"Sir Enzo, what are your plans next?"

After a while, Myrcella asked again, ": Should you continue to stay here, or should you go and experience the outside world?"

"There's no point in staying here anymore."

In place, Enzo shook his head and said, "I have a new understanding of the path of flames. Even if I continue to stay here, I'm afraid it won't make any sense."

“It’s my first time coming to St. Mark Continent and I want to visit the City in the Sky!”

Enzo made his request. Stigmata Continent is the holy land in every wizard's heart. It's not easy to come here, so naturally he has to take a good stroll.

It would also be good for Enzo to visit some holy places.

"Okay, no problem!" Myrcella nodded.

The so-called Sky City is where the Supreme Council is located, and is also the power and political core of the entire wizarding civilization. It is said to be built on a part of Paradise Mountain and floats in mid-air all year round, making it impossible for mortals to set foot on it.

Myrcella waved her hand, and the Flame Gate appeared.

Then, the two of them walked in together, passed through the flame gate's teleportation ability, and the next moment, they arrived in a large city.

"This is the City in the Sky?"

There was a trace of strangeness on Enzo's face. The large cities around him were very prosperous, hundreds of times more prosperous than the Northern City in the Northern Continent. But if this is the City in the Sky, the Paradise Mountain where the gods once lived, it makes He was a little surprised.

"No, this is not a city in the sky."

Myrcella shook her head and said: "According to the laws of the Supreme Council, anyone who wants to go to the Sky City is not allowed to use flying spells or private portals. They must first come to the transit station. Ride the Pasila Snail!”

"Pasla snail?"

Enzo's heart moved. This seemed to be a creature unique to the Stigma Continent. It was said that in ancient times, it was once the mount of the gods.

The place where the two of them are now is the transit point to the Sky City.

"Look, over there!"

Myrcella waved her hand and looked to the side, only to see an extremely huge snail creature lying there not far away.

"This is the Pasila snail."

Myrcella said, walking forward, and soon communicated with Pasila Snail, and got the opportunity to go to the City in the Sky.

Naturally, Enzo would not refuse.

Afterwards, the two of them each took a Pasila snail, and under their leadership, slowly headed towards the City in the Sky.


The next moment, a colorful Rainbow Bridge suddenly appeared in the sky. Pasila's snail squirmed onto the Rainbow Bridge, and its speed suddenly increased hundreds of times.

Immediately afterwards, the two came to the City in the Sky.

This is an extremely gorgeous city full of fantasy. High towers rise from the ground, floating buildings can be seen everywhere, and the surrounding space is somewhat distorted, as if this is a folded city, which makes people feel amazed.

"Is this...the City in the Sky?"

Enzo murmured to himself. As a Holy Soul Wizard, he had traveled in the multiverse and had seen too many worlds. His heart had long been as solid as a rock. But now that he saw the fantastic sight of the Sky City, he couldn't help but wonder. Still a little emotional.

"Yes, this is the City in the Sky!"

A trace of pride appeared on Myrcella's face, and she said, ": The core of wizard civilization, the seat of the Supreme Council!"

Enzo nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the two of them rode the Pasla snail and wandered around the city in the sky. This city had all kinds of wonderful rules, even Enzo was a little dumbfounded. A few hours passed quickly, and he had no idea about the city in the sky. Cheng’s understanding is only the tip of the iceberg.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Accompanied by Myrcela, Enzo enjoyed the scenery of the Sky City, which was a rare experience for him.

On this day, the two came to a restaurant to rest.

"...After that, I will be promoted to the fifth level!"

Opposite me, Myrcella recounted her experiences over the years, with a sigh on her face. Hundreds of years seemed to have passed by in a blink of an eye. At the beginning, the two of them were just humble mortals, but now they have been promoted to... Immortal level existence.

"Over the years, I have traveled to many worlds..."

"Abyss World, Titan World, Dragon World, Fortress World, and even the Rainbow World..."

Myrcella continued.

"Rainbow World?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows. As far as he knew, the world in the multiverse was basically divided into three levels, with the wizard world and the abyss world at the top.

The second level is the large world.

For example, the Dragon World is ruled by the dragons, the Temple World is ruled by the King of Light, the Titan World is ruled by the Titans, or the Furnace World is ruled by the Dwarves.

The Fortress World and the Rainbow World are the worlds conquered by the wizard civilization.

Among them, the fortress world is called the cradle of knights. In that world, there are only seventh-level knights in the multiverse. The entire fortress world is a war machine created by the wizard civilization, continuously providing extraordinary knights.

Even today, most conqueror wizards will hire extraordinary knights from the fortress world as soldiers when they launch plane expeditions. Enzo also spent a lot of resources when he launched the five-realm expedition plan. Recruit extraordinary knights from the fortress world.

Compared with the Fortress World, the Rainbow World is a different world.

Although Enzo has never set foot in Rainbow World, during his apprenticeship, he heard that Rainbow World has the most wonderful entertainment facilities in the entire multiverse. Many wizards who have no hope of promotion in this life will choose Rainbow World as their choice of life. last Stand.

"That's right, Myrcella."

At this time, Enzo suddenly spoke and said, "I've been coming to Sky City for so long, but I haven't visited the ruins of Heaven Mountain yet."

"Why don't we go after we finish eating."

Myrcella nodded and said, "Yes, no problem. Wizards who come to Sky City always have to see the ruins of Heaven Mountain. After all, that was the place where the ancestors fought with the gods. If you can understand it from watching, Nothing is too bad.”

With that said, after the two of them finished eating, they came to the ruins of Heaven Mountain.

The Heavenly Mountain was once the place where the gods lived, and it was also the pillar of the entire world. Until the wizards fought with the gods later, the Heavenly Mountain was destroyed by the ancestors, and became the Stigma Continent and the City in the Sky, where the gods once lived. , has also become a relic-like existence.

"Is this the place where the ancestor of wizards once fought?"

Enzo looked at the broken wall in front of him with a trace of sigh on his face. This is where the ancestors of the wizards fought with the god-kings.

Looking around, there are broken buildings everywhere.

There used to be countless gods living on the Paradise Mountain, but with the rise of wizard civilization, the era of gods also ushered in dusk.

It was already two months later when I left the Sky City.

"Enzo, are you sure you don't want to stay in St. Mark Continent?"

On the ground, Myrcella said, "If you choose to stay, I will try my best to help you. Maybe it won't take long before you can join the Supreme Council."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Enzo shook his head and said with a smile: "Stigmata Continent is good, but it is not suitable for me now. I hope you can become stronger when we meet next time."

After that, Enzo turned and left.

Seeing this situation, Myrcella could not stay. For Enzo, the most important thing now is not to join the Supreme Council, but to advance to the sixth level as soon as possible. As the third era is coming to an end, an era full of changes is coming. .

Enzo must advance to the sixth level as soon as possible to have a chance to reach a higher peak.

As the core of wizard civilization, Stigmata Continent has special rules. It is impossible to use the teleportation ability to cross a large area. If he wants to leave, Enzo can only take a boat. Fortunately, Myrcella knows that he is leaving and prepares it for him. everything.

This day, the beach.

The sky in the distance is slightly white, bright light shines on the earth, and the blue sea is calm, like a huge mirror.

Above the sea, a huge fiery red ship floated there.

Enzo stood on the bow of the ship, took a deep look at St. Mark Continent, and then chose to set off. Maybe the next time he comes to this land, he will have reached the peak and become a more powerful existence, able to truly stand in the multiverse. the apex.

Then, the fiery red wheel began to move slowly.

There was also a ripple on the calm sea. This giant ship prepared by Myrcella had all kinds of facilities. Although Enzo didn't need anything, Enzo would be grateful to the other party for thinking of him anyway. .

The giant wheel soon started to move towards the distance.

"About three days or so."

On the deck of the giant ship, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. According to the route set by the chip, he could leave the Stigma Continent in up to three days.

As long as he leaves the range of St. Mark Continent, Enzo can use the teleportation ability.

At that time, perhaps in just a second, Enzo can return to the Northern Continent and continue his path of conquest.

On the deck, a flash of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes.

He slowly raised his arm, and the crimson mark on his skin seemed to have merged with his body. He headed to the Holy Mark Continent's Paradise Mountain. Enzo's biggest gain was to solve the problem left by the crimson Duke Flami. Now The other party is no longer a threat at all.

And the power belonging to the ancestor of vampires was also absorbed by Enzo bit by bit.

"The rules of blood!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. In the multiverse, the rules of blood mastered by the ancestors of vampires, although they have not reached the top, are still at the level of sixth-order life forms. If he can absorb the power left by the ancestors of vampires, he will definitely be able to master the rules of blood. rule.

"My road is becoming more and more chaotic!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. From the beginning of the shadow path, he has mastered more and more authority and rules along the way.

With almost every world he captured, Enzo gained a form of authority.

These authorities may be strong or weak, but they are very different from each other. The more power Enzo controls, the stronger his combat effectiveness. But if he wants to raise his life level to level seven, Enzo still needs to find a way to reach it. Only at the peak.

It is better to master one path than to master a hundred paths.


Enzo sighed, but felt helpless in his heart. Even now, he didn't know what path to take to reach the top.

Therefore, Enzo now can only try to merge his own paths.

However, different worlds have different attributes, and the rules and authorities are also different. It is definitely not an easy task for Enzo to integrate these paths. In the process, Enzo may even lose his promotion to the seventh level forever. possible.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly as he reviewed the power he had.

Among them, the authority of the war ghost world comes from the evil ghost clan. This is a power similar to belief, called the evil ghost authority. If you want this authority to become powerful, you must make the evil ghost clan strong, but it can be restricted. Due to the rules of the multiverse and Enzo's own identity, it is impossible for him to let the evil ghost tribe become the overlord civilization of the multiverse.

Therefore, it is impossible for Enzo to advance to the seventh level through the evil ghost path.

The second world is the Aquamarine World. Due to the influence of goblins, the power of this plane now belongs to giants and technology. In the multiverse, the goblins who pushed technological civilization to the pinnacle were not able to give birth to seventh-level people. Life forms, therefore, technological power is also not favored by Enzo.

As for the scarlet world, it contains the authority of the blood moon.

The owner of this authority is Ms. Yue, not Enzo's own path, so even if he tries his best to strengthen it, it is impossible to integrate it.

The authority of the forest world is nature, and the authority of the dark water world is the water element.

As for the remaining worlds, each has its own unique authority. The authorities in different worlds are even mutually exclusive. It is almost impossible to merge them together.

For example, the world of dark water and the three realms of fire.

As water and fire are opposites, it is naturally very difficult to integrate the authority of the two worlds. However, if the authority of the dark water world and the ice crystal world are fused, the improvement will be very obvious. The two will enhance each other and burst into a more powerful force. strength.

"It's difficult!"

Enzo sighed in his heart and couldn't help but rub his forehead. When he embarked on the wizard's journey, he chose shadow as his path.

And this path did benefit Enzo a lot in the early stages.

However, as Enzo continued to advance, he discovered that it was too difficult to break through to the seventh level on the Shadow Path. In other words, no matter what kind of authority Enzo chose at the beginning, promotion to the seventh level was not an easy matter. .

Any seventh level strong man must find his own path.

This is also true for Enzo, but at the same time, the seventh level is still a bit far away for Enzo. The way to advance to the sixth level is already in Enzo's heart. This is the best thing about being a conqueror wizard. As long as he keeps conquering world, you can look for opportunities for advancement.

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The giant ship kept moving forward, and the Stigma Continent behind him was getting further and further away. As long as three days passed, he could return to the Northern Continent.

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