After everyone entered the mirror world, the radar range showed that there was only one person left in the field, confirming the identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark. At this time, each country drove its own armed forces to the scene.

The Egyptian representative knelt on the ground in despair, tugging at his already scarce hair.

The power of the explosion completely wiped the nearby Great Pyramid Complex of Giza, including the Sphinx, from the earth, leaving not a single stone left.

Egypt's economy, which is struggling to support tourism, has once again made things worse.

"Mr. Stark, I ask that Kamen Rider be solely responsible for this!"

"You are?"

"I am the current secretary of the President of Egypt! Official representative of the operation!

"Is it your idea to put Kamen Rider in charge?" Or is it your official decision?

"Does it make any difference?"

"Of course there is, your thoughts, that means that you are the only fool, if it is an official decision, then I can only say that your country is incurable."

Tony didn't intend to entangle too much with these people in the face of officials, and after a stab, he threw the back of the man's head and walked away, and he had to explain it to the representatives of other countries.

Although Tony left the Avengers on his own, Cody never took back his use of Zea, so from beginning to end, he actually kept an eye on and was in control.

Such a disaster on the moon is not as simple as the surface, one-tenth of the lunar surface, is enough to cause harm, not to mention those meteorites that have been ejected to the earth, those that can penetrate the atmosphere and have not yet disintegrated, have been solved by countries, find a way to solve most of them.

The real disaster is that the impact on the Earth after the moon's mass is reduced, most obviously, is the tides.

The moon's mass has declined, and its gravitational pull on seawater has weakened, making the tides a little calmer than before.

It is not yet visible, but in the long run, the ecosystem that relies on tides will be affected, which in turn will have a negative impact on the ecology of the entire planet.

This does not need to be explained by Tony, experts in relevant fields in various countries have begun to express their concerns about this matter online.

Of course, the most direct solution to this matter is to make up for the lost part of the moon and restore the quality like encircling the sea and creating land.

This matter went around in circles, and finally everyone suddenly found that it seemed that only Tony Stark had such technology and ability.

Naturally, Tony agreed, but it was absolutely impossible to pay for it, to make Tony work for nothing.

First of all, the United Nations, in the official name, purchased tens of thousands of Shumageya units with space operation capabilities.

Next, countless large launch vehicles are needed to transport materials, and although Tony helps them solve the power problem, it can be recycled many times and the carrying weight is increased, but if you want to fill the moon, or at least minimize the impact of the moon on the earth, I am afraid that it cannot be done without years of frequent launches.

At the same time, through the live video, human beings around the world also saw that it was because Tony arrived in time and arranged the force field that the terrifying explosion did not spread to other areas of the earth.

Who let them not know, in fact, the belt also has a protection mechanism, even if there is no Tony's force field, Cody's power will at most affect the range of several kilometers nearby, you know, this neighborhood has long been emptied by Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. TEAM.

A few months ago, due to the negative impact of Ultron on Tony, it disappeared almost overnight, and Tony became the most popular superhero on the planet besides Kamen Rider, especially as a "legitimate hero".

Even, because the power shown by Kamen Rider this time was too terrifying, many fans were "dissuaded".


"After the data is analyzed, there is no special information, it is a simple pointing wave."

"Point to the wave?"

"Simply put, the information recorded in this band is the coordinate position of the Earth."

Hearing Zea's explanation, Cody didn't quite understand

, "The aliens are all made by the Kree, the Kree have long known the coordinates of the earth, now send the information of the earth's coordinates again, what's the point?" The Inhumans were left on Earth by themselves!

"Sorry, I don't know."

"It's okay, Zea!"

Cody thought about it, and as soon as his palm flipped, a glass ball appeared in his palm.

"Milo? What do you think? It's quite comfortable to stay inside, right? "

What's the matter with me?"

Milo in the ball, looking a little sluggish, he has become a little bigger, about one-fifth the size of the glass ball, and his body is getting bigger little by little with the loss of Pym particles.

In a few days, I'm afraid Cody will have to give him a new glass ball.

"You made that pyramid?"


"Then why do you want it to constantly emit the coordinates of the earth?"


Even if he is young, Cody can still clearly see his expression, and at this time Milo has a confused expression, but Cody does not rule out that he is acting.

"To change the subject, how did you make such a big pyramid? The remaining Terrigan crystals on Earth are not enough for you to make a pyramid that big, let alone fuse them into one piece.

"Oh~ inheritance memory, every Celestial God Race and their creation have such memories, don't you?"

"Do I look like I have? Have I come to ask you? "

The so-called inheritance left to Cody by the head of the Celestial God last time is just the residual power, and as for the so-called Celestial God's knowledge and the like, Cody has not seen anything.

"Well, it's actually very simple, I just followed the production steps in my memory, mixed the materials together, and it came out, what the principle or special effect is, I don't know. Perhaps, as long as it is made according to that method, it will produce those you say there are and those that are not.


Milo's face, Cody didn't see the slightest flaw.

Cody shook the glass ball a few times mischievously, ready to force another confession, at this time, news came from Zea, and Cody withdrew the glass ball,

"Hello? What's going on?

"I'm done teaching, my work is done, now I'm going back to Karma Taj, and the rest is up to you!"

"Don't! You're teaching some advanced ah! I haven't finished learning it myself, how to teach!

"Then I don't care, you can see for yourself!"

"Hey... Feed? "

Toot toot

A busy signal came from the phone.

"This stinky Mordo, if you dare to betray when the time comes, see how I clean you up..." Opening

the space, Cody stepped into the New York Sanctuary, and as soon as he entered the eyes, there was a mess on the ground, and there was a sound of clattering from upstairs, from time to time there was the sound of glass shattering, and there was an occasional cry of pain from a person.

"What for? Why? Strange, you are going to die!

With Cody's roar, a red figure flew down from the second floor, threw the person on the sofa, and then flew over and rubbed Cody's face,

"Levitating cloak?"

"Ah! Cody, here you are! Strange

quickly got up from the couch, ruffled his hair, and leaned over.

"You two... What is this doing?

Cody asked suspiciously.

Strange was broken,

"Hmm... Only...... It's just playing, yes, the cape is helping me practice my grip.

Cody glanced at Strange's hands, now his hands are indeed not trembling unconsciously, it seems that magic has really "cured" Strange a lot!

"Well, it's good, now there are two things!"

"What's going on? You said!

"First thing, I'm here to start teaching you advanced magic. Master them, your hands, and it will only get better! "

Uh-huh, great, what about the second thing?"

"The second thing, you two clean this place for me, don't use any magic, otherwise, I'll let you experience the feeling of infinite fall~

" Codhip smiled and didn't smile, the cloak and Strange "looked at each other", a little "head", replied in a low voice,

"... Be! "

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