Back home, Cody took out a blank piece of 01 armor material from the space and pasted it on Tony, and soon the programming of the blank material was automatically completed, replacing the torn part of the armor and becoming complete again.

As for the damaged Ark core, this one needs to be repaired by Tony himself.

At night, Tony wakes up, and the sober Tony is a little agitated and irritable.

Cody quickly calmed him down

, "Tony, that guy, it's not Bucky."

"I know! I can tell from his actions. However, not only did he tear my suit, but before I fell unconscious, I vaguely remembered that he seemed to have taken my blood sample. That's all that matters.

Stark Industries and Marvel Technologies' main defense systems use my genome as the core code.

If he has any special biotechnology, then everything that Stark Industries and Marvel Technologies' secrets will be at his fingertips, whoever he is?

Other than that, I don't know what else he was using to extract my biological samples.

Listening to Tony's words, Cody also realized the particularity of this matter,

"Can it be modified now?"

"Marvel Technology can, you and I have the same permissions, I know just remove my permissions." However, Stark Industries, only my gene lock.

Tony's estimate was accurate, and now that a few hours had passed, it was completely too late to start deploying immediately.

When Tony conceived and let Zeya fully take over the security system of Stark Industries, it was discovered that just half an hour ago, Stark Industries' laboratories, confidential warehouses, etc. were placed in Stark Industries, starting from Tony's father Howard Stark, to now, many confidential documents have been stolen.

There are also many unpublished weapons materials that were developed before the closure of the weapons department, as well as Howard Stark's research results.

The most important of these is a thick notebook that records a particle that, although unnamed, is nearly 99% complete, and if it were not for the death of Tony's parents, this research may be the most important milestone in Howard Stark's later years.

It was discovered that it was stolen because of the special analysis methods used by Zea, and if it were not for Tony's flexible brain and thought of the possibility of this, others would never have imagined that one of his family's base camps would be like no one in a no-man's land like this.

All of those materials were carefully restored. And the whole time, these people wore thick laboratory protective clothing, and they couldn't see their faces at all, and only Zeya detected the height and size of these people, which was different from the regular laboratory personnel.

There is also Tony's private safe, which doesn't have any cameras, but Tony is unconscious when it is turned on. It can't be Tony's out-of-body experience.

Following Tony to his safe, Cody opened the notebook and wrote in the last few manuscripts of the manual, the kind of particle, according to Howard Stark, that could change the size and mass of an object or creature at will.

"Tony, don't you think this particle is a bit like the kind of thing you're interested in?"

Tony took the note that Cody handed over and carefully flipped through it from beginning to end,

"Pym particles? No, how do you know I'm interested in Pym particles.

"Uh..." For

a moment, Cody slapped himself in the heart.

"I know more things, have you heard of divination? Am I not afraid that the old man will do something bad to Godzilla? So I divined a little, and if I was not careful, I divined more. "

Oh? Then you might as well divinate now, who is our opponent?

"Uh... This kind of thing depends on chance, and it is not divination if you want to divination, the so-called, the heavenly machine must not be leaked..."

"Okay, this is also a clue, let's go to Dr. Pym first."


Knock knock.

When he came to Dr. Pym's house, it was his daughter who opened the door.

Seeing Tony, there was a somewhat familiar stranger behind him, and the woman was a little wary

, "Hope, you must know this too."

"Of course, Marvel Communications and Marvel Technologies, of course

I know, but..." "He's someone I trust, I know everything, he knows, so you don't have to worry, it's a little late, but I took the liberty to come to find your father." I have something here about that particle and need your father's help.

Without waiting for Hope to speak, Dr. Pym's voice came from behind him

, "Come in, come in."

Tony looked around, in this not too big villa, there were only father and daughter, the hanging man, called Scott Land, was not here.

"Dr. Pym, you have safely preserved the remaining Pym particles that have not been stolen, right?"

"Of course, in this world, no one can find him except me."

"That... Do you think someone will be able to separate more Pym particles?

"It's impossible, even if I've thoroughly mastered the technology to separate it, for so many years, at most, I've separated dozens of branches, others?" Are you a genius like your father?"

Tony and Cody looked at each other, pulled a few torn pages of paper from their suit pockets, and handed them to Dr. Pym.

At first, Dr. Pym was unmoved, but then his brows furrowed more and more the more he looked at it.

"I didn't expect ah, I didn't expect it, your father is more genius than I thought, and in the end, he is almost finished." However, it is a pity that the last step is still missing, and the Pim particles extracted in this way are very unstable and may cause the user to lose control at any time.

Either it grows infinitely and finally disintegrates, or it shrinks to a subatomic state and is blocked into the quantum realm. "

That is, it can't be used normally?" Is that right?

"Yes, most of the content of these pages of research comes from me, which is why, back then, I left S.H.I.E.L.D. and did not contact him, I am afraid that such research, used in the military industry, the world may not have a peaceful day!"

Dr. Pym paused,

"Why did you come to me?"

"The research results in this note were stolen. However, since you are now sure that these particles will not be able to be used normally even if they are separated, I am relieved.

Tony stood up and nodded at Dr. Pym

, "You must protect the rest, this enemy, the plan is not small."


After Tony and Cody left, Dr. Pym walked into the basement, pressed the switch on the wall, the basement was completely blocked, changed into an Ant-Man suit, Dr. Pym pressed the button, shrunk rapidly, a flying ant was already waiting nearby, and then, carrying Dr. Pym, through a tiny pore, flew underground.

The flight lasted for nearly half an hour, and a faint light appeared

in front of Dr. Pym, coming to an underground world At this time, countless ants were busy in this underground world, test-tube-sized Pym particle containers, the front section was covered with special instruments, and was being divided little by little, and then, by the remaining ants, carrying the divided Pym particles, brought to the depths of the ground.

If you can see through here, then you can find that these Pim particles have covered the underground of the entire city.

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