The four people and a dog were surrounded by the crowd in a blink of an eye, and the crystal secretly hinted towards the tetanus, but after the tuning fork on the tetanus head lit up, he shook his head, and then told the crystal telepathically that this spatial passage was closed.

Pietro took the lead, and an afterimage swept by, and the first few people were already lying on the ground.

Before he could rejoice, several silhouettes slightly slower than him appeared beside him, while holding weapons in their hands, trying to stop him.

"How can there be so many speedsters here?"

These people's movements are obviously more than a little slower than Quicksilver, but they are in an encircled posture, while constantly disrupting Pietro's rhythm with weapons, which can change the terrain to a certain extent after touching the ground, causing a lot of obstacles to Pietro, at this time, even if you want to transform, you can't help.

At the same time, the others also launched attacks on the remaining 3 people and a dog, and tetanus, with its huge size, kept knocking over the people he attacked.

Wanda and Crystal, listening to Vision's orders, only directed all the energy beams, electric light, and fire emitted from the opposite side into the ground.

A few powerful and muscular people kept punching Vision, but unfortunately, those fists, fluttering, were not even as good as tickling for Vision.

These people have different abilities, but the strength is really poor, except for the slight trouble there in Quicksilver, if you let go, regardless of life and death, let the current Wanda solve, then it is necessary to release a magic on the ground.


A slightly majestic word came from the back of the crowd, this sound was not loud, but for a moment, it made everyone present stop moving.

Jiaying walked slowly in front of everyone, glanced at Crystal casually, and then looked at Wanda and Vision with interest.

There was a little greed in his eyes, but soon he seemed to remember something and converged his emotions.

"Stranger, why did you trespass into the "afterlife" and steal our things, we have never provoked you.

"What do you call your stuff, is this a den of thieves?" You stole someone else's ability and raked it backwards? Pietro

shouted, his words causing many people to show anger on their faces.

"Of course it's our thing, what you're holding in your hands, called the Terrigan Crystal, we all use it to awaken the power in our bodies, and if it weren't for our people, the next second you touched it, you would be killed?" If you have to say that this thing is not ours, we dare to touch it, do you dare?

Jiaying said.

"What's not to dare here!"

Pietro said and was about to step forward and pick up the crystal from Vision, but was stopped by Vision.

Vision stared into Jiaying's eyes,

"It's not good to use mind control ability when talking to others!"

"How so? You misunderstood. Jia

Ying was shocked in her heart, the trace of mind control that was integrated into the words just now was actually recognized by this half-human, half-mechanical guy, isn't this robot prototype the Ultron guy? As far as Jiaying knows, modern machines like Ultron do not have telepathic detection functions.

A black cloak enveloped Jiaying's body, and then a dagger appeared in her hand, Jiaying pointed the tip of the knife at Vision and said

, "In any case, leave what you have in your hand before you can leave."

Seeing the change in Jiaying, the others took an attack posture again, and the atmosphere became tense for a while.

"Well, give it back to you!"

"Vision, what are you doing?"

After Vision finished speaking, he threw the Terrigan crystal back, and Wanda didn't have time to stop it.

"Nothing, it's just that I found a simpler solution."

At the same time, the other four brilliant crystals were also thrown out by Vision.

Vision's actions, not only Wanda they don't understand, even Jiaying is a little puzzled, but isn't it good to be able to recover all the crystals?

Just as Jia Ying waved her black robe, intending to take back all the crystals, at this time, an extremely fast ray was emitted from the opposite side, and Jiaying's instinct made her hurriedly dodge, and this ray instantly penetrated 5 crystals.

The five Terrigan crystals exploded instantly, and then, a figure that was not inferior to Quicksilver at all, rushed towards the explosion, held the largest piece of it, and connected a thick ray, and those fragments, under the attack of the ray, were directly blown into powder.

Vision quickly returned to the same place, and then, a telepathy was transmitted to tetanus, and I saw that the tetanus figure flashed, and everyone disappeared into this space.

"Are we back?"

Quicksilver touched the head of the tetanus dog, and was arched by the tetanus head.

Crystal was also a little strange

, "Tetanus, didn't you tell me that you couldn't find the exit?"

Tetanus nodded with his head toward Vision, motioning, "Go and ask him." The

crowd looked at Vision.

"It was those two explosions, like radar, that allowed me to receive the reflected waves from the coverage of this space and find a hidden exit."

"That... Tyrigen crystals?

"Here, this fragment is the power of Black Bolt, and when I passed the power to you, I made a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the crystal and came to the conclusion that I can do this." In fact, we just need to get close to the crystal and exchange the energy to another crystal, if it were not for Pietro's impulse, in fact, there would be no need to startle the snake, but unfortunately there are those remaining abilities.

Pietro's face froze when he heard this, and sure enough, he saw Wanda glaring at him. Secretly observed the crystal, fortunately, the crystal can't see ... Look at him....

"I was wrong! Crystal, forgive me! "


Before Cody got close to the pyramid group, he saw in the distance, in the middle of the many pyramid groups, there was a different pyramid, and the rest of the place, at this time, was in the sunset.

There was only that pyramid, which was pitch black all over, with a hint of transparency in it.

Night seemed to fall on its head in advance, covering the entire tower, and in the sky above the pyramid, you could see the stars in the deep space of the universe.

The entire pyramid, against the background of the tattered earth and stone pyramids around it, looks extremely majestic.

Cody stepped forward, covered his fingers with a layer of red, poked the tower, and easily inserted his fingers. Touch the smooth crystals inside.

Looking closely, in fact, this thing is extremely familiar, isn't this an obelisk magnified countless times?

Only then did Cody understand what Ra was talking about in the end of the world.

If this obelisk is integrated into the water, then all ordinary people who come into contact with it will die, and the rest will be transformed into aliens.

Who is the god of the Inhumans? Isn't that their creator, the god of the Kree?

But the problem is that this is a desert, even if it rains, the obelisk is melted, the liquid will be absorbed by the sand, and here is the nearest Nile, there is also a long distance, unless the Nile is diverted, but is this possible? Who would have such skills?

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