the two, Cody took the two back to the villa, Alfred brought snacks and tea, and then left with Cody's luggage.

At this time, Banner pushed open the door and walked in, still holding food in his hand, apparently the end of the experiment and the time for a break.

Seeing Cody, Thor also had a strange beauty, so he also came over to say hello.

"This is Hela, my sister, and this is Dr. Banner."

Thor took the initiative to introduce, and after the two shook hands, Thor patted Banner on the back and said to Hela

, "Don't look at him Sven, but his ability is that he can turn into a green giant, although I haven't fought him, but I think that with his skills, even if he is hit head-on by Myrnir, he will be unscathed."

"Almost!" Banner nodded and echoed very modestly.

After the pleasantries, Hela opened her mouth and asked Cody,

"Did you go to Asgard for anything?"

Cody didn't know how to answer, the Underworld of Heim should have been the area ruled by Hela, facing Thor, Cody could still be cheeky, but in the face of Hela, especially to her eyes, Cody was somewhat overwhelmed.

I can only laugh: "I've been too tired lately, and I miss the scenery of Asgard, so I want to come to Asgard for a vacation."

"Oh, this way!"

Hela easily believed Cody's words.

"Don't talk about me, you guys come to Midgard, what's the matter?"

"My father, he's awake!"

Thor replied.

"That's a good thing!"

Cody was a little puzzled.

"When he woke up, he didn't tell us anyone, but directly summoned Gungnier, ran to Midgard, and then hid his whereabouts, we can't find him now, there is Gungnier, and Heimdall can't find his traces."

Faintly, how do I feel that this plot is a little familiar.

"When did he leave?"

"Just 3 days ago, probably in the afternoon of Midgard!"

Three days ago? Afternoon? At that time, wasn't he fighting Milo?

"Zea, on the day we destroyed Attilan there was the power of the Rainbow Bridge, did it appear on Earth?"

"Sorry, Cody, Yak and I were using space-based weapons, weapon energy, which interfered with my detection system to a certain extent, and did not detect any fluctuations."

"I did detect a brief ray of energy, but it was so short that I could only determine the direction of Northern Europe."

Banner interjected, but when he said so, something became clearer.

"Alright! Thor, I have a way to find Odin, but I need one of your things! "


"One of your hair!"



"No why?"

"Is your dad important, or is your hair important?"

"I... Odin, he took Gungnir, there would be no danger at all!


glared at Thor, pulled a hair directly, and handed it to Cody,

"Is mine okay?"

"Of course!"

Cody took his hair, made a magic knot in his hand, and opened a space door

, "Let's go, Odin is here!"

Through the door of space, Cody saw the familiar landscape in front of him and determined the next plot, probably to the plot of Thor 3 Ragnarok.

At this time, it was already sunset, the old man's back was a little lonely, Gunganir was lying sideways on his lap, and Odin was sitting on a boulder on the edge of the cliff, looking into the distance.

Cody and Banner didn't get closer, only Hela and Tony stepped forward.

"I've seen 2 sunrises and 3 sunsets here, but I can't see the next sunrise anymore."


Hela and Thor, one left and one right, sat beside Odin, not knowing how to speak for a moment.

Odin held Gunganir, and a golden light lit up in his hand, which was so brilliant that it even overshadowed the sunset and sunset.

In the light, Gunganir turned into particles of light, wrapped around Hela, and merged into her body.


Hela doesn't know what Odin is doing?

"In fact, it was not the blessing of Tianma, but my blessing, allowing you to separate the "evil", originally I thought that this was a good thing for you, but I didn't expect it, but it made you lose the real divine right, and finally let Heim Nether, cheap that kid.

After that, he glanced back at Cody, who pretended to be innocent, and then continued.

"Later, I only told you that I sealed her, but I did not tell you that your evil, after being separated, lost your restraint. Therefore, for thousands of years, in the conquest of the Nine Realms, the negative energy she accumulated made her strength grow all the time, and under the nourishment of these energies, she was already unstoppable, and I did not seal her power again.

Thor, Asgard has reached the last moment, don't stop the arrival of Ragnarok, you can't stop it, you don't need to stop it, destruction, sometimes it's the beginning of a new life, I return my soul to Valhalla, Hela, only the three of you can stop it!

Goodbye, my child.

Odin's voice fell, and the last trace of the sunset sank to the bottom of the sea, leaving only light, and Odin turned into a star point, gradually dissipating between heaven and earth.

And one of the star points, but swayed and flew to Cody's side, floated down, Cody's hand subconsciously catched, and then this star point disappeared in the palm of Cody's hand, Cody didn't quite understand what happened, just Odin was saying goodbye to him.

Thor hugged Hela, who was already in tears, and a tear also flowed from the corner of his eye.

Cody and Banner stepped forward and patted Thor on the shoulder reassuringly.

At the same time, the belt seemed to feel the power of Asgard, and as soon as Cody thought about it, the armor belt automatically appeared on Cody's waist.

In one of Cody's hands, he already held the lock, and the others didn't know what to expect, but Cody knew it very well.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, not far behind everyone, a strong malicious aura came, and several people present except Banner were on alert in an instant.

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