Ordering the clansmen to clean up the battlefield, Jiaying stepped forward, twisted the Terrigan crystal powder on the ground, and under her expressionless face, she couldn't help but want to burst out of boundless anger.

She never imagined that that Vision had done things so desperately, with such great effort, and the powers that had been collected with great difficulty would all be destroyed like this!

It was she who underestimated these people, originally thinking that on "herown" territory, she could at least solve those "little bugs". Unexpectedly, the strength of those people was not weak at all.

Jiaying stood up, clapped her hands, and walked towards the wooden tower without saying a word.

The house was turned over by Pietro, and many antiques were broken into pieces and thrown on the ground.

Walking to the secret place of the bookshelf, Jiaying carefully checked, except for the theft of the fifth Terrigon crystal, there was no problem with his secret room, and the magic array above was not triggered.

After pressing a few times, the bookshelf automatically began to move, revealing a dark hole, and Jiaying walked in, while the passage closed again.

Lying in the sleeping cabin, slowly, a figure separated from Jiaying's body and walked out.

The black hood moved his body, walked to a scientific instrument, and continued to work, one by one, small crystals containing different abilities were constantly purified and compressed by him until the light in the crystal became bright, and then continued to the next one.

Although the crystal is gone, he has extracted many abilities before, and now, what he has to do is to make these abilities infinitely close to the original, so that he can exert their maximum power!

At the same time, in the villa of the Cody family, Vision is also returning the power of Black Bolt to him.

The fragment of Black Bolt's Terrigan crystal is quite huge, almost half the size of a crystal.

After Black Bolt finally said I love you in Medusa's ear, lying on the bed and closing his eyes, he knew that he needed to prepare in advance, and after this time, he might never have a chance to speak in the future.

During this period, he said more words than in the past few decades, and it was really a wonderful thing to exchange heartfelt complaints with his lover, and he will take this memory with Medusa to face the future hand in hand forever.

This process was quite long, lasting more than an hour, but Black Bolt couldn't even cry out in pain, and the naked eye's whole body was red, the green tendons were bursting, and sweat almost soaked the entire bed.

An hour later, Black Bolt, who opened his eyes, became the same Attilan monarch high above.


Late at night, in a certain alleyway, a person was running fast, and there was a shorter figure behind him, constantly chasing.

"Stop, don't move!"

Gunshots sounded behind, and the person in front flashed and turned into an alley, but unexpectedly, turning the corner, there was a dead end in front, blocking his way, and the man shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, okay, as you wish!"

The person in front raised his hands and turned around, revealing the face of a middle-aged uncle.

"Mr. Hyde, what do you want to do?"

"Now, don't even my father call? At least call me Calvin too! Skye?

Skye pointed his gun at Mr. Hyde, and looked around a little warily to make sure there was no problem, before quietly relaxing.

"Well, father... What are you going to do when you brought me here?

The father's cry was extremely reluctant, but the man on the other side smiled contentedly.

"To protect your safety, of course!"

Skye's face showed a mocking expression,

"Protection? Protect me from my mother? The

man sighed

, "Skye, you should understand that your mother is the leader of the Inhumans, many things, she..."

Can't make it up?

"Anyway, you have to come with me today!"

Mr. Hyde stepped forward, not caring in the slightest about Skye's hand, pointing at his gun and holding Skye's wrist, but Skye broke free

, "No need, father!" I'd rather die here!

In Skye's view, the mother who has always fantasized about dominating the world is the most dangerous existence in the world. For her own growth, she can absorb a person's life energy expressionlessly, and treat this behavior as a simple thing as eating and drinking. Skye really didn't think there was any difference between herself and food by staying with that woman.

Mr. Hyde's eyes sharpened,

"Don't force me!"

Skye hooked her lips,

"Then let me try your skills!"

Seeing Skye's appearance of oil and salt, Mr. Hyde was completely angry, in the dark alleyway, there was only a dim street lamp, Mr. Hyde was under the street lamp, the muscles on his body quickly soared, turning gray-green, his face became hideous, sticking out his fangs, his clothes were almost bursting, and he looked quite like a miniature version of the Hulk.

Seeing this, Skye put the gun in his hand back in his pocket and put on a pair of gloves, Skye's ability is a shock wave, large enough to cause earthquakes in a small area, small enough to completely shatter the object in his hand into powder.

The current Skye's ability is not very smooth to use, and the slightest mistake may get out of control, so Coulson gave her a pair of gloves that can help her control her precise ability.

"Dear daughter, the last time I was injured by you, I was just testing your abilities. You wouldn't really be that naïve, would you? "

Don't talk nonsense!"

Skye slammed a punch into the other party, and the shock wave was ready to strike, but Mr. Hyde did not move, with his chest, he carried this punch, and with the collision of the fist, the power of the shock wave also followed.

But in Mr. Hyde's feeling, this punch is quite soft, and those shock waves, like fascial guns, are not painful or itchy, and a little comfortable.

Skye punched and kicked Mr. Hyde, each blow carrying a shock wave, and after one round, he was so tired that he was out of breath, but Mr. Hyde remained motionless.

Skye was so angry that he took a few steps back, crossed his hands, and suddenly, a violent shock wave hit the ground, this crisis, more than the sum of the previous times, Mr. Hyde finally moved because the ground collapsed.

"I told you, daughter, you can't hurt me, only if I want to, you can, don't waste your effort, come with me!"

"Think beautiful!"

"Then, don't blame me!"

Mr. Hyde strode forward, grabbed his palm towards Skye, and at this moment, a white silk thread shot out in the distance, wrapped around Hyde's leg, and without noticing, Hyde fell to the ground.

"How can you bully girls? You bastard! "

Spider Boy?"

"It's Spider-Man! Are you okay?

"I'm okay! You hurry up!

"But I have to send it to the police station!"

"You can't beat him, let's go!"

Skye urged anxiously, but it was too late, Hyde's big hand, directly tore the spider web, stood up, and then jumped and rushed towards Spider-Man.

Don't look at Mr. Hyde is big, but he is actually very flexible, directly pulling Spider-Man's future legs that have time to dodge, throwing Spider-Man against the wall like a rag pocket, and immediately smashing a big hole.

Skye sent shockwaves to help Spider-Man, but Hyde flicked it again, and these shockwaves were all blocked by Spider-Man, and the strong roar made Spider-Man's head completely dizzy, and the spider induction was temporarily invalidated.

But before he was completely confused, Peter remembered throwing the canned mechanical beast.

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