Just now, the power of Cody's blow seemed to be completely beyond Milo's expectations, and under the complete flames of the sky, Milo also relied on his own ability to dodge.

Most of the Rubik's Cube robots brought by Tony were destroyed, but fortunately, their technology also came from Kamen Rider, at least blocking the power of Cody's kick within range and not affecting people outside.

Seeing Cody turn around and stare at him with my red eyes, Milo subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Hehe~ worthy of my god, your power, let me worship again!"

Milo said something soft, but Cody could clearly see that his hand was making small movements.

Sure enough, familiar energy fluctuations appeared from his hands, and Milo's body shrank extremely quickly.

"This time, you can't escape!"

The Pym particle is indeed very powerful, can shrink people to the subatomic level, but it has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, or in fact, it is not its shortcomings, but the shortcomings of human technology, once reduced to the subatomic level, then people will enter the quantum field.

As far as Cody knows, Dr. Pym has not solved this technical problem at this point in time, otherwise he would have rescued his wife long ago.

And it just so happens that the most powerful ability of the ultimate void, in addition to the elements, is to manipulate atoms and molecules to plasmaize them, thus forming a kaleidoscopic attack.

"Supernatural fire" is also one of the abilities, unlike at the beginning of the battle just now, Cody just cast ordinary fire elements on Milo, if "supernatural fire" was used at that time, Cody felt that Minogue did not necessarily have a chance to fight back.

And now, as long as Milo does not enter the quantum realm, then he will have nowhere to escape.

Cody stretched out his hand, and a hollow ball appeared out of thin air in front of it, while shrinking extremely quickly, until it was the size of a glass marble, before flying back into Cody's hand.

Cody looked at the glass bead in his hand and smiled slightly, and then a crimson chaos magic enveloped the glass bead.

Ren this Milo, has the ability to reach the sky, except for the path of entering the quantum realm, any physical and magical way is impossible for Milo to escape from the inside.

Cody hesitated for a moment, whether to let the phoenix directly burn him with a fire, but Cody thought about it, he still has a lot of things he doesn't understand about his identity, so let's keep it for the time being!

Such a big movement, naturally it is impossible not to cause reactions from all countries in the world, this time, just like the last time the peninsular countries were surrounded, Egypt was also completely surrounded by the armies of various countries.

Tony's shield force field is not a wall, it is completely transparent, with the current scientific and technological means, even if it is a few kilometers away, it is easy to get complete video data, maybe the relevant news pictures and videos have spread all over the Internet.

I think that the last blow of Black Bolt, Medusa and Kamen Rider has been completely recorded, especially the huge energy that spread into the universe, which damaged a lot of satellites along the way.

But even now it is completely calmed down, those troops are only stationed tens of kilometers away and do not dare to advance.

This time, the power of Kamen Rider shocked them fiercely, especially if this was an "illegal hero" who did not want to register.

For those people's thoughts, I have been with Tony for so long, and I have seen a lot with Tony.

Cody flew into the air and came to Tony,

"Will you come with us?"

"No thanks, Cody, you take them away, I'll stay, and I'll explain the situation to those countries."


Cody turned around, but still couldn't help but speak

, "Tony, what I want to say is that the 01 suit will always belong to you, although I know that it is very silly to say something like "let the past pass", but we can still face the challenges of the future together, can't we?" Even if you decide to leave, don't deliberately alienate us, there will always be your room in the villa, we are family!

Tony didn't say anything, just nodded.

A magic array fell in the sky, a puddle appeared under everyone's feet, and then they felt the world turn around and came to a desert oasis.

In fact, the location has not changed, but Cody borrows water and brings them to the mirror world.

The pyramids here are still there, but Cody has planted large areas of drought-tolerant plants, which are slightly more habitable.

"This is the world in the mirror, the projection of the real world, and here I am, you don't have to worry about being disturbed, there is no one else but you." But what's next?

Cody approached the Medusas and asked.

Confirming that it was safe, Medusa lifted her transformation and exchanged a few words with Black Bolt, and Medusa said

, "There is also an Inhuman location on Earth, called the afterlife, right?"

"Yes. And their leader is dead, the dragons are leaderless, do you want to move in with them?

"Yes, good villains are the same kind."

"Other than that, the hierarchy in the afterlife is only equivalent to a village chief in charge of a group of villagers, which is still very different from your royal system."

Medusa shook her head

, "There is no royal family left, we decided to abolish the monarchy, this time the rebellion of Maximus pointed out the biggest drawback of Attilan, Attilan has a system, if the royal family, after adulthood, still does not have any superpowers, then, he will be removed from the royal status and become a commoner."

Attilan is too small and has too few resources, so every civilian in Attilan can only get food and other resources through hard labor.

From the failure of his first awakening, Maximus lived in fear that he would lose everything in adulthood, and was ridiculed by other members of the royal family. He has become so extreme for so many years, little by little.

Originally, Black Bolt felt sorry for him, broke the rules, let him still enjoy the royal treatment when he became an adult, and even gave him the king's share, but he did not expect that such an act was regarded by him as a charity and made him hate, and only then did the consequences happen now.

After listening to it, Cody was a little silent, such a price is really too big.

Under the leadership of Medusa and Crystal, the Attilans have begun to settle in this desert, including aliens who manipulate civil engineering, and build temporary houses for them to live in.

The current decision to abolish the royal monarchy has not told them, Medusa and Black Bolt have decided to announce in public when they have completely settled down, and now these people are still in shock, and they need a backbone to lead them.

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