When Tony landed at Cody's house, it was already full of people, surrounded by stewed eggs that had not been seen for a long time, and a few others...

"Agent Coulson? You..."

greeted Coulson with a smile

, "Hello, Mr. Stark, long time no see."

Tony looked at Nick Fury in surprise, and Nick nodded, "S.H.I.E.L.D. has not collapsed, so has Hydra, and this is one of Coulson's jobs now." Clean up the remnants of Hydra.

"Mr. Tony, allow me to introduce you, my team, this is May, followed by two of our talents, Fitz, Simmons, and Skye. There were also a few team members, who went on other missions. I'll introduce you to each other next time.

After everyone said hello to Tony one by one, Coulson got down to business.

"Based on the information we have obtained so far, there are two things that are the most important, the first is the murderer of King Wakanda this time, and we can basically determine that he did it."

Coulson's finger slid on the L-Phone, and the information immediately appeared to the holographic projection

, "Known as the master of imitation, whose real name is Anthony Tony Masters." Once an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he was injected with special serum, so he could imitate any other person's fighting moves at will. At S.H.I.E.L.D. prison, one of the heavy criminals who escaped after being destroyed by Milo's design. After

speaking, he also looked at Cody, and then continued to follow the context.

"The reappearance was in a global campaign to eliminate Hydra, but he escaped again, and that time he has already changed a little, in addition to his fighting moves, he can also imitate the color of some energy waves, and can launch a power no less powerful than the imitation object."

And now, he's evolved again. His ability can already make him, almost completely, the person he wants to imitate. At least 90% similar.

"He just pretended to be me, wearing Mark's suit, and went to steal Dr. Pym's things."

Tony spoke.

"What?" Coulson asked.

"It's important, but I don't know if Dr. Pym is willing to reveal the existence of that kind of thing, so I'll ask him later!"

"Good." Coulson nodded and continued.

"The second thing has more or less to do with the first thing, but this one involves Tony... Your constellation of satellites, and Mr. Cody. "

Constellation of satellites? Isn't it all already ruined?

"And my business?" Cody, who has always pretended to be a transparent person, is not calm, what the hell is this my?

"Yes, the United Nations has been promoting the lunar outpost plan, and if it goes well, it should have been built around June or July.

But Tony, you came up with a plan for the Outpost to work with your constellation, and they agreed. Now that your constellation of satellites no longer exists, it is equivalent to losing your facial features, and that outpost is completely scrapped.

"That... What's the matter with me? "Cody doesn't know why.

"You destroyed the constellation, right?"


"The energy is too huge, and the newly built outpost was also destroyed by you."


Cody was silent, and Coulson continued,

"and... It also affected some places! "Place

? Stop selling it, say it all at once.

"On Earth, there is a race with special abilities, we named them Inhumans, and Skye is one of them. On the moon, there is also an Inhumans, and they are a country of their own. And your energy, let them mistakenly think that the earth has declared war on the moon! "

The more Cody listens, the more familiar it becomes, and there is also the plot line of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents here! However, this time period and plot seem to be fanned by butterfly wings again....

"So, what does this have to do with the imitation master?"

"That's the point, an Inhuman on Earth, so to speak, is the leader, she said that the reason why the Imitation Master has the current ability is because an Inhuman was caught doing experiments. Now the Inhumans of the moon have decided to support the Inhumans on Earth and declare war on mankind! "

Lunar Inhumans, who are their leaders?"

"I don't know, but I can be sure that that person is also an ordinary person, and I don't know, he is obviously exactly the same as us, why he hates humans so much."

"Ordinary people?"

Cody tries to recall the content of the TV series "Inhumans", he is not too familiar with Inhumans, especially what Earth Inhumans, Moon Inhumans.

In the gathering, the king and queen of the lunar Inhumans, but Black Bolt and Medusa, and the only person who can sit in that position, or an ordinary person, is not Black Bolt's younger brother, Maximus?

So where are Black Bolt and Medusa at this time?

Inhuman prison, or as in the episode, they escape to the state of Hawaii through tetanus.

"Zea, Yak, is there anything unusual in Hawaii?"

"Everything is normal at the moment!"

"Okay, then you guys pay attention, especially a woman with red hair and a silent man, such a combination."


In addition to the Inhumans, what Cody is most worried about is actually that Milo, no, now his body is not Milo, I don't know who it is. The unknown is the scariest, and he seems to be making a comeback now.

In the first S.H.I.E.L.D. prison, there were so many people with different abilities, and the worst plan was that Milo transformed all the abilities of those people, or took them for himself, what would it be like.

How is this one villain, biological knowledge is so good, casually mixed, can create new abilities, unlike superheroes, tired and tired, but also to change themselves, keep kind, as long as the wrong hand to kill someone, you have to blame yourself for a long time, unlike these people, it's really stressless.

The meeting ended for the time being, Steve and Tony met in the aisle, and the two just looked at each other, both silent.

Cody rubbed his forehead, how did this matter escalate from a discord of ideas to an Inhuman declaration of war on Earth, so do these two still fight?

Pushing open the door and going out, suddenly, Steve was stunned, and then Cody was also stunned.

Bucky? Wasn't he sent to a European town by Steve? How did he come back?

However, it seems that it is a little late to let him go now.


Tony flew past several people and quickly rushed towards Bucky. One grabbed Bucky's neck and flew into the distance.

In a hurry, Steve forgot to get on the motorcycle, but immediately ran out towards where the two left.

Cody then followed.

Now is definitely not the time to fight.

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