Journey to the witch world

Chapter 997 Three Realms

"it's here?"

Soon, under the scanning function of the chip, the location of the Heart of the Bloody World was nowhere to be seen, and Enzo immediately turned into a shadow and rushed forward.

In a moment, Enzo came to a wasteland.

But on the barren land, a huge copper coffin was bound by chains, and was bound in a standing position. There were rivers connected in all directions around it, and the blood-red river water was constantly gathering towards the copper coffin. .

Enzo raised his eyebrows.

According to the information obtained from the chip scan, the heart of the bloody world is in the copper coffin. However, looking at the layout around the copper coffin, it is obviously not that simple.


Enzo snorted coldly. As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, a small world really wasn't much of a threat to him.

Therefore, no matter what the crimson Duke Flami arranged in the world of blood evil, it didn't matter to Enzo.

Immediately, Enzo waved the soul bone wand.

The dark magic turned into sharp blades and instantly cut off the chains around the copper coffin. At the same time, the standing copper coffin slowly fell down, and the lid of the coffin above was also cut open. At this moment, the entire blood evil The world seems to be in a state of boiling.

In the entire blood evil world, all life forms turned into blood and exploded.

Just like a large-scale sacrificial ceremony, the demons in the blood evil world were planted with a curse the moment they stepped into this plane. It was not triggered until this moment. They were unable to restrain the power of the curse, and they turned into blood and exploded. Come.


At the same time, blood rain also fell from the sky. The blood-red liquid swayed on the ground, exuding a shocking aura. It fell on the ground and gathered into a blood-red river, and then gathered in the direction of the copper coffin, as if it symbolized something. .

In mid-air, Enzo's face was expressionless.

He was aware of the changes in the Blood Fiend World immediately, but he didn't care. The process of conquering the world was naturally not going to be smooth sailing. What's more, the Blood Fiend World was the foundation of Crimson Duke Flami. It’s as simple as several other planes.

At this moment, in the bloody world, blood has gathered into rivers.

Countless blood surged towards the copper coffin at the same time, and under the water of blood, a creature in the copper coffin slowly took shape.

"So that's it."

Looking at the resurrected crimson Duke Flami in the copper coffin, a sneer appeared on Enzo's face, and a mocking luster flashed in his eyes.

Not long after, the crimson Duke Flammy came back to life in the copper coffin.

Compared to the original body, the resurrected Crimson Duke Flami is obviously much weaker, but the other party has the characteristics that are compatible with the soul of the blood evil world, as if the other party has transformed into the will of the blood evil world, and the two coexist symbiotically. coexist.

"Wizard! Is that you?"

After Crimson Duke Flammy was resurrected, he seemed to still retain his previous memories. He looked at Enzo with a cold expression on his face.

"What? Are you surprised?"

A smile appeared on Enzo's face, he shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that you still retain such methods."

"But what's the point?"

"Even you in your heyday were no match for me. Now even if you merge yourself with the blood evil world, how can you get a chance to make a comeback?"

Looking at the crimson Duke Flami opposite, Enzo's face showed great confidence.

During the whole body period, Flami was trapped by his own sealing technique. At this moment, although Flami is integrated with the blood evil world, the aura he exudes does not break the shackles of the rules. He is just a fourth-level life form. It's just a state.

How could such a Flami be his opponent?

Compared to Enzo's leisurely stroll, the crimson Duke Flami opposite had a very fearful expression on his face.

Obviously, he also knows how powerful Enzo is.

"Wizard, how about we each take a step back?"

A trace of gloom appeared on Flami's face, and he said coldly: "I have merged with the blood evil world. If you kill me, the blood evil world will also be destroyed."

"I think this is not the result you want, right?"

"We each take a step back. As long as you release my body, I can hand over the bloody world to you and swear to never be your enemy again."

Flammy made his own terms.

In fact, this is his only chance. After the war in the Abyss World, Crimson Duke Flami has become very clear that he is no match for Enzo. The only trump card now is the Bloody World. At the same time, this is also the reason why he and Enzo are fighting Enzo's only chance to trade.

Flammy has merged with the blood evil world.

Therefore, if Enzo kills Flami with strong force, he will also lose the world of blood evil.

Therefore, for Enzo, a deal for Flami seems to be considered.

By returning the opponent to the abyss world, Enzo did not lose anything. Instead, he gained the three worlds left by Xitas.

At the same time, Crimson Duke Flammy will no longer be an enemy of Enzo.

"Sounds like a good suggestion."

Enzo's face was calm, and there seemed to be a hint of movement on his face. However, just when surprise flashed in the eyes of Crimson Duke Flami, Enzo shook his head.

"But unfortunately, I refuse." Enzo said quietly.


Crimson Duke Flami's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Wizard, do you want to destroy the world of blood evil? What's the point of losing both sides to you?"

Hearing Flami's words, a hint of sarcasm appeared on Enzo's face.

"Who said I would destroy the bloody world?"

Enzo raised the corners of his lips and said faintly, "Flamy, you think too highly of yourself, don't you? Even if you merge with the blood evil world, do you think you will be able to blackmail me with this?"

As he spoke, Enzo whispered syllables.

The fusion of Crimson Duke Flami and the Blood Fiend World made Enzo lose the chance to kill the other party. But for Enzo, there seems to be another option. Instead of killing Crimson Duke Flami, let the Blood Fiend World Because of this, sealing is obviously a better way.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

Anyway, Enzo has already sealed Flami once, and now it is not difficult to do it the second time, not to mention that the current crimson Duke Flami is only in the state of a fourth-level life form.

As he spoke, Enzo's body turned into phantom crows.

"Damn it!"

The face of Crimson Duke Flami was extremely ugly, and things were going towards the situation he feared the most.

Choosing to stay behind in the Blood Fiend World was the last trump card Flami gave him. If any enemy wanted to get the Blood Fiend World, they must not kill him.

With this trump card, Flammy can trade with any enemy.

However, he never imagined that the enemy he would eventually face was Enzo, a wizard who was proficient in sealing techniques. The opponent had no intention of killing him at all. Instead, he planned to use sealing techniques to bind himself to the bloody world forever.

This situation is indeed an opportunity for Flammy to survive.

However, living in this way may not be any different from death for Flami. In his current state, it is almost impossible to break through the seal of the Holy Soul Wizard. Therefore, after being sealed , Flammy will endure eternal loneliness.

Unless one day, Enzo died due to an accident.

At that time, maybe Flammy will have a chance to escape, but that may be countless years later.


As Enzo turned into thousands of phantom crows and attacked, a very panicked expression appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flami.

"Wait a minute, Lord Wizard!"

The moment before he was about to be sealed, Flammy made a last-ditch effort and screamed, "I am willing to surrender to you and dedicate the bloody world to you."

"Please don't seal me!"

For Flammy, losing freedom may be a very difficult choice.

However, compared to being sealed in the bloody world and enduring endless loneliness, surrendering to Enzo may be his only choice.

However, Enzo was unmoved after hearing Flami's words.

"Surrender? Sorry, I don't need it."

Enzo shook his head indifferently. If it were other demon lords, there might be a chance, but Crimson Duke Flami had to forget it.

As a fifth-level demon lord, the opponent has an extremely cunning character.

Even if he accepts the other party's surrender, Enzo must always be careful, otherwise he may suffer backlash from the other party.

Therefore, sealing the Crimson Duke Flami is the safest way.

Immediately, Enzo used the sealing technique

In the desperate wail of Flami, a thousand phantom seals were formed, and the other party was trapped in the copper coffin again, but the surrounding chains turned into shadows.

After the seal was completed, Enzo's figure regrouped.

However, sealing the Crimson Duke Flami has exhausted all the power of this clone, and Enzo is about to collapse at this moment.

In mid-air, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

Using his last bit of strength, Enzo took away the heart of the Blood Fiend, and then disappeared, and the expedition to the Blood Fiend world came to an end.

At the same time, the northern continent.

In the tower, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. Looking at the three hearts of the world floating in front of him, he did not hesitate to mark his soul.

Since then, the plane that originally belonged to the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas has also fallen into Enzo's hands.


On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on his face. It had been hundreds of years since he embarked on the wizard's journey.

Enzo now has twenty-one planes.

Fight the ghost world!

Aquamarine world!

Scarlet world!

Forest world!

Sheena world!

Baze World!

Wild world!

Dark water world!

The world of the dead!

Burning Sky World!

Scorched earth world!

A world of fire!

Ice crystal world!

Black hole world!

Dragon's Nest World!

Starfall World!

Ghost wood world!

Blade world!

A bloody world!

The world of monsters!

The power of the entire twenty-one planes is used by Enzo. At this time, he can be regarded as a powerful existence even among the fifth-level life forms in the entire multiverse.

However, for Enzo, twenty-one worlds are not enough.

"Next, let's continue!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. For him, it was only twenty-one planes, which was obviously not enough to break through to the sixth level.

On the spot, Enzo waved his hand.

Three world coordinates suddenly appeared in front of you, namely: the world of snake claws, the world of rock and soil, and the world of thunder.

These three planes are Enzo’s gains in the spiritual world.

Among them, the coordinates of the Snake Claw world come from the giant snake Yanilas. The opponent was originally the indigenous god of the Snake Claw world. However, he lost the war for the Snake Claw world and was therefore exiled to the spirit world. If it weren't for Enzo's help, , the other party has fallen at this moment.

As for the other two worlds, they are both obtained from the Fruit of God's Heart.

A look of contemplation appeared on Enzo's face.

"Let's start in the world of Snake Claw!"

After a while, Enzo made up his mind to start from the world of snake claws, so he waved his hand and called out the giant snake Yanelas.

At this time, the giant snake Yanelas was already in the state after reincarnation.

"Hello, Lord Wizard."

The giant snake Yanelas transformed into a human woman and bowed respectfully to Enzo. After being rescued by Enzo from a natural disaster in the spirit world, she became loyal to Enzo.

At the same time, after coming to the wizarding world, the mentality of the giant snake Yanilas also changed drastically.

The world of Snake Claw, the hometown of the giant snake Yanilas, is just a remote indigenous plane. Yanilas is like a frog in a well, unaware of the vastness of the multiverse. But now, as she follows Enzo to the wizarding world, she has Discover the truth about the universe.

The world of Snake Claw is just an insignificant little world.

Yanelas, who once thought she was the master of all things, now understands her own insignificance. In front of such a behemoth as the Wizarding Civilization, the world of Snake Claw is insignificant, just like an ant under the giant's feet, without any comparison.

"Master Wizard, what are your orders?" Yanelas asked.

"Do you want to go back to the world of Snake Claw?"

Enzo asked straight to the point without too much nonsense.

"Snake Claw World?"

Yanilas raised her head suddenly, and a change appeared on her face. For her, the Snake Claw World was the hometown where she was born.

Even though she was expelled to the spirit world, Yanelas still missed the world of Snake Claws.

There is an inseparable relationship between her and the Snake Claw World, not only because there are many unfinished things in the Snake Claw World, but also because she has too many concerns there.

"Master Wizard, are you planning to launch an expedition against the Snake Claw World?"

Having been in the wizarding world for so long, Yanelas already has a certain understanding of wizarding civilization and the meaning of plane expeditions.


Enzo nodded and said, "I do plan to launch a plane expedition to the Snake Claw World, but I need your help."

The world of Snake Claw is different from the plane left by the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas.

It was a purely indigenous plane. Even if Enzo had the coordinates, he would not be able to put too much power into it. Therefore, it was obviously a good choice to let Yanelas, who is the native deity of the Snake Claw world, as the start of the expedition.

"I obey the wizard's will!" Yanelas replied.

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