Journey to the witch world

Chapter 998 The Road to Promotion

For the giant snake Yanilas, Enzo is more than just her savior.

After coming to the wizarding world, the giant snake Yanelas saw many sights she had never seen before, and learned about the vastness of the multiverse and her own insignificance. Therefore, for her now, it is crucial for her to survive and become a stronger being. The body is the goal.

However, Yanelas is weak.

In the war in the Snake Claw World, she was an expelled existence. Therefore, if Yanelas wants to become a strong person now, she must rely on a more powerful existence.

Wizard civilization is obviously a good choice.

Perhaps being loyal to Enzo will cause Yanelas to lose some freedom, but for Yanelas, this is not unacceptable.

After all, Yanelas now desires power more than freedom.

"very good!"

Enzo nodded, satisfied with Yanelas's attitude, so he waved his hand and opened the portal through the coordinates of the Snake Claw World.

"The next step may be very painful, please bear with it!" Enzo said softly.

"Yes, Lord Wizard."

A calm expression appeared on Yanelas' face. The process of chasing power will always be accompanied by pain, and she knew this very well.

Then, Enzo waved his hand.

The darkness was like a fire-like power, swallowing up Yanelas in an instant, destroying her body in a burst of pain.

Immediately afterwards, Yanelas, with only her soul left, turned into a ball of light and fell into Enzo's hands.

"Now, you can go back!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, leaving a trace of his own power deep in Yanelas's soul.

Immediately afterwards, Yanelas was thrown into the portal.

Meanwhile, the world of Snake Claw.

On the deserted road, horse-drawn carriages were moving forward. The wheels rolled over the earth, leaving traces behind. The sun shone brightly in the sky.


Suddenly, the carriage ran over the stones, and the body lying on the carriage slowly opened its eyes, with a dark luster flashing in its vertical pupils.


Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, an inexplicable expression appeared on Yanelas' face, and then she slowly stood up and looked around.

At this time, Yanelas was on a carriage.

There were corpses of the same kind all around. These Snake Claws seemed to have just experienced a war, and the side belonging to Yanelas was obviously the loser.

"Yani, are you still alive?"

Next to him, a voice of surprise came, and he saw a Snake Claw Clan covered in gray-white scales, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yeah, I'm still alive!"

A trace of complexity appeared on Yanelas's face, and at the same time, her mind began to receive the memory of this body. As memories like a tide came to her mind, she also knew her new identity.

The Snakeclaw tribe, Yani, is a low-level soldier.

Yani, who has been expelled from the world of Snake Claws, wants to return to her hometown. Using ordinary methods will inevitably attract the attention of other Snake Claw gods. Therefore, Enzo chose to use this method to help Yanilas return. Let her soul be reincarnated into a body.

The new body is that of a Snake Claw woman named Yani.

She came from a remote small village. Under the call of the Grand Duke of the Kingdom, she died in a war with a neighboring country, and her body was taken over by Yanelas.

"Three empires, twenty-four kingdoms, northern tribes, the remnants of the old god..."

The luster in Yanela's vertical pupils flickered slightly, and memories kept reappearing in her mind. The world of Snake Claw today has changed a lot from when she was expelled.

When Yanelas was still an indigenous god, the world of Snake Claw was still in a state of ignorance.

Nowadays, the world of Snake Claw has entered an era similar to the Middle Ages. Three empires and twenty-four kingdoms coexist in the entire world. The indigenous gods continue to interfere with the pattern of the world. In the north, new gods are rising. In the ancient times, The remnants of the old gods are also plotting something.

The entire Snake Claw world is in a state of chaos.

"Red Snake Empire, White Scale Empire, Quetzalcoatl Empire!"

Yanelas was thinking in her mind. According to the information known so far, there are only three true gods left in the Snake Claw world.

And these three true gods established three great empires respectively.

For ordinary Serpent Claws, the three empires are symbols of the three gods, the Red Snake God, the White Snake God and Quetzalcoatl.

In addition, there are many demigods in the world of Snake Claw.

Most of the demigods established twenty-four principalities with the intervention of the three true gods. As for the other demigods, they established tribes in the north, all seeking opportunities to become true gods, because in the world of Snake Claws, only becoming true gods can Gain eternal life.

And this time the war is the conflict between the White Snake God and the Quetzalcoatl God.

The three empires are already in chaos. In the world of Snake Claws, wars are also normal. Each true god is eager to devour everything of the other and become the only one in the world. In the beginning, the giant snake Yanelas was the only true god because of her position. Expelled.

"This time, I want to take back everything that belongs to me!"

The light in Yanelas' vertical pupils flickered, and her heart was filled with an emotion called ambition. He who originally fell into the spirit world had basically lost the qualification to compete for everything.

However, destiny favored him.

Yanilas met Enzo and got help from him. She returned to the world of Snake Claw. With the support of the Holy Soul Wizard behind her, Yanilas was determined to defeat her former enemy and become the only god in the world of Snake Claw. .

On the carriage, the Gray Scale Snakeclaw next to him sounded excited.

His name was Buka, and he came from the same village as Yanilas. He stepped onto the battlefield at the call of the kingdom. In the cruel war, Quetzalcoatl's army was almost wiped out, and Buka was one of the few survivors. By.

And he originally thought that Yanelas was also dead, but he didn't expect that she unexpectedly came back to life.

"I'm so happy to see you alive!"

Buka's face showed genuine excitement, but Yanilas's expression was a bit dull. After all, she knew her true identity very well.

Yanni has long been dead.

Today, Yanelas is just a dove occupying the magpie's nest.

"Since I have replaced your soul, let me live for you!"

Yanelas said in her heart, and then, the carriage kept moving forward, and finally stopped outside a building made of black rocks.

This is an ordinary village in the world of Snake Claw.

The architectural style is full of the atmosphere of the Snake Claw Clan, and it looks like a huge lair. The Snake Claw Clan evolved from snakes. Therefore, even with advanced wisdom, the Snake Claw Clan's requirements for caves are still very ancient.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Enzo, who is far away in the tower of the Northern Continent, is always paying attention to the movements of Yanilas, who has successfully returned to the world of Snake Claws.

According to Enzo's plan, Yanelas needs some time.

Everything that once belonged to her has been taken away by other gods. Therefore, Yanelas must start from scratch and make herself stronger before she has a chance to compete for the position of true god.

In place, Enzo stroked his chin.

By releasing Yanelas into the world of Snake Claws, the plan has been launched, and the next thing Enzo can do is to interfere.

If you want to truly seize the world of Snake Claw, you still have to rely on Yanelas herself.

Then, Enzo shook his head.

He then looked at the other two planes, namely the rock and earth world and the thunder world. These two worlds are named as elemental worlds. Enzo doesn't even know if there is any birth in these two planes. Come out of life.

“Let’s start with the rock world.”

Enzo pondered for a moment, and then made a decision. He waved his hand to open the portal of the rock and earth world, and turned a trace of power into a phantom crow and entered it.

For an unfamiliar world, Enzo did not dare to invest too much effort.

Otherwise, if it causes rejection from the plane itself, it will obviously not be a good thing for Enzo's conquest plan.

The world of rock and soil is barren.

Enzo, who turned into a phantom crow and flew in the sky, looked down. He saw deserts and rocks everywhere. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in dust and sand, and even water sources seemed very scarce.

"It seems that this is an uncivilized world."

Enzo sighed in his heart. He had his first impression of the rock and earth world and concluded that this world should still be in an uncivilized state.

However, at this moment.

call out!

An arrow on the ground suddenly hit him. Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly dodged sideways. The figures hidden in the sand below rushed out one after another, aiming at the sky and shooting javelins, but they were all blocked. Enzo ducked.

"Is there anyone?"

Enzo's heart moved, and a strange flash appeared in his eyes.

It seems that the conclusion he just made has been overturned at this moment. The rock and earth world is not an uncivilized plane. On the contrary, life forms have been born in this world, and they seem to be intelligent races with the ability to use tools.

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, and he turned on the chip scanning function at the same time.

Having just arrived in the rock and earth world, Enzo was in a state of unknown about everything in this plane, so he did not dare to scan a large area. He just planned to temporarily understand what race the life forms in the rock and earth world belonged to.

Is it a humanoid creature or an elemental creature.


The javelins below continued to attack, and Enzo quickly flew higher, using the scanning function of the chip to collect data from below.

In a moment, Enzo scanned a large amount of data.

First of all, the life forms in the rock and earth world below all have humanoid forms, but they are very short compared to the humans in the wizarding world, and they look very low-level. Currently, they only use simple tools, such as javelins.

At the same time, according to the analysis of the chip, these rock-earth people do not have extraordinary powers.

"Maybe I should catch a rock man and take a look."

The thought flashed in Enzo's mind. If he wanted to obtain information about a world, starting with native creatures was obviously the easiest way.

However, Enzo did not dare to attack the rock-earth people too blatantly.

Now that he has just arrived in the rock and earth world, he doesn't understand everything here. Who knows what will happen if he openly arrests the rock and earth people.

So, Enzo waited for the opportunity until ten minutes late at night.

After a day of observation, Enzo discovered that these rock people lived in the form of tribes, and they lived in the underground world and only came out for activities at specific times.

"Is it because of the high temperature?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

The temperature difference in the rock and earth world is very terrifying. When the temperature is the highest during the day, the ground seems to be on fire, and after midnight, the world becomes very cold. Therefore, the rock and earth people who do not have extraordinary power can only Hidden into the underworld.

It seems a little difficult to catch a rock man and understand the plan of the rock world.


Enzo transformed into a human form and landed on the earth, stroking his chin and thinking. Since the rock and earth world has given birth to intelligent life, theoretically speaking, there should also be gods.

But one day after arriving in the rock and earth world, Enzo did not feel the breath of the gods.

"It's a little strange!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. In a non-technical world, intelligent life was born, but no gods were born. This was obviously a strange thing.

Follow the normal sequence of development.

When a world is born, a group of lives will often be born. After absorbing the power of the world's gifts, these lives will become the world's indigenous gods or demigods. After that, the indigenous gods will create a certain amount of wisdom. Life form.

Nowadays, there are intelligent creatures in the rock and earth world, but there is no aura of indigenous gods.

Enzo shook his head, and then transformed into the Phantom Crow again.

Understanding this world requires personal experience, so Enzo transformed into a phantom crow and began to travel in the rock and earth world.

Soon, three days passed.

Enzo's flying speed was very fast. During the exploration, he learned more and more about the rock and soil world. He discovered that the biggest feature of this world was the weird weather. It might have been calm one second, but suddenly the next second The earthquake shook the mountains.

"Could it be that... this is a plane on the verge of collapse?"

Enzo frowned slightly and had some speculation in his mind. The rock and earth world was on the verge of collapse due to certain wishes.

Therefore, the indigenous gods of this world all fled the rock and earth world.

The remaining rock-earth people and other life forms can only survive in this world, barely maintaining the basic needs for survival.

At this time, a huge statue appeared in the distance of Enzo.

Turning into a human form and falling to the ground, Enzo looked forward. It was a strange-shaped statue that was covered with dust and cracks appeared. It was obvious that this statue had been built for countless years.

"Native god?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly and he turned on the scanning function of the chip. He soon discovered that there was an entrance behind the giant statue.

Immediately, Enzo walked over.


As Enzo pushed the stone door, a passage appeared in front of him, followed by steps extending downward and a dark underground palace.

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