Journey to the witch world

Chapter 999 Rock and Earth World

Looking at the dark underground palace in front of him, Enzo walked straight in.


Walking on the steps extending downward, Enzo mouthed syllables, and then light appeared, revealing an ancient passage.

Walking all the way forward, Enzo came to an underground palace.

This seems to be an ancient sacrificial place, with a mural carved on the surrounding walls, which seems to be telling Enzo the history of the rock and earth world.

Enzo looked around, a trace of thought appearing on his face.

From the murals in the underground palace, Enzo got a lot of useful information. Just as he speculated, there were indeed some problems in the rock and earth world. This world had experienced a catastrophe, which not only led to the extinction of most life in the entire world, but also originally The gods belonging to the rock and earth world are even missing.

According to the mural, it was a peaceful afternoon.

A whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky, and the extraordinary power belonging to the rock and earth world seemed to be sucked away by an invisible magic power. The gods struggled to resist, but they were still unable to stop the catastrophe. The final result was that the entire rock and earth world Being vacated.

Since then, the world has lost its gods, and the rock-earth people have also lost their extraordinary power.

The rock and soil world, which was originally developing in a good direction, suddenly suffered a blow from dimensionality reduction. The whole world returned to a wild world. The few remaining rock and soil people could only barely survive. In order to survive, all the rock and soil people People hid underground.

And, after that catastrophe, the rules of the geotechnical world also changed.

This world is no longer suitable for the survival of rock and soil people. Every once in a while, natural disasters will occur, each time taking away the lives of many rock and soil people.

"Why is this happening?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and he couldn't help but frown slightly. According to the content on the wall, the catastrophe seemed to have happened suddenly.

But before that, there were no signs!

"Is it... related to the spiritual world?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Enzo's mind. The coordinates of the rock and earth world came from the spiritual world. Perhaps the catastrophe was also related to the spiritual world.

"Yes, that's it!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and his thoughts began to change.

The coordinates of the rock and earth world were originally obtained because of the God's Heart Fruit. According to Alice, the God's Heart Fruit in the spiritual world was conceived by absorbing the power of the gods. From this, it can be seen that the rock and earth world The missing gods were probably devoured by the spirit world.

Therefore, the rock and soil world has ended up in such a state.

"But why?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. If the catastrophe in the rock and earth world is related to the spiritual world, then what is the reason.

Or, in other words, why the spirit world suddenly swallowed up everything in the rock and earth world, causing a catastrophe.

Enzo thought for a long time, but found nothing.

For him today, the spiritual world has always been a mysterious existence. Even for the entire wizard civilization, the spiritual world is an extremely special existence. No one knows what the rules are in that place.

All I know is that in the multiverse, the spirit world is the most dangerous and mysterious place.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

He didn't know exactly what happened in the spiritual world and the rock and earth world, but one thing was clear. Affected by the spiritual world, the rock and earth world was in danger at this time. Even if there was no enemy invasion, the world was in a state of imminent destruction. .

Therefore, if Enzo wants to get this world, the first thing he must do is to solve the world's crisis.

"Since there are no gods in the rock and earth world!"

In place, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he said secretly, "Then, maybe I can put more power into this plane!"

While speaking, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

The main body in the northern continent immediately knew the situation in the rock and earth world, so he waved his hand and put more power into the rock and earth world.

In an instant, Enzo's clone in the rock and earth world had been promoted to about the fourth level.

After reaching this level, Enzo no longer releases power, because he also knows very well that although there are no indigenous gods in the rock and earth world at this moment, the world itself is very weak. If too much power is invested, for the rock and earth world, It may not be a good thing.

"Chip, scan!"

On the spot, Enzo issued an order. He planned to find the heart of the world in the rock and earth world first, so as to cure the crisis in this world.

With the function of the chip turned on, Enzo seemed to have a panoramic view of the entire rock and earth world.

However, at this moment.


There was a terrifying roar all around, Enzo's eyes flashed, and he immediately turned into a phantom crow and left the underground palace, flying towards the sky.

At this time, cracks appeared on the ground.

A major earthquake that is a terrible disaster in the ordinary world seems to have become something that can happen at any time in today's geotechnical world.

The rock and earth world that has experienced spiritual disasters is no longer suitable for survival.

The rock and soil people hiding deep underground suffered heavy casualties due to this earthquake, but for them, they no longer have any ability to change.

After all, in today's rock and earth world, the gods have disappeared.

The few remaining rock-earth people have lost their extraordinary power, and it is very rare to survive in this world that is about to be destroyed.

Survival is never easy.

In the multiverse, the number of small worlds is like an ant nest, and any change will lead to the destruction of the small worlds.


In the rock and earth world at this moment, roaring sounds continued to come. Looking at the earth with cracks appearing, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

It seems that the destruction of the rock and earth world has reached an imminent level.

Without Enzo's arrival, the entire world would have completely perished soon, and all life living in this world would have been destroyed.

In mid-air, a trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes.

After knowing the situation in the rock and earth world, Enzo immediately no longer hesitated and turned on the scanning function of the chip to its extreme state, and soon discovered the location of the heart of the world.

Then, Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared.

When he reappeared, there was an ancient temple in front of him. The outside looked dilapidated. After many disasters, the power that once protected the temple had long disappeared. Today, this temple can exist only because of luck. Depends on many other forces.

Inside the temple, many rock-earth people looked pious.

"Great God! Your followers pray for your answer!"

In the temple, the rock and earth people prayed devoutly to a floating sphere. Several dressed up rock and earth people looked serious and were ready to sacrifice themselves.

Enzo did not turn into a crow and land quietly in the temple.

He did not show up rashly, but watched this strange sacrifice. The gods of the rock and earth world had already been swallowed up by the spirit world. Enzo didn't know what the meaning of sacrifices was for today's rock and earth people.

Soon, the rock and soil people's sacrifices began.

They chanted obscure syllables in their mouths, but the expressions on their faces showed a bit of fanaticism. Then in the expectant eyes of many Yantu people, the Yantu people who were regarded as sacrifices resolutely moved towards the floating in mid-air. The sphere goes.

The next moment, the sphere burst out with energy.

The approaching sacrifices immediately turned into ashes. The people around them stared expectantly, but did not receive any response.

Seeing this scene, the rock and soil people were a little disappointed.

The white-haired priest knelt on the ground, trembling and praying for the gods' response. Since experiencing the devouring of the spirit world, the entire rock and earth world has been in danger. Although there are no gods in the rock and earth world today, for the rock and earth people, Said, this is the only spiritual sustenance.

"Is this...the Heart of Rock and Earth?"

Enzo looked at the sphere floating in the air, with a look of thought on his face.

According to the scanning of the chip, the sphere floating in mid-air is obviously the Heart of Rock and Earth, but this Heart of the World seems to be in an extremely strange state.

To describe it in the simplest way, the Heart of Rock and Earth is sick.

The entire Heart of the World is filled with an aura of corruption, as if the Heart of the World is already destroying itself.

Without the blessing of extraordinary power, it seems that the Rock and Earth Man cannot heal the Heart of Rock and Earth at all.

"As expected!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. Just as he guessed, the disaster in the rock and earth world was indeed related to the state of the heart of the rock and earth world.

Today, the Heart of Rock and Earth is in an extremely weak state.

For unknown reasons, it seems to have lost more than 99% of its energy, which has led to constant disasters in the rock and earth world.

Enzo had experienced this situation once.

At that time, Enzo was only a fourth-level life form. During the expedition to the Aquamarine World, the Heart of the World belonging to the Aquamarine World was torn apart and turned into the cores of Orain. As a result, the world was about to be destroyed. In the end, without Enzo With help, I am afraid that the Aquamarine World will no longer exist.

The situation at that time was somewhat different from today.

However, the two are also similar, that is, it is because of problems in the heart of the world that the world collapses.

In the temple, the Yantu people were pessimistic.

Obviously, they also noticed the abnormality in the heart of the world, so they could only continue to perform sacrifices to pray for the world to restore peace.

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head.

Theoretically speaking, through the method of sacrifice, it can indeed help the Heart of the World regain its strength. However, in fact, this method seems to be a drop in the bucket for today's Heart of Rock and Earth. After all, today's Heart of Rock and Earth is already in A terminally ill state.

At the same time, these rock-earth people have also lost their extraordinary power.

The Heart of Rock and Earth is 99% damaged and is about to be on the verge of collapse. Even if all the Rock and Earth people in this world are sacrificed, the recovery that can be brought to the Heart of Rock and Earth will only be 1%. , cannot really solve the problem at all.

"Still, let me help you!"

Enzo took a deep breath, then turned into a human and appeared in the temple.

Around them, many rock and soil people were shocked when they saw Enzo's sudden appearance, but then, a white-haired elder suddenly fell to his knees.

"Great God, have you finally responded to us?"

The older rock-earth man was in tears. The rock-earth man, who had lost his extraordinary power, didn't know who Enzo was.

However, the other party appeared out of thin air, causing everyone to mistakenly think that he was a god.

When they saw the elders, they all knelt down, and many of the rock and soil people did the same, praying to Enzo, hoping that the omnipotent god could save them.

"Your wishes will eventually be answered!"

Enzo looked at the many rock-earth people and did not deny his identity. In fact, Enzo's current state was similar to that of a god.

On the spot, Enzo waved his hand.

Invisible light penetrated the older Yantu man. The white-haired old man suddenly became radiant. His white hair also turned into black. Feeling the power of life, the Yantu man looked excited. In a moment, he suddenly Restored to the appearance of a young man.

Seeing such a magical scene, many rock and soil people became even more convinced of the identity of Enzo.

"Okay, let's all get down."

Enzo waved his hand and after a brief display of his power, he ordered the rock and earth people to leave, leaving him alone in the temple, staring at the heart of the world in front of him.

If you want to solve the crisis in the rock and earth world, you must heal the heart of the world.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind to scan the Heart of Rock and Earth and then formulate a repair plan.

But just as the chip's scanning function started, Enzo suddenly discovered that there was a twisted insect entrenched inside the Heart of Rock and Earth.

"What's this?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face. It was a bug he had never seen before, and there was no information about it even in the large chip database.

However, that bug does exist.

Moreover, Enzo felt a special aura from that insect, something familiar but he didn't know where to start.

"Spirit world!"

Suddenly, Enzo raised his head suddenly, remembering something in his mind.

The aura emitted by that insect seemed to be related to the spirit world. Obviously, the opponent's appearance in the Heart of Rock and Earth was also closely related to the spirit world.

"What should I do?"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Enzo's face.

Although he already knew that there was a spiritual demon insect inside the Heart of Rock and Earth, how to deal with it was a problem he needed to consider.

First of all, this spiritual demonic insect seems to be devouring the power of the rock and earth world.

Perhaps, the other party is the root cause of the destruction of the Heart of Rock and Earth. As long as this spiritual demon insect is eliminated, the crisis in the Rock and Earth World may also be lifted.

However, at this moment, Enzo was at a loss as to what to do when faced with the demonic insects from the spirit world.

The spiritual demonic insects inside the Heart of Rock and Earth are eroding the power of the rock and earth world little by little. If Enzo breaks open the Heart of Rock and Earth and kills the spiritual demonic insects inside, it is likely to cause harm to the rock and earth world. Unpredictable consequences.

However, if Enzo turns a deaf ear to the demonic insects in the spirit world, the rock and earth world may also be destroyed because of this, it's just a matter of how long it takes.

In place, a thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face.

The first two chapters have been modified to prevent piracy. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone. I wish you all a happy New Year.

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