Tony's way of getting the news was very strange, and when he got up in the morning, an email appeared in his mailbox, which was a somewhat blurry surveillance video. The entire process of the Winter Soldier's killing of the Starks is recorded.

When Tony traces the source again, he discovers that the mailbox belongs to a "long-dead" person, Helmert Zemo.

One of the leaders of Hydra, during the global cleansing of Hydra, this Baron Zemo was confirmed to have been killed.

If it is really him, it can only mean that the purge of Hydra is not too thorough.

Bucky only walked out of Wakanda on the fifth day, and his whole body was no longer a good meat, and his self-healing ability became very slow in the case of super intense combat and inability to obtain enough energy.

It's just that he is wearing the dress that Wakanda is wearing to greet the distinguished guests, and Steve rushes to hear the news, and Bucky just says "it's all settled" to him, and faints.

Steve was worried about Bucky's condition and did not take him back to Cody, after all, it was equivalent to the headquarters of the Avengers, and Tony naturally had been there for a long time. Tony's warning, Steve remembers vividly.

So Bucky is taken by Steve to a small town in Europe where there is a S.H.I.E.L.D. safe house. Don't tell Tony about Bucky for now.

Wakanda did not make any more statements to clarify anything for Bucky, but those preparations for war stopped.

On the same day, Stark Mansion welcomed three guests, an old man, a woman, and a man who was a little dangry.

After sitting down, Tony learned that Dr. Pym was bringing with him, one was his daughter and the other was his assistant.

"Dr. Pym, are you coming?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that Godzilla hasn't appeared for so long recently, I want to ask, Godzilla has been Kamen Rider..."

It turned out to be Godzilla's thing.

"Oh, I don't know much about that."

It can't be said that Godzilla is now being kept as a pet by Cody.

"So, do you know what Kamen Rider wants Godzilla for?"

Dr. Pym continued to ask, and Tony was about to answer when the woman sitting to Dr. Pym's left suddenly asked

, "Excuse me, Mr. Stark, where is the bathroom here?"

"Go out and walk to the end of the hallway."

"Wait, I'll go too."

The man on the side who was a little hanger also stood up, took the woman's hand and walked out.

Stark frowned and continued to talk to Dr. Pym.

Left, though, it's still Godzilla's things.

Ten minutes later, the alarm of the Stark Building was suddenly triggered, and listening to this sound, Stark immediately knew that the secret laboratory had been invaded.

Now without Jarvis' assistance, Tony didn't make a "Friday" like in the movie, so Cody had to do it himself.

Dr. Pym, who was sitting opposite, had a slightly unnatural expression, but Tony didn't notice it.

Soon, real-time surveillance footage was displayed in front of Tony.

However, the picture is empty, without any trace.

Tony frowned and opened the screen of another scanning system, this one based on Zea and the Astro Switch, in order to defend against some invisible enemies.

In this system, the picture of space is like a piece of drawing paper, and any fluctuations passing through it will leave traces on it.

In the image shown by this system, there are two small insects wandering in the picture, making ripples.

Bugger? Even dust is almost non-existent in the secret laboratory, very pure, how can there be bugs, break through layers of obstacles to come to the laboratory.

The trajectory of these two insects is spread throughout the laboratory, and the route is clearly organized, as if it is planned.

The image of the bug's body is locked and infinitely enlarged, and gradually, the bug's appearance appears in full.

Arms and legs, except for the wings of one of them, these are two large living people.

Big living people?

Tony looked up, and Dr. Pym wiped his sweat with a handkerchief

, "Dr. Pym, what is your real purpose today?"


Dr. Pym hesitated, and began,

"Did you invade my lab and steal Pym particles?"

"Dr. Pym, I am indeed very interested in your Pym particles, but if I want to, I will communicate with you through normal means. You can't do such a thing as stealing, right?

Tony snapped his fingers, and the defense matrix immediately opened, trapping the two small bugs in the laboratory, and tens of seconds later, through the passage, teleported up and appeared in Tony's hand.

"So, how do you explain this?"

Dr. Pym became a little emotional when he saw the trapped two. Pull a tablet out of your bag and click on a surveillance video.

A golden figure flashed several times in the camera, and it looked like the Mark suit that had been displayed in Tony's house for a long time.

"Dr. Pym, you should have seen the suit I'm wearing now. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to use such backward technology to break into your lab and steal?

Dr. Pym listened, leaned back, and shook his head helplessly

, "Also, I'm also faint, you don't need these at all, but now the lost Pym particles, as many as ten tubes, do you know how terrible the consequences of these Pym particles falling outside?" If it weren't for my security forces, I'm afraid all the Pym particles would have been stolen. "

Someone disguised as a Winter Soldier killed the king of Wakanda, and this time someone disguised himself and stole the Pym particles. And that email.

Tony suddenly tugged at the corners of his mouth, is this dividing the Avengers? Such a simple disguise is inevitably too crude.

Tony opened the defense matrix at hand and released the two.

Leaving the cage, the two quickly grew in size, Dr. Pym's daughter, wearing a wasp suit, and the other man, dressed in red, carrying something that looked like a diving helmet.

"Not long ago, someone pretended to be a winter soldier and killed the king of Wakanda, almost causing an international dispute, this time is the same, that is definitely not me, I can provide you with a complete alibi."

"You mean, someone is behind all this?"

"Yes, so you have to be careful with some of the other remaining Pym particles, which must not be stolen again."


A special prompt came out on Tony's phone, and Tony picked it up and looked at it, then said to Dr. Pym

, "Doctor, be careful." If something happens again, contact me as soon as possible, I still have some things to deal with, so I won't entertain.

Tony pressed lightly to his chest, and the steel suit covered Tony's body, took off directly from the balcony, and flew into the distance.

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