Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1000 God of Locusts

"It seems that we have no choice but to take risks!"

Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with determination. The spiritual demonic insects inside the Heart of Rock and Earth were a problem that had to be dealt with.

Otherwise, as the spiritual demonic insects continue to absorb the energy of the heart of rock and earth, the world of rock and earth will inevitably collapse.

In place, Enzo raised his head.

The Night Curse Spirit Blade appeared in his palm, Enzo looked at the Heart of Rock and Earth, and then swung his sword suddenly, drawing a mark on the surface of the Heart of Rock and Earth.


The Heart of Rock and Earth was hurt, and there was a trembling sound throughout the world of Rock and Earth. A more terrifying disaster than before had struck.

The earth was torn apart and mountains and rivers collapsed.

The Heart of Rock and Earth is the core of the entire Rock and Earth world. Even if it is damaged at all, it will have an impact on the entire Rock and Earth world. What's more, Enzo's current approach is to directly break the Heart of Rock and Earth. In order to Take away the spirit world demon insect inside.

at the same time.

As if feeling that the Heart of Rock and Earth was damaged, the spirit world demon insect that had been curled up inside suddenly trembled slightly, and then slowly unfolded its body.

Those strange pupils exuded an indifferent luster.

Enzo didn't know how this spiritual insect entered the Heart of Rock and Earth, but one thing he knew very well was that he had to kill this spiritual insect.

"Who dares to disturb my slumber?"

Suddenly, the demonic insect in the spirit world made a sound coming from the depths of its soul, exuding an aura that was like the aura of an indigenous god in the rock and earth world.


Enzo frowned slightly, thoughts flashing rapidly in his mind, and then he raised his hand, trying to control the power of shadow to absorb the demonic insects from the spirit world.

However, the next moment.

A strange light emitted from the temple, but gray smoke rose from the ground, eventually condensing together and transforming into a huge god.

The god was ten meters tall and wore gray armor.

It has six arms, each holding different weapons, six eyes on the top of its head, and wings as thin as cicada wings behind it.

"This is...the God of Locusts?"

On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flickered. He had seen the history of the rock and earth world before in that underground palace.

Therefore, the illusory image in front of me is obviously an indigenous god of the rock and earth world.

Enzo didn't know what his real name was, but he looked like a locust, so Enzo named him the God of Locusts.

"Outsiders, how dare you trespass on my territory!"

After the God of Locusts transformed into a phantom, he whispered, "As a price, I will give you your life and soul!"

As he spoke, the God of Locusts took action.

I saw a tremor all around, and the world seemed to be a bit illusory. Enzo and the God of Locusts just crossed each other and came to another world.

"This is... a dimensional space?"

Enzo raised his brows, but he saw the scene in front of him. This was a dimensional space created by the God of Locust, similar to the power of the domain.

This made Enzo a little surprised.

You must know that in the multiverse, immortal life forms can use the power of the domain. However, the God of Locusts is just a low-level indigenous god. Without the teachings of others, it is impossible for him to understand the power of the domain. high.

On the spot, Enzo looked around.

This is a desert filled with yellow sand. As far as the eye can see, there is flying dust everywhere. The previous temple and the Heart of Rock and Earth have disappeared. The God of Locust appears not far away, and the transformed figure is enough. It's a hundred meters high.

“Outsiders, let’s capture them without any effort!”

In the distance, the God of Locusts made a majestic voice and said loudly: "The moment you set foot on my territory, your fate is determined!"

While speaking, the God of Locusts waved his hand.

However, the surrounding desert trembled, and then huge sandworms emerged from the loess and headed straight for Enzo.

In place, Enzo's expression remained unchanged.

These seemingly ferocious and terrifying sandworms posed no threat to him. However, what really concerned Enzo was why the God of Leeches still existed.

Enzo had already used a chip to scan the world before.

However, he found no trace of the gods.

Therefore, Enzo speculated at that time that the gods of the rock and earth world might have disappeared due to a disaster that year.

But now, when Enzo takes action against the Heart of Rock and Earth, the God of Locust appears.

"Since you are an indigenous god of the rock and earth world, can't you see that this world is about to collapse?"

Enzo stood there, staring at the God of Locusts. As an indigenous god of the rock and earth world, it was impossible for him to know nothing about the situation in the rock and earth world.

However, the God of Locusts did nothing.

He neither responded to the prayers of the rock-earth people nor dealt with the threat of demonic insects in the spiritual world. Instead, he hid in the temple until Enzo appeared.

Facing Enzo's question, a trace of ridicule appeared on the God of Locust's face.

He ignored Enzo at all and instead waved his hand again. Giant sandworms emerged from the loess and then headed straight for Enzo.


Amidst the ear-splitting roar, the giant sandworm attacked. Enzo's expression did not change, and he did not even move his feet at all.

The next moment, Enzo's eyes flashed.

The shadows under his feet spread like a tide, and like burning flames, in an instant, all the giant sandworms that attacked were burned to ashes.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the God of Locusts did not change at all.

"I am the ruler of the desert!"

The God of Locusts opened his arms, the wings behind him trembled slightly, and said loudly: "This is my world, and everything will be used by me!"

As he spoke, yellow sand rose all over the sky.

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. It seemed that in the domain, the ability of the God of Locust could be brought into full play.

Under such a premise, it is not easy for Enzo to win.

However, this is mainly because Enzo is just a clone now, and his strength is less than one percent of the original body.

Otherwise, it’s just an indigenous god that Enzo can take care of with a wave of his hand.

"It seems that if I want to deal with this locust god, I need more power!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and his mind moved. Then, a shadow appeared in the sky, like a dark whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, the power from the wizarding world poured into him like spring water.

That is the power transmitted from the main body through the portal. Although there will be some consumption in the process, it is enough for Enzo.

"Shadow Realm!"

On the same spot, Enzo uttered syllables, paused with the wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet immediately spread. The desert that was originally full of yellow sand also turned into a shadow realm at this moment.

Then, Enzo waved the magic wand in his hand.

The dark fireball burned blazingly, and then headed straight for the God of Locusts in mid-air. The power of this blow was enough to kill the opponent.

The clone infused with the power of the wizarding world's body has reached the fourth-level limit in combat power.

Therefore, it was not difficult to kill just a locust god, but the black fireball whizzed away like a furnace.

However, the next moment.

A dark luster flashed in the eyes of the God of Locusts, and a whirlpool suddenly appeared behind him, as if the power from another world was swallowing everything.

"How can it be?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Enzo's face. He watched helplessly as his full-strength attack was blocked by the God of Locusts, like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any ripples.

In mid-air, the God of Locusts had an expressionless face.

He waved his arm, and the shadow field was instantly broken open, and the rolling yellow sand turned into a tornado, suddenly attacking Enzo.

The power of this move is actually comparable to that of Enzo.

"Something's wrong!"

A trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly. He immediately saw through everything. His attack just now was absorbed by the God of Locusts.

Moreover, the God of Locusts rebounded his own power.

"This ability...the spiritual world!"

Facing the surging yellow scrolls, Enzo's heart moved, and he suddenly understood that the ability used by the God of Locust came from the spiritual world.


The tornado turned into yellow sand in the sky roared across, shattering the surrounding shadow realm. Enzo also waved his arm to summon a twisted barrier in front.


There was only a loud noise, and Huang Shalom's attack was blocked, but Enzo also groaned and his face turned slightly pale.

In place, a trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility in his mind. This so-called God of Locusts might be the spiritual demon insect in the heart of the rock and earth world.

In other words, the so-called spiritual demon insect is the god of leech that merges with the spiritual world.

For some reason, the other party established a special connection with the spirit world. Since then, he has been hiding in the heart of the rock and earth, constantly devouring the energy of the rock and earth world.

And after the heart of rock and earth is eaten up, the entire rock and earth world may also become part of the spiritual world.

After seeing this clearly, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he took a deep breath and used his mind to summon his body to deliver more power.

After deducing the relationship between the God of Locusts and the spirit world, Enzo made a new decision in his mind.

He can no longer have any worries. Even if too much power will bring destruction to the rock and earth world, Enzo must go all out.

Otherwise, when the God of Locust eats up the heart of rock and earth, the ending of the rock and earth world will be the same.

"Could it be...that this is how the spiritual world expands?"

Enzo felt the power of his body coming, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly. The rock and earth world was invaded by the power of the spiritual world, so it became in danger.

Enzo couldn't allow himself to think too much, the God of Locusts had already launched another attack.

The opponent is a god born in the yellow sand, so he has the ability to control the desert. With the blessing of the power of the spiritual world, he can exert extremely powerful power.

Enzo's eyes flickered and he used the twisted barrier to protect his body.

He did not attack the God of Locusts again, because it didn't make much sense. After all, the God of Locusts, supported by the power of the spiritual world, is now in a special state. No matter how Enzo attacks, it probably won't make any sense. .

Because the spirit world has the ability to devour everything.

"You really can't hold back!"

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with determination. Regarding the situation at this moment, he could no longer hesitate.

It would be better to destroy the earth and rock world than to have it assimilated into the spiritual world.

Immediately, with a thought, Enzo drew more power from his body, and his life level broke through the fifth level in an instant.

"Scarlet Moon!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and a blood moon appeared in the sky, emitting endless red light, swallowing up the surrounding yellow sand world.

With the blessing of the power of the world, it would be easy for Enzo to destroy the rock and earth world.

However, even after seeing Enzo's power, the attitude of the Locust God has not changed much. At this moment, he seems to be a puppet in the spiritual world.

"The light of the great spiritual world is destined to illuminate the entire universe!"

The God of Locusts made a deep sound, then opened its six arms, and the yellow sand rose up from the ground, finally converging into a huge figure.

On the spot, Enzo's pupils shrank.

Condensing more than 90% of the power of the rock and earth world, the yellow sand giant's life level seems to be showing signs of breaking through the fifth level.

At the same time, the power of the spiritual world also blessed the past.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he knew very well that if the yellow sand giant's life level really broke through to the fifth level, it would definitely not be a good thing for him.

Immediately, Enzo threw out the Soul Bone Wand.


The moment the Soul Bone Wand was thrown, it seemed to turn into a beam of dark light, which penetrated the yellow sand giant's body in just an instant.


The huge body of the Yellow Sand Giant suddenly shattered into pieces, and the God of Locusts seemed to be backlashed as his figure swayed in mid-air.

Enzo saw the right moment and rushed forward immediately.

The Night Curse Spirit Blade appeared in his hand. Enzo swung his long sword and chopped off the head of the God of Locusts. Before the opponent could react, the power of the curse was activated.


Immediately afterwards, Enzo swung his sword one after another, and the body of the Locust God was chopped open in an instant, and then fell into different areas.

"Outsider, I am an immortal being!"

The God of Leech, with only one head left, still made a cold voice, and his broken bodies gathered in the same direction.

"You can never kill me!"

The God of Leeches, blessed by the power of the spiritual world, is truly immortal and cannot be killed by ordinary means.

However, Enzo was already prepared for this.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

Since the God of Locusts, blessed by the power of the spiritual world, cannot be killed, the best way to deal with him is naturally the sealing technique.

For Enzo, sealing is already his specialty.

The main reason why he did not directly seal the God of Locusts was that, in his clone state, Enzo was not 100% sure. He would first use the curse power of the Night Curse Spirit Blade to weaken the God of Locusts, and then use the sealing technique. That way you'll be safe.

In mid-air, Enzo's figure turned into phantom crows.

The surrounding world filled with yellow sand began to disappear like an illusion, and thousands of illusory seals turned into whirlpools, sealing the body of the Locust God.

In a moment, the seal was completed!

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