Bucky and Cody returned to the house and placed the two things in their hands on the table.

According to Ra, Cody's god Gerry, still lacks the authority of hell, does not have complete divine power, which is why, as a god, Cody is not yet able to grasp the dynamics of the earth, obtain intelligence, all rely on two satellites.

And now the statue of Ra is here, as long as it is taken out, thrown to the ground and broken, Cody can temporarily obtain Ra's divine power, a bit similar to Kong Su giving the moonlight knight power, but Ra's divine power is higher, he can let Cody briefly master everything in Egypt, become Ra, and use the power of the Egyptian god.

As for Bucky, the statue in his hand is slightly different from Cody's, and this statue holds a papyrus in his hand, and pulls an invitation to Bucky, hoping that Bucky can be his human spokesperson.

In this regard, Cody and Bucky were not very interested, but they did not refuse.

As a Lord God, although his arrival brought two huge news, Cody did not quite believe that a Lord God had arrived just to serve as a microphone for him, which was enough for Kong Su.

However, it is also possible that Ra was frightened by the sudden appearance of the alien power in Egypt.

In short, the arrival of La is absolutely impossible to be so simple, keep these two statues first, just in case.

Without surprise, a few hours later, Tony arrived.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened, Tony knocked on the door calmly, only stunned when he saw Cody, and then his eyes calmed down.


, I just want to talk to him, can you leave us alone for a while?"

"Hmm..." Cody

walked out of the house, took the door, didn't go too far, and tried to feel the movement inside, but Tony seemed to be prepared, the moment Cody left the house, a multiple protective force field rose, and Cody couldn't hear anything without transforming.

The conversation lasted for an hour, and when Tony opened the door again, Cody reflexively used his ability to check on the condition of the two, and fortunately, everything was fine.

Walking out of the house with Bucky.

"Cody, I plan to go back with Tony, this statue, please return it to the god."

"Alright! "

It's okay, it's all gone."

Until the two walked away, Cody was still stunned, why did such a big change suddenly occur? What am I missing? Cody regretted a little, he should have used the power of gems to "peek" at the conversation between the two just now.

The two left, but Cody had no way to leave. Ra's news is still vividly remembered.

The end of the world! What a big word.

Walking downstairs, Cody walked in the opposite direction where the two had left, ready to see the "pyramid" with his own eyes.


"Where are we heading now, the Himalayas?"

Wanda looked at the route map of the Kun-type fighter and asked Vision.

"Yes, vaguely, the fifth crystal I felt was there."

Vision looked out the window at the sea of clouds and replied

, "But the Himalayas stretch for thousands of miles, and there is no accurate positioning?"

"The most obvious perception is the proximity to Nepal, but the entire Himalayan mountain range is shrouded in the magic of Karma Taj, and we can only look for it on our own little by little."

"Then when will you have to find out!"

"It's okay, Wanda, my elemental perception can help!"

Crystal on the side said.

"Wow, that's awesome! What else are you capable of?

Pietro's face was full of adoration, if it weren't for a handsome face, how obscene his expression would look now.

Wanda quietly rolled her eyes, and

now Wanda is immune to Pitro.

Crystal lived in Cody's house for a few days, and Pietro had to find an opportunity to get together every day, and the princess was full of fan, ignoring him, and could not resist Pietro's enthusiasm.

Recently, Crystal has occasionally spoken to him, which can be regarded as the enthusiasm of spring heart melting the ice.

After all, the hairy boy, the first time of love, I don't know what the result will be in the future, or Vision This calm and composed, reliable man is attractive.

Wanda thought to herself, and secretly glanced at the face that Vision maintained in human form at this time.

The crystal's perception of the elements is very reliable, passing through a magic barrier that ordinary people cannot perceive at all, and coming to the confines of the Himalayas. Almost the next moment, the crystal locked its direction.

And the perception of visual hallucinations is becoming more and more obvious.

The spaceship was invisible and landed at the junction of the two countries, which looked a little desolate, but under the guidance of the crystal, everyone walked towards the mountain step by step.

The fluctuation of magic, Wanda was the most sensitive, her hand flushed red, followed the feeling, walked towards a mountain wall, stretched out a touch, felt something, and then another light lit up, bringing several people in.

As soon as the scenery changed, everyone saw a lush bamboo forest, distant mountains, and rows of log cabins. The view is very different from the outside world.

"This is where I already feel the location of that crystal, just below that building."

Vision stretched out his hand, and everyone followed him to see a red tower-shaped building in the distance, standing there.

"OK, understand, don't move this time, look at my skills!"

After speaking, Pietro winked at the crystal and instantly disappeared in front of several people, Pietro was in a hurry to show his skills to the crystal, and the others were too late to stop it.

Pietro's speed is of course very fast, coupled with the buffs brought by his belt, the current Pietro is really not sure to be comparable to the Flash next door.

From where everyone came in to the bottom of the tower, the process took less than a second.

It was just an ordinary wooden tower, there was no chain, and Pietro secretly pushed open the door and got in.

At the top of a certain peak, Jiaying suddenly opened her eyes and smiled, "There are little bugs that have been sent to the door by themselves."

After only ten seconds, Pietro was back where he was,

"Is this it?"

In the end, he is not stupid, he is not carried away by hormones, and he knows how to hold crystals in containers.

Vision took it and took a look

, "That's right, that's it, now we should go!"

At this moment, a clear flute sounded, and the perception of Vision immediately made him react.

"We have been discovered!"

As soon as she heard Vision's words, Wanda's hand lit up red and leaned behind her, and as a result, unexpectedly, the place that should have touched the mountain wall was empty.

At this time, there was also a noise outside the bamboo forest, and then several figures quickly rushed in this direction.

"Prepare to fight, block the main thing, but don't hurt people."

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