"How long can you hide? Forget it, since he came to me, let him come.

After listening to Cody's words, Bucky was unhurried, opened a can of beer for himself, half leaned on the sofa, and drank it to himself.

To be honest, Cody didn't know how to persuade for a while.

In the movie and comics, in fact, Tony did not forgive the Winter Soldier, and could only be said to have solved the "civil war" between the Avengers.

The "reconciliation" in the movie is multifaceted, such as the letter left by Team America to Tony, Bucky voluntarily freezing himself, and Tony knowing in his heart that the culprit is Hydra, and the subsequent Avengers three plots, it can almost be said that time has buried all this in the deepest part and let it pass.

In the comics, because of Steve's death, the Winter Soldier was brought back to become a replacement for Team America, taking charge of the shield.

Obviously, in this situation, neither side is leaning.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock at the door.

"So soon? No way? "

After receiving the news of Tony's takeoff, it has only been less than half an hour, where is there such a fast private jet?

However, Cody carefully perceived the past and realized that it was not Tony outside the door.

"Long time no see, Mark!"

Opening the door and seeing the person outside the door, Cody greeted him.

"I'm not Mark, my name is Jack Lockley."

The third personality of the Moonlight Knight?

"Oh! Well, you look for me, what's the matter?

"It's Kong Su who has something to find you, and he's in the car downstairs."

Moonlight Knight deliberately emphasized the word "we", I don't know why, but since the last contact with Kong Su was not bad, Cody Dao did not hesitate and went downstairs with Bucky.

Outside the residential area, on some narrow streets, a white extended Lincoln stopped there, attracting people around to keep looking.

The Moonlight Knight opened the door for the two, and Cody and Bucky sat in, only to find that in addition to Kong Su in a suit, there was a richly dressed man sitting inside.

"This is?"

"Ruler of Heropolis, Ra!"

"Sun God?"

"Yes, it's just a title for me."

He opened his mouth to speak, and his tone was ordinary, without that high-handed taste.

"I heard that you saved Asgard, and on behalf of the Council of Gods, I thank you for your help."

"No, that's what I'm supposed to do."

How long has it been since this? Now come to thank....

"You came to me today, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Cody, straight to the point, Ra no longer grinds

, "Two things, first, as the first primordial god born on the earth, we will completely withdraw our divine right from the earth after you complete the divine rule in all fields. So far, you have only come into contact with a few underworlds, but we will not interfere, let alone help you!

The second thing is that a pyramid has risen in the desert that does not belong to us, and three days later, when the rain pours, it will also be the day of the end of the world. "



"Yes, at the end of the world, all unrelated humans will die, the remaining humans will become believers in pagan gods, we will be expelled immediately, and you will lose the authority of the earth forever."

"Alien gods?"

"Yes, pagan gods, all known gods on earth, although they are not gods born on earth native, but we are all one of the four ancient gods, the bloodline of Gaia, because of her existence, we can stay on the earth and establish our own realm.

But the universe is so big, Gaia's footprints cannot be covered, and there are many gods as ancient as Gaia.

That pyramid is the embodiment of the power of that alien god! "

It's getting more and more fun!

The luxury car slowly drove away.

Cody and Bucky watched the car go away, each holding an object that was given to them by Ra, saying that they would use it if something unsolvable happened.


"It may be a little painful, bear with it a little."

In the room, Crystal lay flat on the bed, next to the concerned Medusa couple and tetanus.

Vision put one of the Terrigan crystals into a container, and one end of this container was connected to Vision's body, and Vision put his hand on the crystal's forehead, and the magic gem on his head emitted a faint light.

Several streams of light of different colors slowly separated from the Terrigan crystal, and as the light left, the appearance of this Terrigan crystal seemed to become a little more normal.

The streamer passed through Vision's body and soon merged into Crystal's forehead, and suddenly, beads of sweat flowed out of Crystal's head, and his body trembled, but Crystal was very strong and unwilling to exhale in pain.

However, the expressions of the Medusa, in addition to concern, were also very calm, and Black Bolt rarely spoke

, "Every alien awakening is to endure pain, and the stronger the ability, the greater this pain will be."

A few minutes later, the streamer disappeared and completely submerged into the crystal's body, and Vision took his hand away and said.

"You get used to it, you're done."

The pain faded, Crystal slowly sat up from the bed, looked at her hands, and then, hooked her fingers at the water cup on the table, the water in it quickly flew to her palm, and then, a heat rose from her hand, and within a few seconds, this handful of water was heated to boiling, and finally atomized directly around.

"Thank you, Mr. Vision, can you help with tetanus?"

"Woof~" Tetanus heard its name, and also humanly shouted towards the vision.

"Of course, no problem."

In fact, the original tetanus is also a human being, and after awakening with the Terrigan crystal, the body has become a dog, and has the ability to teleport and a certain psychic ability.

But the loss of superpowers did not make it change back, but it did not have the power to teleport. The body is still a huge bully dog.

Vision concocted the same way, sending tetanus back into its body in the same way.

Seeing Crystal and Tetanus recover, facing Medusa's expectant eyes, Vision knew what she wanted to say.

"Black Bolt's ability is not in these crystals, but I already have some clues. Will help him get it back soon.

"Can Mr. Vision take us with him?" We can help you. Crystal

stepped forward and stood next to Vision.


Tetanus echoed.

"It's dangerous, we can't be sure, there will be other Terrigan crystals out there, what if your ability is deprived again?"

"It's okay, last time that person turned himself into a queen, I will be fooled, this time it won't."

"Okay, then pay attention to yourself."

"Well, no problem!"


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