For a wizard, three days may be just the blink of an eye.

When the big red ship sailed into a sea area, Enzo suddenly felt something in his heart. He seemed to sense something and slowly stood up from the deck.

"Restrictions lifted!"

Enzo murmured to himself that he could feel that this sea area was no longer blocked by the Stigma Continent, so he could use the teleportation ability at will.

Immediately, without hesitation, Enzo waved his hand and opened the portal.


There was just a sound of ocean current coming from the front, and then, a huge wave slowly rose up, and then opened like the eye of the abyss. The giant ship slowly sailed into it, and the next moment, it appeared in an unfamiliar sea area.

Enzo looked around and knew that this place was already near the Northern Continent.

So, Enzo floated into the air, threw the giant wheel into the dark water world, and returned to the dark polar region of the northern continent through teleportation.

In the tower, Enzo let out a sigh of relief.

Although as a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo has a physical body that never tires, but this trip to the abyss world made him a little mentally tired. Now that he has returned to the city of fog, he seems to be much more relaxed.

"Next, let's rest for a while."

Enzo was not in a hurry, but planned to take a rest first, so he came to the energy pool in the tower and soaked himself in it for three days and three nights.

When everything recovered, Enzo walked out of the pool.

"The world of sharp blades, the world of blood evil, the world of demon spirits!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he slowly raised his hand, and three World Hearts appeared in his palm, which were the biggest spoils of the abyss world this time.

The three worlds that originally belonged to the Demon Lord Ten Thousand Ren were acquired by the Crimson Duke Flami after the death of Xitas, and now they have finally fallen into the hands of Enzo.

However, having three coordinates does not mean having three worlds.

In order to integrate the heart of the world of these three worlds, Enzo also needs to seize control of the three planes, and this is not too difficult for him now.

Today's times have become chaotic.

In an era full of changes, the original rules were broken. These three worlds originally belonged to the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas. With the fall of each other, they became ownerless. After a fierce battle, they fell into In the hands of Crimson Duke Flammy.

Therefore, there are many slaves belonging to Flami stationed in the three worlds at this moment.

"Let's start with you!"

Enzo had a thought in his mind and planned to start in the world of demons, so he turned a bit of power into a phantom crow and flew into the world of demons.

The next moment, Enzo's consciousness descended into the world of demons.

The so-called demon world is essentially a world where spirit and matter merge. The life in this world is a kind of creature called demon. They are spiritual life forms, but they must be attached to material existence.

For example, the demon in front of me looks like a rabbit rag doll.

Enzo shook his head and ignored it.

After the crimson Duke Flamy took over this world, he did not make many changes to the world of monsters. However, in the center of the world of monsters, a giant city, Alcatraz Island, was built, in which Flamy was sent to rule. The demons of this world.

Enzo comes directly to Alcatraz.

The Demon King, who was appointed by the Crimson Duke to rule the demon world, was only a fourth-level life form. His combat power was not too strong, but only for Enzo.


In the sky, the phantom crow flapped its wings and landed on Alcatraz Island. After turning into a human form, many demons immediately surrounded it.

However, they did not launch an attack rashly.

In the distance, a demon with horns on its head and wings on its back came out, looked at Enzo, and then slowly knelt down.

"Tagra has met the great wizard!"

The demon named Tagela showed a very respectful attitude. A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and then he nodded slightly.

It seems that the news that the Crimson Duke was defeated by him has spread to the demon world.

Therefore, the demon named Tagla chose to surrender to himself without making any foolish resistance.

"Very good, you seem to be very smart."

The corners of Enzo's lips raised slightly. This demon named Tagela was so good, so there was no need for him to kill them all.

You can even give the other party some rewards.

After all, Tagela's surrender allowed Enzo to save many worlds, and he did not have to worry about the management of the demon world.

"By the way, Tagla."

Enzo suddenly spoke and asked, "Where is the heart of the demon world?"

"Master Wizard, here."

Tagela took out the Heart of the World and said respectfully, "Ever since I learned that the great wizard killed the Crimson Duke Flami, I have been looking forward to your arrival day and night."

"Please, great wizard, give us guidance!"

Hearing Tagela's words, a smile appeared on Enzo's face.

Then, he put away the Heart of the World and looked at Tagela. Under the gaze of the Holy Soul Wizard, Tagela did not have any secrets.

The opponent is a demon lord from the 857th floor of the abyss.

He was originally the overlord of one party, but was later defeated by the Crimson Duke Flami and became the slave of the other party.

For Tagela, there is essentially no difference between being a slave of the Crimson Duke or Enzo.

Therefore, after the death of Crimson Duke Flami, it was naturally impossible for him to fight desperately for the other party, or even risk his own life.

Enzo nodded slightly, and then stretched out his finger.

Tagela obediently let go of his soul and allowed Enzo to leave his spiritual imprint. From then on, he got rid of the control of Crimson Duke Flami and became Enzo's slave.

"From today on, you are the God of Demonic Spirits!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth and gave Tagra a name. Since the other party has the ability to rule the world of demons, he might as well merge with this world and become an indigenous god.

This is also of great benefit to Enzo.

"As you command, great wizard."

Tagela did not have any objections to the arrangement Enzo gave him, and directly chose to accept it, and stayed in the world of demon spirits forever.

At the same time, in the northern tower.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The process of conquering the world of demons went smoothly, with almost no obstacles. This seemed to be a good start for Enzo.

Then, he set his sights on the next target.

"World of Blades!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. This plane was once the most important world of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Xietas a long time ago, which is equivalent to the dragon's nest world of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

With a thought, the Phantom Crow descended into the world of sharp blades.

Compared to the world of demons, the world of blades is in a state of chaos. The original appearance here has long been changed. The races that once lived in the world of blades have now disappeared. The world of blades is now ruled by a large number of blade demons.

In the abyss world, the Blade Demon is a low-level demon.

Similar to existences such as the Sinking Demon, the Fire Demon, and the Beholder Demon, because the number is too large, many powerful existences will always be born. Among them, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon majors in Shutas. It was originally a sharp-edged demon. As it continues to grow, Finally, he was successfully promoted to a fifth-level life form.

After becoming a fifth-level demon lord, Shutas captured the Blade World.

And he also made this place his own territory and spent a lot of time changing the rules of the Blade World to make this plane suitable for the existence of Blade Demons. He also migrated a large number of Blade Demons from the Wizarding World and came here to become the indigenous race of the Blade World. .

Even later, the Blade World was captured by the Crimson Duke Flammy.

But even so, the sharp blade demon here has not been expelled. Instead, it has retained its original status, but its allegiance has been changed from the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas to the Crimson Duke Flami.

The Phantom Crow landed on the ground and then transformed into Enzo's form.

On the desolate land, many sharp-edged demons were hunting. After seeing Enzo's appearance, they surrounded him one after another, screaming and attacking. For these low-level creatures, they did not feel the horror of Enzo at all. .

In place, Enzo looked calm.

Then, he waved his hand casually, and the shadow spread like a tide. In just an instant, all the sharp blade demons were killed, leaving only a few farther away blade demons, moving further away in fear. escape.

Enzo didn't pay much attention to this.

The expedition to the Blade World is not over yet, so Enzo has not yet considered how to deal with these Blade Demons. It stands to reason that these Blade Demons have survived in the Blade World for many years, and in a sense they already belong to native life.

If Enzo drives them all away, it means that Enzo must choose a race to support in the Blade World and re-establish a new order.

This is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing for Enzo.

Therefore, Enzo thought about it for a while, and finally decided to retain the Blade Demon race, and follow the practices of the Demon World, selecting a strong man from the Blade Demon to support him, and then serve as his spokesperson to rule the Blade World.

Immediately, Enzo looked around.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo issued an order in his heart, and the chip's scanning function immediately spread throughout the world, and everything in the world of sharp blades became extremely clear.


At this time, Enzo suddenly felt an unusual aura, which seemed a little familiar, but he didn't know where it came from.

Suddenly, Enzo felt a sense of interest.

So, he transformed into a phantom crow again and flew in one direction. Not long after, he came to a camp similar to a town, where tens of thousands of sharp-blade demons lived.

In the sky, Enzo looked down at the earth.

The Blade World has long been ruled by Blade Demons, but they have not formed a kingdom system, but are in a form similar to a wild tribe.

Today's sharp blade world costs thousands of large and small tribes.

Although the tribe in front of them has tens of thousands of blade demons, it is not very large. The leader of the tribe, the blade demon, seems to be only a second-order life form.

Far away, on the other side of the wilderness.

Tens of thousands of sharp-edged demons are coming in force. These bladed demons are obviously from another tribe and intend to start a war.

Above the sky, Enzo watched everything below.

Even in the abyss world, the blade demons are low-level demons. When they are weak, their intelligence is not high, and many things follow the demon's killing instinct. The blade demons, like the sinking demons, like to live in groups in tribes.

There are always wars between different tribes because of some inexplicable things.

Even, they are not competing for resources, but simply to satisfy their desire to kill, so they start fighting until one side is eliminated.

At this time, although the Blade Demons came to the Blade World, the killing instinct in their bodies that originated from the Abyss World did not seem to change.

The two tribes were far apart, but for unknown reasons they started a war.

On the desolate land, tens of thousands of blade demons were fighting each other. Enzo even doubted whether they could distinguish between those blade demons that belonged to their own tribe and those that were enemies. Driven by the desire to kill, the demons fought fiercely. .

The only thing that really caught Enzo's attention was the second-order sharp blade demon.

Enzo felt an unusual aura from this blade demon. Although he looked no different from an ordinary blade demon, Enzo felt a little familiar inexplicably, and he also had some feelings about this second-level blade demon. infer.

"Come out and fight, Shoukas!"

In the distance, a blade demon comparable to a troll slowly appeared on the battlefield. He held a huge stick in his hand and ran rampant on the desolate land. Any blade demon that came close would be attacked by the giant regardless of whether it was friend or foe. Rod attack.

Bang bang bang!

In just a few steps, the giant blade demon had been waving its stick continuously, knocking the three blade demons away. The terrifying momentum made the other blade demons couldn't help but retreat.

"Third level?"

In the sky, Enzo had a thought in his mind. He felt the life level of this sharp-edged demon, and thoughts flickered in his heart.

The giant blade demon seems to be the leader of the tribe, but it has a higher life level than the tribe leader named Xiukas.

"Fight me!"

The giant blade demon let out a roar, and the giant stick in its hand was like a killing machine, constantly hitting the surrounding blade demons.

On the opposite side, the sharp-blade demon named Xiukas was only a second-level life form.

But he exuded a strange aura and seemed very calm. Even when facing an enemy stronger than himself, he did not feel the slightest fear.

The next moment, Xiukas rushed out.

Compared to the giant sharp-blade demon's physique, he looked like an ordinary person, holding a scimitar in each hand. With his flexible speed, he quickly approached the giant sharp-blade demon. Just a stagger caused damage to the opponent.

Although the damage was insignificant to the giant blade demon, such behavior undoubtedly angered the giant blade demon.

"I'm going to smash your head in!"

The giant blade demon let out a roar, then swung its giant stick and launched violent attacks at Xiukas, but the opponent nimbly dodged them.

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