Journey to the witch world

Chapter 993 Cultivation


Christina nodded and said, "In that case, I won't shirk it. To be honest, the temple left behind by the Immortal God is indeed the most suitable place for me to attack the sixth level."

Next to her, Myrcella nodded.

Then, she waved her hand, and flames ignited in the desert, turning into a passage directly connected to the pyramid in front.

"Let's go, Master," Myrcella said.

Christina took a deep breath and then walked towards the flame channel. The other wizards who had been rescued from the abyss all around had expressions of envy on their faces. Although they didn't know who Myrcella was, they had some idea of ​​the temple in front of them. Some understanding.

Even today, the legend of the Immortal God is still widely circulated!

"Okay, everyone."

At this time, Enzo spoke to the many wizards and said, "You have been saved. If you want to return to your own continent, please leave as soon as possible."

"If you don't want to, just stay in the Central Stigma Continent for the time being!"

Many wizards thanked them one after another. They all came from all over the world, but now that they have come to the Central Stigma Continent, no one wants to leave again.

For any wizard, Stigma Continent is a place of pilgrimage.

Being able to stay here to practice has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort for wizards. It is usually very difficult for wizards to go to the St. Mark Continent, but this experience in the abyss world may be a blessing in disguise for them.

Afterwards, the wizards dispersed.

Since they decided to leave the Stigma Continent, they naturally had to make some preparations, at least to experience the charm of the Stigmata Continent first.

Soon, many wizards left one after another.

"Sir Enzo."

At this time, Myrcella suddenly spoke and greeted, "Come in too. It will be good for you to visit the temple left by the Immortal God!"

Hearing Myrcella's words, Enzo's heart moved.

Then, he nodded. Enzo, who possesses the Three Realms of Fire, also has a certain understanding of the path of fire. Therefore, if he can gain some insights in the temple of the Immortal God, his own strength will naturally be greatly improved.

Afterwards, the three of them walked into the pyramid together.

Entering the interior of the Temple of the Immortal Temple, Enzo looked around. What he saw were red-gold walls everywhere, with ancient incantations engraved on them. Each incantation contained terrifying power. People feel as if they are on fire.

Not long after, the three of them had arrived at a hall.

There was a secondary mural carved around the wall. Enzo looked at it with a thoughtful look on his face. The content on this mural seemed to come from scenes from ancient times. In this way, it recorded the process of history. .

"This is the birth and experience of the Immortal God!" Myrcella said softly.

Enzo nodded slightly and looked at the mural.

On the wall of Nuoda, first of all, the first stroke is engraved with a burning flame, surrounded by endless darkness and chaos, which represents that the world has just been conceived. The flame is the predecessor of the Immortal God. From a certain time In this sense, the Immortal God at that time was nothing more than a ball of elements.

Then, the second mural.

As time goes by, the chaos of the world gradually dissipates. In the darkness, a figure similar to an elemental elf emerges from the flames representing the Immortal God. That is the Immortal God, born in the darkness. The Wizarding World of the first flame.

The third mural is not just about the Immortal God.

With the beginning of chaos, all things are gestated, and the era of gods comes. At this point in time, almost all life has absorbed the power of gifts from the world, thus possessing wisdom and becoming gods, just because they have received the power of gifts from the world. They are different, and their divine power is also different.

For example, the Immortal God received a large portion of the world's power.

But a stone not far away from him only received a small amount of world power. Both of them were qualified to become gods, but their strength was far different.

The fourth mural.

When the world gave birth to life, disputes also began. In order to desire more power from the world, the newly born gods targeted their companions and fought with each other. In the constant war, they also began to divide. into factions.

In the center of the hall, Enzo looked at the wall.

Through the pictures on the wall, he seemed to have experienced the life of the Immortal God and witnessed the beginning of the age of the gods. Unfortunately, due to the battle on Paradise Mountain in ancient times, the wonder of the Immortal God was also seriously damaged. .

Therefore, many of the pictures on the walls are incomplete.

I don’t know how many murals it is. At this time, the Immortal God has become a powerful existence. Almost no one in this world dares to be his enemy. The war between gods and demons has not yet begun, and the wizard civilization has not been born. The Immortal God has not yet begun. God stands on the earth with mighty force.

Immediately afterwards, all races were born.

Various races appeared in the world, and the originally quiet land became lively. The gods who were still fighting with each other also began a period of peace. They began to become superior and enjoy the offerings of weak lives.

Although the Immortal God is a powerful god, he did not create a new race. Instead, he chose to select some beings from all races as his followers.

Among them, humans are one of them.

In the picture below, a human tribe is worshiping the Immortal God. They wear ancient animal skin clothes and form a circle under the night. A huge flame is burning in the center. As several old men pray devoutly, , several mothers walked out tremblingly.

The sacrifices to the Immortal God were several newborn babies!

Only by sacrificing your most precious things to the great gods can you show your piety. This is the understanding of believers.

As the babies cried, several old men threw them into the flames.

Such a terrifying and creepy scene was the norm in ancient times. In the era when gods ruled, humans were like livestock.

"This is the tragedy of the weak!"

In the hall, Enzo sighed in his heart. Human beings in ancient times were too insignificant. Therefore, facing the endless oppression of the gods, they had no courage to resist.

In fact, in the context of that era, resistance was undoubtedly the stupidest thing.

Because humans who have not yet mastered extraordinary power cannot defeat the gods no matter what. Resistance will only lead to more cruel treatment. Only by maintaining absolute loyalty can we have a chance to gain mercy from the gods and gain protection from the gods. .

Enzo shook his head and continued to look.

The scenes on the murals are constantly changing, representing the changes of the times. With the development of the Age of Gods, a touch of darkness finally appears in the sky.

The biggest change in the world has arrived!

The gods ushered in their old enemy, the demon lord of the abyss world. Under the background of the invasion of foreign enemies, even the aloof gods could only temporarily give up their hatred of each other and choose to unite to fight against the abyss demons. .

This process is very long.

The pictures on the wall also began to record the achievements of the Immortal God. As the most powerful god under the King of Light, the Immortal God took action many times and killed several demon lords. Among them, the demon lord of the same level There are three.

Gods and demons, and all races also suffered heavy losses.

But it was at this time that mankind quietly emerged, and the ancestor of wizards, Oshikas, started the origin of wizard civilization. However, it was not reflected in the murals of the temple. In fact, most of the content on the murals was Related to the Immortal God.

As for other gods, they are very rare.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but the battle between gods and demons finally came to an end. With the joint efforts of wizards and gods, the demons were repulsed. However, the role of wizards was not reflected in the pictures on the wall at all. Instead, it was expressed in words. With history.

"That day, the gods defeated the demons!"

"The great gods have protected the world again, the darkness has been driven back to the abyss, and the order of the world is about to be restored to its original state..."

Enzo murmured to himself, with a sneer on his face.

It seems that the pictures on the walls are all painted by believers of the Immortal God. It was obviously the wizards and gods who joined forces to defeat the demons, but there is no record of the wizards' civilization achievements on it. Instead, it is said that the gods once again protected it. this world.

Enzo shook his head and continued to look.

The pictures on the wall continued to change. As the demons were driven back to the abyss world, the gods had no intention of recuperating. Instead, they were eager to regain their dominance and force humans to hand over their extraordinary power and become their own livestock again.

"Those thieves who steal the power of gods should be severely punished!"

"It is the gods who have given you life, and it is the gods who protect this world, but shameless thieves try to resist the rule of the gods..."

The ancient texts on the walls record the history from the perspective of the gods.

Enzo sneered, with a look of disdain on his face. The so-called thief should refer to the wizard civilization. The gods thought that humans had stolen their power, but they did not mention it at all. If the wizard civilization had not appeared, the world would have fallen into the hands of demons. .

Human beings who have already mastered the extraordinary will naturally not be able to give up their power.

For this reason, the ancestor Oshikas negotiated with the gods, hoping to retain the power of the wizard civilization, and said that he could lead the wizards to the most remote corners of the world and never interfere with the rule of the gods.

The gods looked down upon this.

Even though the wizard ancestor Oshikas said that the most remote corner of the world is only one ten millionth of the world's territory, how could the gods, who were accustomed to being aloof, allow humans to resist their orders.

Then the war between wizards and gods began.

The pictures on the walls became more and more distorted. In the war with the wizard civilization, the gods thought they could easily win, but they did not expect that the war did not develop as they imagined. Then, they noticed that the Victory Scale began. When it tilted, the gods launched a great flood.

They plan to reshuffle the cards and reshape the order of the world!

The picture on the wall stopped abruptly, and Enzo looked thoughtful. If we follow the development of history, the next step should be the battle of Paradise Mountain. The ancestor of the wizard changed the pattern of the world with one person, and thus became the incarnation. The will of the world.

At that time, the Immortal God had already fallen!

Therefore, the pictures on the walls did not record the battle at Paradise Mountain. They only recorded that the gods were preparing to punish mankind with a great flood.

"It seems that this is history in the eyes of the gods!"

On the spot, Christina sneered and said faintly, "How shameless! If it weren't for the rise of wizard civilization, even this world would be ruled by the abyss. These gods actually shamelessly think that they rule the world."

"Perhaps, in the eyes of the gods, they would rather let the abyss take over the world than let the wizard civilization take their place?"

Enzo sighed.

Christina and Myrcella nodded slightly, both agreeing with this view.

Then, Myrcella waved her hand, and flames suddenly ignited on the ground, and strong fire elements and temperatures filled the entire pyramid.

"Okay, mentor."

Myrcella smiled and said, "Next, you can practice here. With the blessing of the Immortal Temple, you will definitely be able to advance to the realm of immortality."

"I hope so!" Christina took a deep breath, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

After traveling on the wizard's journey for thousands of years, for Myrcella today, there is really not much time left for herself.

If she can't seize the opportunity, I'm afraid that all that awaits her will be nothing more than a handful of loess.

Feeling the breath of flames in the pyramid, a hint of understanding appeared on Enzo's face. He possesses the three realms of flames and has a certain understanding of the path of flames. Just observing the Immortal Temple is of great benefit to Enzo.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Christina had long since disappeared and entered the deepest part of the Temple of the Immortal to practice, while Enzo sat cross-legged on the ground and slowly opened his eyes.

From his eyes, the fire seemed to be burning.

Next to her, Myrcella saw Enzo waking up from meditation, and a smile appeared on her face, saying, "How are you? How do you feel?"

"very good!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with luster, and he suddenly stretched out his hand, and a phantom crow flew out of his palm, murmuring, "I feel like my understanding of the path of flames has reached a new level!"

As he spoke, the phantom crow in Enzo's palm burst into flames.

After ten days of training in the Immortal Temple, Enzo has benefited a lot. He has integrated the power of the flame path with the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits. At the same time, he has a clearer plan for his next growth. Since the shadow path cannot be taken At the top, Enzo can also choose to open up a new path.

A path of your own!

"It would be nice if it helped!"

A smile also appeared on Myrcella's face. She had practiced in the Temple of the Immortal for many years, so she naturally knew the mysteries here. It was normal for Enzo to understand it in the temple. However, Myrcella couldn't do it no matter how much she improved. And know it.

Unfortunately, I got infected. I got sunburned. It’s so uncomfortable. This picture will be revised tomorrow. Please keep warm.

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