According to Zea's positioning, Cody flew forward for ten minutes before finding Tony.

The expected fierce battle did not happen, only Tony lay on the ground, unconscious, 01 steel suit chest, a large piece of armor was torn, leaving Tony with some bloody chest.

Cody chuckled inwardly, quickly stepped forward to check, and only let go of his heart after a while, these injuries were not fatal, they should have been caused when the suit was torn.

The red light in Cody's hand covered it, and the place where Tony was injured gradually recovered as before.

Cody stood up, looked around, frowned, and determined one thing, the person just now was definitely not Bucky, there were no traces of burning or freezing here, and Bucky no longer had vibranium arms, even if there was, it was absolutely impossible to make the steel suit made of 01 materials appear such a tear.

Asked Zea, and sure enough, Bucky was still in the safe house and had never left.

At this moment, Cody suddenly turned around and suddenly threw a punch, and at the same time the light on his waist shone, and at the moment of contact with the target, he transformed into a stunning all-powerful empty me.

The huge force created a shock wave between the two collisions, kicking up smoke.

The person who tried to sneak up on Cody behind his back was "Bucky".

He was still wearing the same dress from the royal family of Wakanda, but he was carrying the exact same quiver as Hawkeye on his back, and at his waist was the shock baton that Natasha would use, and what was improved was that his arm was no longer metal, but held the same shield as Captain America, and the color on the shield was exactly the same as the steel suit.

This texture....

Cody could see at first glance that it was exactly the same as the material of the steel suit.

With a surprise all-powerful punch, the shield didn't even have a dent.

The collision of the two touched and left.

"Who are you? Helmert Zemo? Anthony Tony Masters? Still is...... Milo?

Cody stared at his "dog eyes", which were 9 points similar to "Bucky", and only indifference came out of these eyes.

The person on the other side did not answer Cody, in the center of the shield, there was something similar to the core of the ark, several lasers shot out from it, Cody did a few flips, dodged the laser, and then swung his fists at the man one after another.

The man continued to block with his shield, while the other arm quickly turned silver, and then slammed his fist with Cody, although Cody did not use full strength, but the strength of the opponent's punch was not weaker than Cody.

The two fists quickly collided, making a "bang bang" sound, and what made Cody strange was that as he fought, the boxing power that Cody felt became stronger and stronger, and even made Cody feel a trace of pain.

Cody kicked his shield and the two distanced themselves. Because Cody felt his change again.

Sure enough, starting from the shield on the man's arm, the 01 material covering the shield faded, like flowing water, returned to his body, and wrapped his arm.

The shield, on the other hand, began to slowly turn black, mixed with golden lines, and Cody was stunned for a moment, this familiar breath.

Empty me? Is this amazing almighty empty my body?

How could he do such an imitation?

Let's just say that Tony is wearing a 01 armor, how can he still be injured, this person's so-called imitation ability is to assimilate a part of himself into something close to or similar to the other party after contact or fighting.

There is also Bucky, now Cody knows why the Bucky imitated by this person is still Bucky who originally had a metal arm, because he has only touched Bucky in the past, or fought with Bucky in the past, and now this Bucky's appearance is the difference between an arm, and he can still do it by turning the silver arm into an ordinary arm and deceiving everyone.

The change was completed in a few breaths, and the shield completely became an "amazing all-round color." The

person on the other side, without saying a word, raised his shield and suddenly slammed into Cody, who saw that the situation was not good, and was ready to give him a sealing kick.

However, Cody suddenly thought about it, at present, this person is the imitation master is right, but Coulson also said that this person's ability can already imitate energy, what if a seal kick was also imitated by him?

You know, in this world, the sealing kick also has a special ability, that is, it can absorb energy. Who knows if this will benefit him, Cody is now learning well, that is, he must not underestimate any power.

The wrist reversed, and a huge scythe appeared in Cody's hand, this is the scythe of that mantis Gulangi, at the moment when the imitation master rushed, Cody activated the ability of the mantis woman, and with the help of the amazing all-powerful empty self's physical power. Instant shots.

Behind him, the movements of the imitation master paused.

A second later, "Whoops! "

The shield split in the middle, turned into two halves, and half fell to the ground, turning into a pile of flesh and blood, and the incision was extremely flat.

At the same time, half of the head of this imitation master was cut off.

When Team America came panting, he saw the scene where "Bucky" was killed by Cody, and the "Halo of Friends of Friends" once again covered Team America's head.

Without saying a word, the American team immediately threw a shield at Cody.

Cody tilted his head, dodged it, and said helplessly

, "This is not Bucky, you look good."

Cody kicked the already cool imitation master, and the man fell straight to the ground, his body gradually changed, from half-length hair to short stubble, his body became larger, and his face became a person with many scars.

Cody walked over to check the man's situation, the half of the head was not very bloody, it was because it was almost half empty, and in the rest of the brain, Cody found a black device in it, this device, it looked almost exactly the same as when he found the controller in Bucky's head. The only difference is that on this device, there is also a red dot that flashes all the time.

Cody realized that something was wrong

, "Zeya, is there a signal in this thing?" What is the content and can it be blocked?

After a while, Zeya replied

, "The signal interception has been completed, the encrypted information has been deciphered, and the content is empty of the molecular structure of my body." The rest of the information has been transmitted, and the monitoring time is insufficient to know the target address.

"01 Technology has been stolen again?"

Cody shook his head, I am afraid that he will have to let Zeya keep the signal interceptor on when he goes out in the future, and the means of modern technology are really endless and unpreventable.

However, getting the technology depends on whether they have the ability to do it.

Picking up Tony, Cody finally said to Steve,

"Bucky is safe now."

Then he left with Tony.

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